Want to Choose The Best Nut Milk Between Almond & Hazelnut?

Rohit Panwar

Being a certified nutritionist and a lover of vegan beverages, I often get asked, ‘Which provides better nutrition, almond milk versus hazelnut milk?’ The choice of the best nut milk can be hard, especially if you are new to the world of non-dairy products.

Both almond milk and hazelnut milk are plant-based milk forms and offer a number of benefits. So, let’s get to know these nut milks better and help you make the best choice for you.

Almond Milk Versus Hazelnut Milk


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Comparing 15 Essential Aspects of Almond Milk Versus Hazelnut Milk

Let’s start by addressing all your basic doubts and concerns related to Almond milk and Hazelnut milk in the table below:

Almond Milk

Almonds & Water

Hazelnut Milk

Hazelnuts & Water

Almond Milk

Creamy & Nutty

Hazelnut Milk

Rich & Nutty

Almond Milk

1 cup

Hazelnut Milk

1 cup

Almond Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Almond Milk

2.5 g*

Hazelnut Milk

9 g*

Almond Milk

1 g*

Hazelnut Milk

2 g*

Almond Milk

46-482 mg*

Hazelnut Milk

24-240 mg*

Almond Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Hazelnut Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Almond Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Almond Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Almond Milk

Very Good

Hazelnut Milk

Very Good

Almond Milk

Very Good

Hazelnut Milk


Almond Milk

Very Good

Hazelnut Milk

Very Good

Almond Milk

Very Good

Hazelnut Milk

Very Good

Almond Milk

Honey, Vanilla 

Hazelnut Milk

Vanilla, cocoa

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I believe that the above comparison table was able to clear your basic doubts about Hazelnut milk and almond milk. 

Let’s now examine these metrics in detail in the section below:

How Does the Method Of Preparation Differ for Almond Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk?

Hazelnut milk is derived by blending soaked hazelnuts with water. The mixture is then strained to remove the pulp. The pale-brown coloured,  strained liquid is the creamy hazelnut milk.

A similar process is carried out to obtain Almond milk. Soaked almonds are blended with water and strained. The resulting white coloured liquid is what we call almond milk.

Is Hazelnut Milk like Almond Milk in Taste and Texture?

Having tried and prepared both these amazing beverages, let me tell you that both Almond milk and Hazelnut milk taste very delicious and appetizing.

The taste of both the amazing beverages almond milk and hazelnut milk is very nutty and creamy. Hazelnut milk also has a slight earthiness and sweetness to it.

Know the Recommended Daily Intake of Almond Milk and Hazelnut Milk

Almond milk and Hazelnut milk both are healthy and nutritious non- dairy forms of milk. They contain a  good quantity of nutrients like essential vitamins and minerals. Hence they can be consumed daily.

The recommended daily intake of both Almond milk and Hazelnut milk is around one cup per day. This amount should be enough for you to derive all the benefits

Almond Milk or Hazelnut Milk Which is Better For the Calorie Conscious?

More and more people are focusing on consuming diets having less calorific value. Intake of high calories may lead to weight gain, obesity and increased risk of heart diseases. 

Calorie content of hazelnut milk is higher than that of almond milk. This is attributed to the fat content in the hazelnuts. So, if you are looking for a less calorific item, then choose Almond milk over Hazelnut milk.

Difference Between the Total Fats of Almond Milk Versus Hazelnut Milk

When we hear the word “Fat”, we generally think of it as something really bad. This isn’t true! Fats are the essential nutrients required by the body in limited amounts. They help in providing energy and play an important role in the optimal functioning of the body. 

The fat content of hazelnut milk is three times that of almond milk. If you are someone who wants to shed extra kilos, then almond milk is surely a better option. However, an important thing to remember is that most of the fat in hazelnuts is considered as good fats and a limited quantity is good for the body.

Is Hazelnut Milk better than Almond Milk For Protein?

Proteins are the essential nutrients required by the human body for growth, building and repairing muscles. They also help in increasing immunity, among other things.

