Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh: Which One Will Be Better for You and Why?

Rohit Panwar

Other than soybeans, tempeh can be prepared with chickpeas. This creates the epic dilemma of chickpea tempeh vs soy tempeh. 

As a nutritionist, I will explain the nutritional and compositional differences between chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh. Knowing them will help you to pick the one which suits you best. 

Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh: Search For the Better Fermented Option

Before digging deeper, let’s take a closer look at the various aspects of chickpea tempeh vs soy tempeh:

Chickpea Tempeh

Chickpeas & Tempeh Starter

Soy Tempeh

Soybeans & Tempeh Starter

Chickpea Tempeh

Soft & Sweet

Soy Tempeh

Mild, Nutty & Firm

Chickpea Tempeh

100-200 grams

Soy Tempeh

100-200 grams

Chickpea Tempeh


Soy Tempeh


Chickpea Tempeh

15 g*

Soy Tempeh

9.39 g*

Chickpea Tempeh

2.8 g*

Soy Tempeh

10.8 g*

Chickpea Tempeh

10 g*

Soy Tempeh

18.5 g*

Chickpea Tempeh

105  mg*

Soy Tempeh

111  mg*

Chickpea Tempeh

8 g*

Soy Tempeh

4.7 g*

Chickpea Tempeh

Very Good

Soy Tempeh


Chickpea Tempeh

Morning or Noon

Soy Tempeh

Morning or Noon

Chickpea Tempeh

Very Good 

Soy Tempeh


Chickpea Tempeh


Soy Tempeh

Very Good

Chickpea Tempeh

Very Good 

Soy Tempeh


Chickpea Tempeh


Soy Tempeh


Chickpea Tempeh

1-2 Weeks

Soy Tempeh

2-3 Weeks

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Difference In Ingredients and Preparation Method of Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh

Tempeh is a fermented food which originated in Java, an Indonesian island. Chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh are two different types of tempeh. 

Soaked and boiled chickpeas are the main ingredients to make chickpea tempeh besides vinegar and tempeh starter. Try to get the smallest size of chickpeas. You don’t have to dehull the chickpeas while preparing tempeh.

For soy tempeh, tempeh starter is mixed with presoaked, dehulled and boiled soybeans. Traditionally tempeh is made of soybeans. 

Is Chickpea Tempeh Tastier Than Soy Tempeh?

Tempeh has a chewy texture which is quite similar to meat. Chickpea tempeh is softer in comparison to soy tempeh. It is mild and sweet in taste. 

Soy tempeh has a unique earthy and nutty flavor. It has a firm texture. Soy tempeh has a hint of bitterness. You may take some time to adapt to its distinguished taste. 

How Much Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh Is Sufficient in a Day?

Chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh are nutritious plant based products, which can be included in your regular diet.  

You can have 100-200 grams of chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh in a day. To get the maximum benefits, consume them regularly or at least 3-4 times in a  week. 

Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh: Which Contains More Calories?

Calories are energy in a food or beverage. It is important to be conscious of your calorie intake for a healthy body weight. You must remember that the source of calories is more important than the calories itself. 

Compared to soy tempeh, chickpea tempeh provides you with less calories. If you have a sedentary lifestyle then chickpea tempeh is a better option for you. 

A Low Carb Option: Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh

Carbs or carbohydrates are one of the essential macronutrients along with fat and protein. Sugar, starch and dietary fiber are three most common forms of carbs. 

Chickpea tempeh has significantly more carbs than soy tempeh. However, the carbs in chickpea tempeh are mostly made of dietary fiber which is considered as healthy carbs. 

Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh: Difference in Fat Content

There is a vast difference between the fat content of chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh. Soy tempeh has an exceptionally high amount of fat compared to chickpea tempeh. 

If you want to cut down the fat to manage a healthy lifestyle or due to medical concerns then chickpea tempeh will be a better option for you. 

Better Source of Protein: Chickpea Tempeh Or Soy Tempeh

It is crucial to have a protein rich diet to make and repair the muscles and the bones. Most of the plant foods lack protein content, though few are exceptions such as legumes, beans and seeds. 

Chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh are excellent plant based foods sources to provide you protein. However, soy tempeh contains considerably more protein than chickpea tempeh. 

Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh: Which Meets Your Calcium Needs?

Besides maintaining the strength of bones and teeth, calcium plays an important role for heart health and nervous system. 

Both chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh are good sources of calcium. Just like protein, soy tempeh has more calcium compared to chickpeas tempeh. However the difference is considerably lower this time. 

A Fiber-Rich Pick: Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh

Body needs fiber for healthy bowel movement, weight management, heart health etc. 

Chickpea tempeh has almost double the fiber compared to soy tempeh. The reason for this wide gap is due to dehulled soybeans which are used for soy tempeh. On the other hand, chickpeas are used with the outer skin. 

Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh Nutrition: Which Showcases More Diversity?

Both chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh have impressive nutritional values. Chickpea tempeh is a low calorie, low fat and fiber-rich food. Whereas, soy tempeh provides you with more protein and calcium. 

Talking about other minerals and vitamins, they both are excellent sources of zinc, copper, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin E. However, soy tempeh has a broader profile compared to chickpea tempeh. 

When to Add Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh Into Your Daily Diet?

You can have both of these tempeh at any time of the day. However, mornings and afternoons are ideal times to include these dense foods in your routine. 

Having them in your breakfast will give you a nutritious start of the day. Both of these plant products can be added to your lunch to make it more fulfilling. 

Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh: Which Can Be More Allergic?

Soy is one of the most common 8 food allergens including milk, wheat, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish whereas chickpea allergy is not very common. 

So, if you are allergic to soy, avoid soy tempeh. Chickpea tempeh, may be a better option for you. But remember to start with smaller quantity. 

Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh: A Better Choice for Digestion?

Chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh are fermented foods and are loaded with friendly bacteria. These bacteria are particularly helpful to maintain a healthy digestive system. 

Chickpea tempeh contains more dietary fiber than soy tempeh. Therefore, it has an advantage for your gut health. 

Which Promotes Oral and Bone Health: Chickpea Tempeh or Soy Tempeh?

Besides calcium, vitamin D and protein, other nutrients such as magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium and phosphorus etc. are crucial for maintaining the strength of bones and teeth. 

Chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh contain a good amount of all these nutrients. However, soy tempeh is a one step ahead here as it has more protein and calcium. It also has more copper, magnesium, zinc and iron compared to chickpea tempeh. 

How Versatile Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh?

Both chickpea and soy tempeh are highly versatile plant foods. You can add them to fried rice, fried noodles, soups, stews or curries. Tempeh is also an excellent choice for salads which make it more filling and protein-rich.  

Remember to cook tempeh properly before adding them to any recipe, either it is chickpeas or soy tempeh. 

Shelf Life of Chickpea Tempeh vs Soy Tempeh

Shelf life of chickpea tempeh is 1-2 weeks if stored in the fridge. On the other hand, soy tempeh can be stored for 2-3 weeks. 

If you want to store them longer then put it in an airtight container and store in the freezer. Don’t use it if you see any yellowish fungus on top of the tempeh. 

In conclusion I will say that chickpea tempeh and soy tempeh both are nutritious additions to a balanced diet.

However, soy tempeh has certain advantages but instead of picking one over other, include both of them in your diet to enjoy the benefits of both. 

If you have any other queries, please write to me in the comment section. I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.