Which Will Be the Better Choice- Almond Milk or Buffalo Milk? 

Rohit Panwar

Thinking about the best alternative for nutrition between Almond milk versus Buffalo milk? Many people just making a move from non-dairy to dairy find themselves facing the question.

If opting for almond milk or buffalo milk is a dilemma you’re facing, as I nutritionist, I am here to resolve all your doubts and queries. Stay with me till the end for the much-awaited answers.

Almond Milk Versus Buffalo Milk


| Almond Milk Vs Cashew Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Helping You Choose Between Almond Milk Versus Buffalo Milk Based on 15 Attributes

Before heading to a detailed discussion, here’s an overview of the differences between Almond milk and Buffalo milk:

Almond Milk

Almonds & Water

Buffalo Milk

Milk from Buffaloes

Almond Milk

Creamy & Nutty

Buffalo Milk

Sweet & Creamy

Almond Milk

1 cup

Buffalo Milk

1 cup

Almond Milk


Buffalo Milk


Almond Milk

2.5 g*

Buffalo Milk

16.8 g*

Almond Milk

1 g*

Buffalo Milk

9.15 g*

Almond Milk

46- 482 mg*

Buffalo Milk

412 mg*

Almond Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Buffalo Milk


Almond Milk


Buffalo Milk


Almond Milk


Buffalo Milk


Almond Milk


Buffalo Milk

Very Good

Almond Milk

Very Good

Buffalo Milk


Almond Milk

Very Good

Buffalo Milk


Almond Milk

Very Good

Buffalo Milk


Almond Milk

Vanilla, Cocoa

Buffalo Milk

Honey, Turmeric 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope that the above comparison table helped you answer your basic question, Is almond milk better than buffalo milk?

If not, let me help you by explaining all the chosen aspects in details below:

Differences in the Source of Buffalo Milk Vs Almond Milk?

Almond milk, as the name suggests, is obtained from almonds. Overnight soaked almonds are blended with some water and then strained to remove the pulp. The strained liquid is the creamy and off-white coloured Almond milk.

Buffalo milk is a dairy product that is produced by buffaloes. This milk is then filtered  or sieved so as to remove any impurities. 

Comparing the Taste & Consistency of Buffalo Milk and Almond Milk 

Almond milk is a plant-based milk derived from almonds. Due to its source of origin, it is quite creamy in texture and has a nutty flavor. It has a thin consistency because of the addition of water.

Buffalo milk, on the other hand, tastes slightly sweet and creamy. It is thick and viscous which gives you the feeling of fullness when you consume it.

How Much Buffalo Milk or Almond Milk Should be Drunk Daily?

As Almond milk is a plant-based product and promotes well-being, it can be consumed daily. A maximum of 2 cups of almond milk is suggested for daily intake.

Buffalo milk, on the other hand, is dairy or farm milk derived from buffaloes. It contains many essential vitamins and minerals so, it is recommended to have around 1 cup of Buffalo milk daily.

Comparing Calorific Value of the Beverages- Buffalo Milk and Almond Milk

Nowadays, many people are shifting toward low-calorie foods for the multiple benefits they offer such as weight control, cholesterol control, etc. 

When it comes to the comparison of calorie content in Almond milk versus Buffalo milk, then it is observed that the calorie content in Buffalo milk is much higher than that in Almond Milk. So, almond milk is a better option when it comes to consuming low-calorie foods.

Total Fats in Buffalo Milk When Compared to Almond Milk

Buffalo milk is a nutrient ddense food. If we compare the fat content in Buffalo milk and Almond milk taking 1 cup as the standard measure for both beverages, then the total fats present in Buffalo milk is way more than that in Almond milk.

So, if you want to consume less fat-containing foods or are interested in weight loss, you can have almond milk. However, dairy Buffalo milk contains a fair amount of saturated fats (good fats) that are beneficial to the human body. So, limited consumption can do you good. 

Comparing the Protein Content of Buffalo Milk Versus Almond Milk

Proteins are the essential nutrients required by the human body for growth and development. A person needs around 0.8 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight to be able to stay fit and perform everyday functions. 

If we talk about protein content in both the amazing nutritious beverages, then the proteins present in 1 cup of Buffalo milk are 9 times more than that of 1 cup of Almond Milk. So, buffalo milk can be a pretty good addition to completing your daily protein intake.

