Is Flax Milk Better Than Soy Milk: Let’s Find Out

Rohit Panwar

The advent of new vegan milk options has created dilemmas to pick between the traditional and newer ones. Flax milk vs Soy Milk is one such confusion for many of us.

As a nutritionist, I will compare the two plant milks on various aspects. It will help you to decide whether flax milk is better than soy milk for you or not. 

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: Comparison Based on 16 Different Aspects

Let’s begin with an overview of flaxseed milk vs soy milk nutrition and benefits –  

Flax Milk

Flaxseeds and Water

Soy Milk

Soybeans and Water

Flax Milk

Creamy and Earthy 

Soy Milk

Beany and Creamy

Flax Milk

1 Cup

Soy Milk

1 Cup

Flax Milk


Soy Milk


Flax Milk

4 g*

Soy Milk

 3.6 g*

Flax Milk

3.25 g*

Soy Milk

4.3 g*

Flax Milk

2.2 g*

Soy Milk

8 g*

Flax Milk

24 – 450 mg*

Soy Milk

61 – 300 mg*

Flax Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Soy Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Flax Milk


Soy Milk


Flax Milk


Soy Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Soy Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Soy Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Soy Milk


Flax Milk


Soy Milk

Very Good

Flax Milk

Very Good

Soy Milk


*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: Know the Base Ingredients of These Two Vegan Milks

To make Flax milk, you will need flaxseeds and water. Blend the overnight soaked flaxseeds with water and strain to get a smooth texture of the milk. Flax milk is quite new alt milk but gaining recognition gradually. 

You will require soaked soybeans and water to prepare this centuries old non-dairy milk. Soy milk is an essential part of many Asian countries’ everyday food. Some people prefer to boil it after blending, so that they can avoid that raw smell. 

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: How Do They Differ to Your Taste Buds?

Flax milk’s gelatinous texture makes it a bit different from other plant based milks. It tastes somewhat nutty and earthy.

Soy milk can be compared to cow milk in taste but it is thicker and creamier in the texture. It has a mild beany flavor which can easily be neutralized by any sweetener.

Know the Right Quantity Of Flax Milk Vs Soy Milk to Consume Everyday

Flax milk and Soy milk, both can be added to your daily intakes up to 1 cup. Flax milk is rich in fiber so you must stick to the daily recommended quantity.  

Soy milk has many amazing health benefits but due to high calories in it is optimal to have 1 cup every day.

Which Is Better for a Calorie Watcher- Flax Milk or Soy Milk?

There is a huge difference between the calories of Flax milk and Soy milk. Flax milk has quite less calories compared to Soy milk. This makes Flax milk a better option for the people who are conscious about their calorie consumption. 

Soy milk is highly recommended after an intense workout as it can boost your energy level. Soy milk is also good for the children who are very active throughout the day. 

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: How Much Carbohydrates Will You Get?

Human body needs carbohydrates to function well and to stay energetic.  However, to manage body weight it is important to consume carbs in the suggested quantity. 

Flax milk and Soy milk provide you almost the same amount of carbohydrates. To avoid extra carbohydrate through these plant based milks, you should drink these without any additives. 

Which One Has More Fat Content Among Flax Milk and Soy Milk?

Compared to Flax milk, Soy milk has more fat content. But both these milks are rich in Omega 3 fatty acid, which helps to reduce heart issues

An important thing to remember before opting for a store bought pack of these milks is to check the labels carefully. Many times these are loaded with added oils which increase the overall fat content.  

Flax Milk or Soy Milk: Which Has More Protein in It?

Adequate protein intake is vital to maintain good health. Our body depends on the diet for the protein supply, so it is important to add protein rich food in our diet. 

Soy milk is made of soybeans which are an excellent source of protein. This base ingredient makes Soy milk better than Flax milk in terms of protein.

Comparing Calcium Content Between Flaxseed Milk and Soy Milk

Compared to dairy milk, most of the plant based milks have less calcium. To compensate for this, manufacturers are adding calcium to these milks . 

The quantity of calcium differs from brand to brand so check the label before buying to know the right amount of calcium.  If you are the one who likes to make their alt milk at home then Soy milk is a better option than Flax milk to get more calcium. 

Appropriate Time of the Day to Include Flax Milk vs Soy Milk to Your Diet

Flax milk is a good source of fiber which makes it a better choice to start your day. You can also have Flax milk at bedtime since it contains tryptophan, which helps you to sleep better.  

Just like Flax milk, you can also add Soy milk in your morning or night time routine. Soy milk is also a good source of tryptophan. 

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: Which One Is More Environmentally Friendly?

Flax milk and Soy milk are both good for the planet. Not only dairy milk but they are much better than many other non-dairy alternatives such as almond milk. 

Compared to Soy milk, Flax milk is better for the ecosystem. With a skyrocketing demand of Soy milk, a rising concern is cutting of jungles to produce more soybeans. So, try to get milk that is being sourced locally. 

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: Can Vegan People Have These?

Flax milk and Soy milk are both plant based which makes them perfect for vegan diets. Not only this, both these milks are free from nuts.

People who are allergic to nuts can also add flax or soy  milk to their daily regime. Here flax milk is a better option for the people who have soy allergy. 

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: Which Is Better for Teeth?

Flax milk and Soy milk both are excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acid which helps to reduce gum diseases. The market versions of these two dairy free milk are fortified with calcium and vitamins. Calcium is helpful to strengthen the teeth. 

Compared to Soy milk, Flax milk is better for your oral health since it is loaded with many essential nutrients such as phosphorus, vitamin B, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients help to keep your mouth healthy.  

How Do Flax Milk and Soy Milk Affect Your Bones?

Market versions of Flax milk and Soy milk are enriched with calcium which keeps your bones strong. These packed milks also sometimes contain vitamin D too, which helps to absorb calcium

Flax seed is better than Soy milk for your bones since it has many other nutrients such as copper, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients help to maintain bone health. 

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: Which One Digests Easily?

Flax milk and Soy milk both are easy to digest compared to dairy milk. But compared to Soy milk, Flax milk is more easy on the stomach. Flax milk is rich in fiber, which makes your bathroom visits smooth. 

Besides that, many people have Soy allergies and it is difficult for them to digest soy milk. Before adding Soy milk to your diet every day, be sure that you don’t have an allergy to soybeans. 

Flax Milk and Soy Milk: Do They Help You to Stay Hydrated?

One of the base ingredients to make Flax milk and Soy milk is water. Therefore, both these alt milks are helpful to keep you hydrated. 

However, you need to remember that the commercial versions have many additives and sugars that can reduce the hydration potential of these milks. So, choose wisely.

Flax Milk vs Soy Milk: Which One Is More Versatile?

Both these non-dairy milks are versatile and you can consume them in many different ways. You can add both these milks in smoothies, coffee and soups.

But the  taste of Flax milk makes it more versatile than Soy milk. Soy milk has a beany taste which doesn’t go well with many recipes. 

I hope this comparison between flax and soy milk helped you to answer your question. However, if you still have some doubts, you can write to me in the comment section below. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.