Is Acidophilus Milk the Same as Kefir: Let’s Find Out

Rohit Panwar

Acidophilus milk vs kefir, wondering if they are the same product? Well, they aren’t and knowing the differences between them is significant to make a choice. 

In recent years, acidophilus milk and kefir have become popular choices for boosting their probiotic intake. However, many people are unsure of the differences between the two. In this blog post, I’ll take a closer look at acidophilus milk vs kefir to help you make an informed decision.


| Kefir versus Actimel– Are They The Same?

Acidophilus Milk vs Kefir: Key Similarities & Differences 

Before we get into the detailed analysis of differences between acidophilus milk and kefir, here is a quick overview – 

Acidophilus Milk

Milk & Milk & Culture


Milk & Kefir Grains

Acidophilus Milk

Sweet & Creamy


Sour & Creamy

Acidophilus Milk

1 Cup


1 Cup

Acidophilus Milk




Acidophilus Milk

12 g*


11 g*

Acidophilus Milk

4.6 g*


10 g*

Acidophilus Milk

8.2 g*


10 g*

Acidophilus Milk

307 mg*


410 mg*

Acidophilus Milk




Acidophilus Milk

Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon

Acidophilus Milk




Acidophilus Milk




Acidophilus Milk




Acidophilus Milk




Acidophilus Milk

Very Good


Very Good

Acidophilus Milk



Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Now that you have an idea about the difference between kefir and actimel, let’s dig a little deeper. 

How Are Acidophilus Milk & Kefir Milk Made?

Acidophilus milk is made by adding the  Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria to regular milk and allowing it to ferment. The acidophilus milk available in the marked generally uses 1% or 2% fat milk

Kefir milk, on the other hand, is made using kefir grains, which are a combination of bacteria and yeast. Usually whole cow milk is used for the purpose, but you can also use buffalo, goat or sheep’s milk.  

Difference in The Taste & Texture of Acidophilus Milk & Kefir 

This is one of the most prominent differences between acidophilus milk and kefir.  Acidophilus milk has a tangy and slightly sour taste. The texture of acidophilus milk is smooth and creamy, similar to regular milk.

Kefir, comparatively has a more complex taste profile that can be described as tangy, sour, and slightly yeasty. The texture of kefir is thicker and creamier than regular milk, with a slightly effervescent quality due to the carbon dioxide produced during fermentation. 

What is the Daily Recommended Consumption of Acidophilus Milk Vs Kefir?

As a nutritionist, I always emphasise on moderating intake of all kinds of food. I recommend drinking 1-2 cups of acidophilus milk or kefir  per day, as a part of a balanced diet.

If you are new to these products, I recommend starting with a small serving size, such as 1/4 to 1/2 cup per day, and gradually increase as tolerated. 

Which Has More Calories: Acidophilus Milk or Kefir?

Market bought acidophilus milk is generally low in calories. The reason for this is that it is usually made using low fat milk. The calorie count can be higher for sweetened and flavoured versions. 

Traditionally, kefir is usually made using whole milk and is thus high in calories. However, you can use low fat milk or skim milk to make kefir if you like to limit your calorie consumption.  

Acidophilus Milk Vs Kefir: Drink Lower in Carbs

Between acidophilus milk and kefir, kefir is generally lower in carbs. This is because the fermentation converts much of the lactose in the milk into lactic acid for production of kefir. This reduces the carb content.

On the other hand, acidophilus milk contains a higher amount of lactose. While the fermentation process used to make acidophilus milk does convert some of the lactose into lactic acid, the carb content is still higher compared to kefir.   

Which is Lower in Fats: Acidophilus Milk Or Kefir?

The exact fat content can vary depending on the brand and type of milk used for each product. So, if fat is an important consideration for you, make sure you check the nutritional labels.

In general kefir may have a slightly higher fat content since traditionally full fat or whole milk is used to make kefir. Low fat versions will have lower fat content. 

What To Consume For Higher Protein Intake: Acidophilus Milk Or Kefir? 

Both acidophilus milk and kefir being dairy products are good sources of protein. However,  kefir typically has a slightly higher protein content than acidophilus milk.

If you’re looking to increase your protein intake, either acidophilus milk or kefir could be a good option. The protein in these products is not only high but also good quality. 

Which One Has More Calcium: Acidophilus Milk Or Kefir?

As is visible in the table above, kefir has a slightly higher calcium content than acidophilus milk. However, these values may vary with the brand and the kind of milk used for fermentation. 

Calcium is an important nutrient that plays a key role in bone health and many other bodily functions. 

Acidophilus Milk Vs Kefir: The Nutritionally Superior Option

Acidophilus milk, despite being low in calories, is nutrient rich. It inherits all the nutrients including proteins, vitamins and minerals from its source milk.

Likewise kefir being a dairy product is rich in a number of nutrients including such as proteins, calcium, good fats, vitamins – A, B, and D. If we compare the two, kefir is more nutritionally dense than acidophilus milk.    

Best Time to Consume Acidophilus Milk Vs Kefir

The best time to consume acidophilus milk and kefir really depends on your preferences and needs. Although both can be consumed at any time of the day, I recommend avoiding it after dinner as per Ayurveda. 

I, as a nutritionist, recommend drinking acidophilus milk or kefir. It can be a great way to begin your day. You can also consume it post lunch or as a snack. 

Which One Can be Made Vegan: Acidophilus Milk Or Kefir?

Acidophilus milk as is clear from the discussion above is made from milk and is not vegan-friendly. 

Kefir, although traditionally made from milk, can be made vegan.  Kefir has many types. of which many are made from plant milks and other non dairy alternatives.

Which is Better for the Environment: Acidophilus Milk Or Kefir?

Dairy-based products are bad for the planet. This makes both kefir and acidophilus milk non-sustainable choices. 

Non-dairy kefir is a more sustainable choice when compared to acidophilus milk. 

Acidophilus Milk Vs Kefir: Better for Oral & Bone Health

Acidophilus milk and kefir can both be beneficial for oral and bone health due to their calcium and probiotic content. While calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and teeth, probiotics make them more potent .

Probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria play a role in supporting oral health. Kefir may have a slight advantage in this regard due to its higher probiotic content.

Better Option for Digestive Health: Acidophilus Milk Or Kefir?

Kefir and acidophilus milk can be beneficial for digestive health due to their probiotic content. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help support a healthy gut microbiome, which can aid in digestion and overall digestive health. 

Kefir trumps acidophilus milk in this regard due to its higher probiotic content and the presence of a wider variety of beneficial bacteria strains

Which Is Better For Hydration:  Acidophilus Milk Or Kefir? 

Since both acidophilus milk and kefir have a high water content, they can contribute to hydration. 

However, it’s important to note that both acidophilus milk and kefir may also contain added sugars or flavorings, which can reduce their hydrating effects and contribute to excess calorie intake. So, make sure you choose plain, unsweetened versions.

Acidophilus Milk Vs Kefir: The More Versatile Drink?

Since acidophilus milk has a milder flavour, it can be used as a substitute for regular milk in recipes, and can also be used to make yogurt, smoothies, and other beverages. 

Kefir is also a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways. You can consume it as such or use it as a base for smoothies, salad dressings, and dips. Some people also use kefir as a substitute for yogurt in recipes. 

The decision between acidophilus milk and kefir comes down to your personal preferences and needs. If you like to consume something closer to milk in taste. acidophilus milk may be the better choice, while kefir is a good option if you are looking for a wider range of probiotic strains and nutrients.

By considering the differences between the two, you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.