Which Reigns As a Supreme Choice Between Eggs and Milk?

Rohit Panwar

As a nutritionist, I often find myself in discussions about the nutritional merits of different foods. Today, we embark on a journey to explore the age-old debate: eggs vs. milk. 

Eggs and milk are both nutrient-dense foods, and many times people substitute one for another. But should you be doing that? Can one source be enough? Which one’s better? Let me help you find these answers and more. 

Eggs Vs Milk: The Ultimate Nutritional Face-off

Let’s take a quick look at milk vs eggs nutritional value and benefits –  






Bland & Soft


Creamy & Mild




1-2 Cups






0.63 g*


11.4 g*


8.36 g*


7.81 g*


11 g*


8 g*


49.2 mg*


300 mg*








Very Good














Very Good


Very Good


Very Good


Very Good


Very Good











*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is Serving Size, 2 eggs & 1 Cup milk   

Difference in the Origins & Historical Usage of Eggs Vs Milk

Eggs have been consumed for millions of years, since our hunting gathering days. Their consumption finds mention in Ancient Egyptian, and Southeast Asia cultures. 

Here, I am taking raw chicken eggs, since it is the most widely consumed type. Duck, quail, turkey, etc. are some other popular eggs that people eat. 

Milk’s journey as a food much later than eggs with the domestication of animals The most common sources of milk worldwide are cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep and camels. 

Since cow’s milk is the most popular option, I am using whole milk for comparison here. 

Eggs vs Milk: How Do They Differ in Taste,  Texture & Odour

Eggs have a creamy, soft and velvety texture when cooked.  Taste wise, they have a subtle, almost bland flavor that pairs well with countless ingredients. 

Milk has a smooth consistency with a slightly sweet and creamy taste. Milk has a very faint almost comforting aroma, eggs have a very peculiar smell, which many people find off putting.

How Many Eggs Vs Milk Can You Consume in a Day?

For adults in good shape and decent physical activity, it is generally safe to consume 1-2 eggs per day. You can eat 1 whole egg and 1 egg white. However if you have issues like high cholesterol, avoid eating the egg yolks and stick to the whites. 

You can consume 1-2 cups of milk per day if you are an adult with no issues with milk or milk products. This amount should be enough to get all of the milk’s nutrients.  

Which One Has More Calories: Raw Eggs or Milk?

The calorie difference between eggs and milk is mainly because of their different composition. Eggs are higher in protein and fat, whereas milk is more liquid and contains carbohydrates in the form of lactose

The majority of calories in eggs come from the yolk, which contains both protein and fat. In milk, it primarily comes from the natural sugars (lactose), fat, and protein. 

If you are on a low calorie diet, opt for egg whites or low fat milk.

Better Suited for a Low Carb Diet: Eggs or Milk?

Eggs are naturally low in carbohydrates which makes them an excellent choice for those following a low-carb diet, such as a ketogenic or Atkins diet.

Milk contains a higher amount of carbohydrates, primarily in the form of lactose. For a low-carb diet, you should either avoid or limit the quantity of milk intake. 

Which Has a Better Fat Profile : Eggs or Milk?

Let’s consider different types of fat content, including saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and cholesterol of eggs and milk

Unsaturated Fat: These are the good fats and the majority of fats in eggs (around 70%) come under this category. In milk, the proportion of unsaturated fat is generally lower (43%)

Saturated Fat: This fat is considered to be bad fat and if we compare per serving, then egg has lower amount of saturated fat compared to milk. 

Cholesterol: Eggs are relatively high in dietary cholesterol when compared to eggs. 

Overall, eggs and milk both contain good fats. However, if you wish to reduce your fat or cholesterol content, opt for low fat milk and egg whites. 

Which Is a Better Source of Protein – Eggs or Milk ? 

Wondering – Is egg protein better than milk: Well, they are an excellent source of high-quality, complete protein containing all the essential amino acids. So, if you wish to increase protein intake, while keeping carbs and fats in check, egg whites will do the job.

Milk also contains good quality protein, but it is not as protein-dense as eggs. 1 serving of eggs contains more protein than 1-cup of milk.

Milk vs eggs for bodybuilding: as a nutritionist, I would say, a combination of both can be beneficial. Eggs can be a part of a protein-rich meal plan to support muscle growth, while milk can serve as a post-workout recovery drink, providing a balance of protein and carbohydrates.

Eggs or Milk – Which Can Help You Meet Your Calcium Requirements? 

