Which is Better Nutritional Choice- Almond Milk Or Pistachio Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Dairy-free milk lovers are blessed to have such a wide range of milk alternatives, but it also invokes arguments against and in favour of one above the other. Pistachio milk versus Almond milk is one such battle between plant-based milk lovers.

Before you pick a side, go through this blog to understand all the differences between these nut milks. As a nutritionist, I will provide all the required information about Pistachio milk and Almond milk so that you can choose the best one. 

Pistachio milk versus almond milk


| Pistachio milk versus Cow Milk– Which One is a Better Choice? | 

Pistachio Milk Versus Almond Milk: Choosing The Best Option

To understand the differences between Pistachio milk and Almond milk, let’s compare both these nut milks in the table below:

Pistachio Milk 

Pistachio & water

Almond Milk

Almond & water 

Pistachio Milk 

Rich & Nutty

Almond Milk

Mild & Sweet

Pistachio Milk 

1 Cup

Almond Milk

1 Cup

Pistachio Milk 


Almond Milk


Pistachio Milk 

4.08 g*

Almond Milk

2.52 g*

Pistachio Milk 

1.92 g*

Almond Milk

1.05 g*

Pistachio Milk 

20 – 192 mg*

Almond Milk

46 – 482 mg*

Pistachio Milk 

Morning or Night

Almond Milk

Morning Or Night

Pistachio Milk 


Almond Milk


Pistachio Milk 


Almond Milk


Pistachio Milk 


Almond Milk


Pistachio Milk 


Almond Milk


Pistachio Milk 


Almond Milk


Pistachio Milk 


Almond Milk


Pistachio Milk 

Honey, cardamom 

Almond Milk

Vanilla, Cocoa 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

In the table above you can observe the differences between Pistachio milk and Almond milk at a glance. For better clarity, let me elaborate each point here. 

Pistachio Milk vs Almond Milk – Comparing the Constituents 

Pistachio milk is made of tiny green nuts called Pistachios, which are also known as ‘ happy nuts’ or ‘green almonds’. Soak these nuts for 6-7 hours and remove the peel to get the beautiful light green color of the milk. Blend the nuts with 3-4 cups of filtered water. To remove the pulp,  strain it properly through a mesh sieve, cheesecloth or milk bag. 

Soaked almonds are the main ingredient to prepare almond milk. The process of making almond milk is the same as pistachio milk. Market versions have few preservatives to keep them fresh for a long duration. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Almond Milk Taste: Know the Difference

Compared to Almond milk, Pistachio milk is more creamy and nutty in taste. It is a very good creamer for your coffee or tea. It also creates a lot of foam and a perfect choice for lattes.

Almond milk is mild in taste and you can say it is neutral. It doesn’t disturb the original taste of anything when mixed with other beverages. It is easy to add other flavors in it such as chocolate, vanilla etc.

How Much of Pistachio Milk and Almond Milk Is Sufficient per Day?

Pistachio milk and Almond milk both are filled with many nutrients. But since both these are nut milks, their intake should be in moderation. 

1 cup every day is sufficient to get all the benefits of Pistachio and almond milk.  Almost a handful of pistachios and almonds used to prepare one cup of these milks. It is recommended to consume this much nuts per day.

Pistachio Milk vs Almond Milk – Track the Differences Between the Calories

As you can see in the table above, Pistachio milk has more calories than Almond milk. If you are someone who is conscious towards calorie intake then Almond milk is a better choice for you. 

The calories derived in Pistachio milk and Almond milk are mostly from carbohydrates. Remember their calories are quite less than dairy milk. 

Pistachio Milk vs Almond Milk – Which Has Higher Fat Content?

Compared to Almond milk, Pistachio milk has more fat content. But the fats in Pistachio milk are considered good fats \.

Body needs fats to keep itself warm and other health functions too. If you follow a low fat diet then Almond milk is for you. 

Which is Better: Pistachio Milk or Almond Milk as a Protein Source?

When we talk about protein, then only a few plant based milks are compatible with farm milks. Nuts itself are a good source of protein but in the process of making milk most of it is lost. 

