Choosing the Better Drink For You: Almond Milk Or Laban

Rohit Panwar

The rise of plant-based markets in recent years often puts into scrutiny the efficacy of vegan milks in comparison to dairy-based drinks, especially the fermented ones. One such often searched question on the internet is almond milk versus laban.

How does the nutrient-rich almond milk fare against the age-old fermented milk Laban?  I am writing this blog to share clear detailed information on the benefits and differences between the two so by the end you can choose the one that compliments your needs for a healthy lifestyle.

Almond milk versus Leben


Which is Better for You Between Almond Milk & Buttermilk?

A Thorough Analysis of Almond Milk And Laban Under Various Metrics

Let us begin the comparison by comparing the two drinks for various attributes and outcomes – 

Almond Milk

Almonds & water


Cow’s milk hhhh

Almond Milk

Nutty & sweet


Tangy & Sour jbj

Almond Milk

1 cup


1 cup

Almond Milk




Almond Milk




Almond Milk




Almond Milk

46-482 mg*


288 mg*

Almond Milk

Morning or night


Morning Noon

Almond Milk




Almond Milk




Almond Milk

Very good



Almond Milk

Very good


Very good

Almond Milk



Very good

Almond Milk



Very good

Almond Milk

Honey & flavors


Spices & herbs

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope the above table gave you a quick insight into both almond milk and laban. As we move on, let me explain each metric of comparison in detail for your better understanding.

What does It take to Make Almond Milk Vs Laban?

Almond milk has been a favorite plant-based drink for many and it can be made easily at home. To make almond milk, soaked almonds are blended with sufficient water and are strained. 

Laban originated from the Arabian and African countries. It has been a regular part of their diet. Laban is made by storing milk at a hot temperature which leads to fermentation of the milk. Once it ferments, the milk is strained. The creamy watery liquid obtained from this process is called laban.

Almond Milk Vs Laban: The Flavour Profile

Almond milk is silky and has a watery texture. Taste-wise it has a sweet, nutty taste to it due to the almonds. Due to its taste it is loved by people of all age groups. If you are thinking about including plant-based milk in your children’s food, almond milk is a great option to start with. 

Laban has a sweet and tangy taste to it because of the fermentation process. Its texture is slightly creamy and mostly liquid. As summers are approaching you might give laban a try for a fresh replenishing feeling.

What Amount Of Almond Milk Vs Laban Can Be Consumed Per Day?

Almond milk is filled with nutrients and 1 cup of almond milk per day will help in taking care of the human body’s nutrition requirements. 

For laban too it is ideal to consume 1 cup per day. The probiotics or good bacteria in laban play a major role in gut health so consuming 1 cup a day is suggested to maintain the balance.

Almond Milk Vs Laban: How Much Calories Do They Have?

When it comes to the calorie game, almond milk has more to offer with fewer calories than laban milk. If you are calorie conscious you can very well opt for almond milk after a workout session or for a healthy snack break.

Laban has higher calories than almond milk which also makes it a good option for an energising drink. In case you are searching for a drink that replenishes you and makes you feel energetic then laban can be a very good choice.

Which is Better Laban or Almond milk, for Weight Management?

The fat content in almond milk is very low compared to laban. As seen in the table it packs so many benefits with so little fat content. The good fats in almond milk contribute to keeping your heart healthy as they reduce the level of cholesterol.  

Laban is higher in fat when compared to almond milk. This is because traditionally laban is made from whole milk.  But let it not discourage you as laban made from low fat or skimmed milk will have lesser fat levels. 

Almond Milk Vs Laban- The More Reliable Source Of Protein?

Though almond milk is rich in many nutrients, as a plant-based milk it does not have higher levels of protein. Protein is a very essential requirement for the body to grow, regenerate and strengthen itself. If higher levels of protein are your need then laban is a better choice than almond milk.

Laban being a dairy-based drink, it is richer in protein than almond milk. Regular intake of laban can ensure sufficient protein supply and wellbeing. 

Almond Milk or Laban Milk For Taking Care Of Your Calcium Requirements?

Homemade Almond milk is not a great source of calcium. However, the store-bought almond milk is generally fortified with calcium and other vitamins. 