If your goal is to meet your calcium needs, milk or dairy products are more effective options. 

Eggs do contain a small amount of calcium, but it’s minimal in comparison to milk. 

Which Is More Nutritious Egg or Milk?

Let’s now talk about milk vs eggs nutritional value for vitamins and minerals. Overall milk’s has a greater diversity of nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals,

Apart from calcium, milk is a rich source of  vitamin D, vitamin A, and other essential minerals like potassium. It also contains good amounts of B vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin B12, and pantothenic acid.

Eggs contain vitamins such as B12, B6, and folate. They also contain minerals like  phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Eggs also contain a nutrient called choline which is important for brain health

Raw Eggs Vs Milk Nutritional Value

Which Is More Nutritionally Bioavailable: Egg or Milk?

Nutritional bioavailability means how easily and effectively does your body absorb and use the nutrients from the food you eat. Both eggs and milk offer good nutritional bioavailability, but eggs have an advantage. 

The nutrients in eggs like protein, essential vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, vitamin D, and minerals like iron and zinc, and choline are more easily absorbed by the body.

In the case of milk, the bioavailability of calcium and protein can be influenced by factors like lactose intolerance. 

What is the Best Time to Consume Eggs Or Milk?

Eggs can be enjoyed at any time in a day. You can consume it in the morning as part of a balanced breakfast, have it as a snack or make it a part of your lunch or dinner.

Milk can also be consumed at various times during the day. You can include it in your breakfast, or a post-workout recovery drink. Additionally, a warm glass of milk in the evening can promote relaxation and sleep due to the amino acid tryptophan.

Which is More Sustainable- Eggs or Milk?

Eggs in general have a lower environmental impact compared to milk in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and water usage. However, it can be based on factors such as the type of farming system and feed used for the hens. 

Dairy industry has been called out for its negative environmental impact because of greenhouse gas emission, use of more land and water. You can opt for sustainable dairy although they may come at a high price tag. 

Which One’s Available as a Vegan-Friendly Option: Eggs or Milk ?

Milk is available as a vegan-friendly option in various plant-based forms, while eggs are not typically vegan-friendly. 

You can find and prepare your own DIY versions of almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, oat milk, etc. But remember, nutritionally they aren’t anywhere near dairy unless fortified with vitamins and minerals. 

Eggs Vs Milk Benefits for Strengthening Your Bones

Eggs contain vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption and bone health. They also contain phosphorus, which works alongside calcium to form and maintain healthy bone structure.

Milk is renowned for its high calcium content, which is crucial for bone health. Milk also provides vitamin D, which further enhances the body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus. The protein in milk, especially casein, is involved in bone formation and can help maintain bone density.

What is Better for Oral Health: Eggs or Milk?

Eggs and milk can both support oral health. Eggs contain phosphorus, a mineral that helps in maintaining dental health. Phosphorus, along with calcium, helps strengthen tooth enamel. In addition to this, protein in eggs can be beneficial for gum health.

Milk is an excellent source of calcium, which is needed for the development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. Milk also contains casein that can help protect tooth enamel from decay.

Eggs Vs Whole Milk: Which One Is Lighter on Your Digestive System?

The ease of digestion for eggs versus milk can vary from person to person, depending on allergies, intolerances, and specific digestive issues.

Most people can tolerate eggs when compared to milk.  The digestion of milk can be more challenging for people with lactose intolerance. Some people may also have allergies to milk proteins, such as casein or whey, which can cause digestive issues.

Which One Has Lesser Allergens – Eggs of Milk 

In my opinion and experience, I have seen more people having trouble with milk. Lactose intolerance is quite common in many parts of the world and research suggests it’s on a rise. 

In contrast, egg allergies are less common but can be severe. People with egg allergies are specifically allergic to proteins in eggs, with egg white proteins being the most common culprits. 

Eggs or Milk – The More Versatile Option?

Eggs are generally considered the more versatile option when compared to milk. You can prepare them in a number of ways and also use them in preparing sweet and savory options. 

While milk is a versatile ingredient, its uses are limited compared to eggs. You can use it as a beverage and as a base for sauces, custards, and puddings. It can also be used in baking.

In the age-old debate of milk or egg which is better, both have their unique strengths. So, ideally, I recommend including both as they are not a substitute for each other.

While eggs are protein-packed and versatile in the kitchen, milk offers a broader range of essential nutrients. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.