If you take Pistachio milk and Almond milk then Pistachio milk has a little bit more protein than Almond milk but mostly they both are on the same level. You must add other sources of protein in your daily routine to fulfill your requirements. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Almond Milk as Sources of Calcium 

After protein, calcium is another important nutrient which is quite less in plant based milks compared to dairy milks. Commercial versions of these milks are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which makes them better than the DIY versions. 

Pistachio milk has less calcium than Almond milk but this variation depends on brand to brand. While buying you should read the label to know the quantity of calcium. 

What Is the Ideal Time to Have Pistachio Milk and Almond Milk?

Morning is an ideal time to consume Pistachio milk. It keeps you full and energized for a longer time and also digest easily if taken in the morning. Pistachio milk complements your breakfast choices very well, either in coffee, cereal bowl or smoothies.

Almond milk is good to consume either in the morning or at night, before going to bed. It completes your breakfast by providing essential minerals and nutrients. If taken at bedtime it helps you to sleep well. 

Pistachio Milk and Almond Milk – Comparing the Environmental Impact

Pistachio milk and Almond milk are both plant based milks, which are more eco-friendly than dairy milk. 

But, Almonds need a lot of water to grow which increases the water footprint of Almond milk. Pistachios need less water to grow and this gives an advantage to Pistachio milk to be a more eco-conscious choice

Can Pistachio Milk and Almond Milk Be Added to Vegan Diet?

Awareness towards the environment and lactose intolerance are the two main reasons to adopt a vegan diet. People who follow veganism don’t consume any product which comes from animals including meat, dairy and eggs. 

Pistachio milk and Almond milk both are plant based nut milks, therefore can be added to a vegan diet for sure. However, for someone allergic to nuts, both these aren’t the right choices. 

Impact of Pistachio Milk Vs Almond Milk on Oral Health

Pistachio and Almond milk both are rich sources of phosphorus, which is a helping mineral to control the plaque and bacteria in your mouth. 

Both these nut milks’ Commercial packs are fortified with calcium and vitamin D. These elements are excellent to maintain the strength of the teeth. My only suggestion is to choose unsweetened versions because artificially sweetened beverages are harmful for your oral health. 

Pistachio Milk and Almond Milk – Which One Is Better for Your Gut Health?

According to Monash University’s Fodmap, most plant based milks are more easy to digest and are more gut friendly compared to farm milk. 

Pistachio and Almond milk are also plant based nut milks and both the milks are equally good sources of fiber. Fiber helps to maintain a strong digestive system by keeping the bowel movement healthy. 

Which One Will Help You Better to Beat the Heat – Pistachio Milk or Almond Milk?

Pistachio milk and Almond milk both are good beverages to cool down your body temperature. Both the milks contain plenty of water which gives you immediate relief from heat. 

You can add ice cubes in your cup of Pistachio and Almond milk to get instant impact. Besides that, soaked nuts are considered good to control the body heat, which are used to prepare these nut milks. 

Pistachio Milk and Almond Milk – Do They Help to Stay Hydrated?

Our body keeps losing water through sweat and urine. To avoid dehydration it is important to keep  drinking water and other nutritious beverages. 

Pistachio and Almond milk both are full of many electrolytes such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. These electrolytes help to maintain the water levels in the body and keep you hydrated. 

Know the Nutritious Additives of Pistachio Milk and Almond Milk

Pistachio milk is a delicious milk on its own too, but to give more sweetness you can add maple syrup or agave nectar in it. Pistachio ice cream is also one of the delectable ways to enjoy this milk. You can also add a few seeds of cardamom while blending Pistachio milk, it will fill your milk with aroma. 

Vanilla essence and cocoa powder are two popular ways to enhance the flavor of Almond milk. Blend bananas and strawberries with Almond milk to get a delightful and healthy morning smoothie. 

We can thus conclude that Pistachio milk and Almond milk contain almost equal macronutrients such as carbohydrate, fats, protein and fiber. The difference lies in the vitamin density. Almond milk has vitamin E and it provides you more calcium, phosphorus and iron. On the other hand Pistachio milk has vitamin B6 and copper which are not in Almond milk.

Choosing the right milk alternative depends totally on your personal requirements. If you have any other queries about this topic then do write to me in the comment section. 

Thank you!

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.