Comparing the Calcium Content of Buffalo Milk to That of Almond Milk

Calcium is the essential nutrient that is associated with strengthening bones and muscles. Since buffalo milk is a dairy product its calcium content is pretty good when compared to Almond milk.

However, market versions of almond milk are enriched with Calcium and vitamin D. Therefore they can help you meet your daily calcium requirements. 

Discussing the Environment- Friendliness of Buffalo Milk Versus Almond Milk

Since Almond milk is a plant-based product it is definitely better for the environment as compared to buffalo milk. However, almond production has its own ser of challenges. It has been associated with freshwater depletion and contamination and hence, we can say that its impact on the environment is average.

On the other hand, buffalo milk is a dairy product. Dairy products not only have ethical issues but also impact the environment negatively.  This is because of the overgrazing problem and the release of carbon dioxide which is linked to global warming. 

Buffalo Milk Vs Almond Milk, Which One’s Suitable For Vegans

Many people are switching over to a vegan diet for its numerous health benefits over dairy products plus the less negative effect on the environment.

Almond milk is a nut-based drink and completely vegan-friendly. On the contrary, Buffalo milk, being derived from an animal source, cannot be considered a vegan-friendly product.

Analysing the Best Time To Drink Buffalo Milk and Almond Milk

Both Buffalo milk and Almond milk offer many nutritional benefits. Those who want a power-packed combination of minerals and vitamins should surely include these in their daily diet. 

Depending on your preference, you can choose your beverage and drink it daily in the morning for getting a boost of energy. You can also choose to drink them before bedtime at night as they both promote good sleep.

For Enhanced Oral Health, What’s a Better Option –  Almond Milk Or Buffalo Milk

Till now, we know that buffalo milk is rich in many essential vitamins and minerals including calcium that is needed for strengthening teeth, gums, jaw bones and muscles. Hence, it is very beneficial for improving oral and dental health.

On the other hand, market versions of almond milk contain a good proportion of calcium which is essential for teeth. Other than that Almond milk is rich in many nutrients like potassium, and Vitamin E which are good for overall oral health. 

The Effect of Buffalo Milk Versus Almond Milk on Digestion

Buffalo milk nutrition- dense food but when it comes to digestion it lags behind. It is rich in calories and fats, hence children and older adults may find it hard to digest. Also, if you are lactose-intolerant, then you should avoid buffalo milk. 

Homemade Almond milk usually lacks a good amount of calcium but is rich in other essential vitamins and minerals that make it very nutritious. Almond milk is also rich in fiber that helps in keeping your digestion up to the mark. 

Buffalo Milk or Almond Milk, Which One Does a Better Job in Body Cooling

Buffalo milk and Almond milk are the perfect solutions when it comes to bodily cooling in the scorching summers. They contain a substantial amount of water that helps with body cooling. However, almond milk does a better job at cooling when compared to buffalo milk. 

These chilled drinks instantly lower the body temperature resulting in a cooling effect. They can be served as lattes, smoothies, milkshakes etc. in summer.

Do Buffalo Milk and Almond Milk Help to Keep Our Body Hydrated?

Apart from containing a good amount of water, both almond and buffalo milk contains a fair amount of nutirents that help in keeping the body hydrated. Hence they are a great addition to your daily water intake

Both almond milk and Buffalo milk  provide essential minerals like sodium, potassium, chloride, etc. that together maintain the electrolytic or mineral balance in our body and also promotes reabsorption of water. These eventually prevent dehydration by maintaining the optimum water levels in our body.

What Nutritious Additions Can be Made to Buffalo Milk & Almond Milk?

In homes, almond milk can be made more nutritious by adding either of these: Honey, vanilla, agave syrup, and cocoa or cinnamon, strawberries, dates, salted caramel or peanut butter.

When it comes to Buffalo milk, it can be made more nourishing and delicious by adding honey. Additionally, fruits like mango, and strawberries can also be added for preparing milkshakes and smoothies. Some people also use vanilla or chocolate powder as the flavoring agent in milk to enhance its taste.

I hope that this blog answered all your queries, doubts and concerns related to Almond milk versus Buffalo milk. While both are nutritious beverages, Almond milk is definitely a better option because of its ease of digestion, low calorie, and lower fat level, especially for older adults. 

If you still want to ask or discuss something, then feel free to join me in the comments section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.