Laban on the other hand is a natural source of calcium. Being made from cow’s milk it has sufficient calcium to take care of calcium needs for bones and to keep them strong. 

Difference in Recommended Consumption Time for  Almond Milk and Laban 

Almond milk can be consumed both in the morning or at night. When consumed in the morning it helps to boost the metabolism thus giving a great start to your day. Almond milk when consumed at the night helps to get good sleep as it has sleep enhancing minerals like magnesium.

Laban on the other hand is well suited for noontime. It goes well with a good lunch or even before meals. It is ideal to take it at noon because of its natural ability to cool the body and restore energy.

Almond Milk Or Laban: The Better Drink For Our Planet?

Almond milk has an average impact on the environment for two reasons. Being a plant-based drink, it does less harm to the environment as much as dairy but in comparison to other plant-based milks, it does not fare well. Almond cultivation requires a large amount of water, which is a cause of concern.

Laban on the other hand is not eco-friendly as it is animal-based milk. Cows require more grazing lands to supply adequate milk. This in turn leads to the cutting of trees and damage to the soil. Thus dairy has a negative impact on the environment

Almond Milk Vs Laban: What Can You Opt For A Vegan Friendly Lifestyle?

As discussed earlier, almond milk is plant-based and is an excellent option for people looking for vegan-friendly milks. It is also a gluten-free and lactose-free drink. 

Laban is not a vegan friendly option as it is made from cow’s milk. Therefore, it does not suit a vegan friendly lifestyle.

How Good Is Almond Milk and Laban For Oral Health?

The market versions of almond milk are fortified with calcium that helps in keeping the teeth stronger. Laban with its naturally good calcium content does the same to the teeth.

Moreover unsweetened and plain laban when consumed as such does not affect the teeth like the other sweetened beverages. Overall they have a positive impact on oral health.

Almond Milk or Laban- What Do They Offer For Tummy Health?

Almond milk is a tummy-friendly drink as it is easier to digest than dairy-based milk. It is also a good source of magnesium which offers relief from constipation and makes bathroom visits easier.  Almonds are also rich in fiber content that makes you feel satiated. 

Laban being a fermented drink has an added advantage when it comes to tummy health. It is loaded with probiotics which is a combination of good bacteria and yeast. It plays a major role in keeping the gut healthy by fighting against infections and preventing you from falling sick. 

Almond Milk or Laban, Which One Does a Better Job at Balancing Body Heat?

Soaked almonds which when consumed can reduce the body heat. For ages, people have been consuming soaked almonds in summer to retain the heat balance. Thus, almond milk made from soaked almonds can cool down the body.

Laban too is a natural body coolant with rich water content. Traditionally in Arabian countries laban is seen to be consumed in summers to bring down the body heat.

How Good Is Almond Milk Or Laban With Refueling The Water Content Of The Body?

Our body tends to lose its water content due to many reasons like excessive heat in the surroundings, exercises, walking etc. This is called dehydration and it can lead to loss of energy, dryness and headache etc. Hence it is essential to consume beverages like almond milk and laban which can restore the water content.

Both the drinks are good in hydrating the body due to the high level of water content. They both also contain minerals also called electrolytes that help in maintaining the water level in the body. 

What Makes An Interesting Choice To be Consumed With Almond Milk or Laban?

Almond milk is naturally sweet and can be consumed as such. However, you can always make it more delicious. For children, almond milk can be blended with jaggery or fruits. For adults, it can be used as an alternative to dairy and taken with coffee or other flavors like vanilla and honey. It can also be consumed over cereals.

Laban on the other hand tastes great with spices like cumin, pepper and a garnish of fresh coriander, mint, and a dash of salt. It makes for a great savory drink post meals and gives a good aftertaste.

This brings us to the end of the blog. Is the question, Which is better laban or almond milk still lingering in your mind? The answer is, it depends on your requirements.

In a nutshell, if you are a vegan and want a drink with basic nutrients and low calories, almond milk works well for you. If you are someone who lives in a hot region and wants a drink that helps in improving your tummy health and keeping your body temperature balanced then laban is an excellent choice. 

I look forward to more questions from you in the comments section.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.