Taking 1 cup as the standard measure for both the products, we see that the protein content of Almond milk is slightly lower than that in Hazelnut milk. Hence, you can opt for either of them but for maintaining the budgeted amount of proteins in your diet, you should include other protein rich foods.

Comparing Calcium Content in Non-Dairy Forms, Almond milk Versus Hazelnut Milk

Undoubtedly, both almond milk and hazelnut milk offer countless benefits to our human body. However,  when it comes to calcium content, then they somewhat lag behind dairy.

Calcium is an essential nutrient needed by the body as it plays a key role in strengthening bones and muscles. But worry not, as the canned packs of Almond milk and hazelnut milk are rich in Calcium. Hence, for better nutritional intake, you can opt for market-bought Almond milk and hazelnut milk.

Best Time to Consume Almond Milk Versus Hazelnut Milk

Well, almond milk and hazelnut milk both can be consumed daily at any time of the day. But, it is recommended that they should be consumed in either morning or before bedtime.

When taken in the morning they complement your breakfast really well and when taken at night they promote good sleep.

Are Almond Milk and Hazelnut Milk Eco- Friendly Products Or Not?

If we discuss the environmental friendliness of the beverages Almond milk and hazelnut milk, being plant based are less harmful as compared to dairy. However, there are increasing concerns about high water usage in almond production which makes its impact on the environment average.

On the other hand, Hazelnuts trees are great for the environment as they use less water, reduce greenhouse emissions, control soil erosion, etc. Therefore, Hazelnuts are environmentally superior to almonds and hence, their impact on the environment is positive.

Discussing the Vegan- Friendliness of Almond milk Versus Hazelnut Milk

As we all know that animal-based products cannot be considered vegan-friendly products. Fortunately, almond milk and hazelnut milk are milk forms derived from plants, hence they both can be considered as Vegan- friendly items.

Almond milk and hazelnut milk are also good choices for people who are lactose-intolerant or gluten-allergic.

Almond Milk Or Hazelnut Milk: Which Has a Better Effect On Your Oral Health?

Almond milk and hazelnut milk both can prove to be excellent supplements in our daily diet. They are power-packed with fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals that play a key role in increased immunity and growth.

Fortified versions of these drinks have calcium that strengthens our teeth, gums and jaw bones. Moreover, both almonds and hazelnuts contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your overall oral health.

Almond milk or Hazelnut milk Which is Better For Your Tummy Health?

Since almond and hazelnut milk are plant-based, both these drinks are quite easy on the digestion especially when we compare them to dairy.

Almond milk and hazelnut milk are good sources of fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals that help to keep your tummy happy. Together these nutrients help in the reabsorption of water and maintaining a healthy Digestive tract

Almond Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: The Better Drink For Fiery Summers?

In this fiery summer season, if you are looking for nutritious drinks that will give you a cooling effect as well, then the non- dairy Almond milk and Hazelnut milk are good options.

Almond milk protects us from the blazing heat of the Sun by providing an instant cooling effect to our bodies. Hazelnut milk contains antioxidants that help in dealing with skin problems and UV ray’s damage in our body. To make these drinks more chilled, simply add ice cubes or freeze them as cubes.

Do Almond milk and Hazelnut Milk Hydrate Our Human Body in Summers? 

Almond milk and hazelnut milk both are plant-based forms of milk that are prepared using water. Hence they are the best nutritional value holder drinks with the ability to keep our bodies hydrated.

Apart from large quantities of water they also contain essential nutrients and minerals (potassium) as their constituents which help to maintain electrolyte balance and help prevent dehydration

Almond Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: How Can They Be Made Delicious & Nutritious?

Almond milk lovers like to add some honey or vanilla extract during the blending process. Some people also like to add some strawberries and dates that contribute more to their richness and nutritive values.

Hazelnut milk lovers like to add some Vanilla extract during the formation of this product. Some people love to grind hazelnuts with water and then blend them with cocoa powder or dates to make them more delicious. 

I hope that my blog has been able to give clarity and answers to all your doubts and queries related to almond milk and hazelnut milk. If not, then please feel free to reach me in the comments section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.