Is Chickpea Tofu a Better Choice for You Compared to Soy Tofu?

Rohit Panwar

Globalization has made a wide range of foods across the world accessible to us. This has created many dilemmas like choosing between similar-sounding products like chickpea tofu vs soy tofu. 

As an avid tofu lover and nutritionist, I will share my expertise regarding the differences between chickpea tofu and soy tofu. Read on, to find out. 

Chickpea Tofu vs Soy Tofu: Let the Battle of Being Better Begin

Before digging into the details, let’s take a brief look at the various attributes of chickpea tofu vs soy tofu:

Chickpea Tofu 

Chickpeas & Water

Soy Tofu

Soybeans & Water

Chickpea Tofu 

Firm & Neutral

Soy Tofu

Soft & Mild

Chickpea Tofu 

100-150 grams

Soy Tofu

100-150 grams

Chickpea Tofu 


Soy Tofu


Chickpea Tofu 

14.3 g*

Soy Tofu

1.9 g*

Chickpea Tofu 

1.2 g*

Soy Tofu

4.8 g*

Chickpea Tofu 

4.8 g*

Soy Tofu

8 g*

Chickpea Tofu 

48 mg*

Soy Tofu

350 mg*

Chickpea Tofu 

3.6 g*

Soy Tofu

0.3 g*

Chickpea Tofu 


Soy Tofu

Very Good

Chickpea Tofu 

Morning & Noon

Soy Tofu

Morning & Noon

Chickpea Tofu 


Soy Tofu


Chickpea Tofu 


Soy Tofu

Very Good

Chickpea Tofu 


Soy Tofu


Chickpea Tofu 

4-5 Days

Soy Tofu

4-5 Days

Chickpea Tofu

Very Good

Soy Tofu


*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Chickpea Tofu vs Soy Tofu: How Different Are their Ingredients and Origins?

Soy tofu is made of soy milk which is extracted from soybeans. Known as bean curd, it is basically coagulated soy milk. It is the most widely used tofu throughout the world. 

Chickpea tofu is prepared with whole chickpeas or chickpeas flour. It is known as Burmese tofu, since it originated in the Shan region of Burma. You can get it in your nearby East Asian store or make it at home. 

Does Chickpea Tofu Taste Like Soy Tofu?

Yes, both these tofu are almost the same in taste. They both have neutral flavors and make a dish fulfilling without disturbing its taste. 

Although both types of tofu are subtle in taste, chickpea tofu is nuttier than soy tofu. It also has a firm texture compared to soy tofu, which is more soft and breaks easily. 

How Much Regular Tofu vs Burmese Tofu Is Enough per Day?

It is highly recommended to have regular tofu and Burmese tofu regularly since they both are rich sources of nutrients. 

You can consume up to 100-150 grams of each. This quantity depends on various aspects such as age, gender and activity level. If you have an active lifestyle then you can increase this quantity. 

Chickpea Tofu vs Soy Tofu Calories: Know the Differences

If you are a person who is looking for a low calorie product then compared to chickpea tofu, soy tofu is a better pick for you. 

However the difference between their calories is not substantial. So, I won’t suggest avoiding chickpea tofu completely. Instead adjust the quantity according to your caloric needs. 

What to Pick for Lower Carbs: Chickpea Tofu or Soy Tofu?

Carbohydrates give glucose to the body which is converted to energy. This energy is required to support bodily functions and physical activity. 

Soy tofu contains significantly lower amounts of carbs compared to chickpea tofu. Though, carbs in chickpea tofu are more fiber enriched than soy tofu. 

Chickpea Tofu or Soy Tofu: Which Has Less Fat Content?

If you are looking for a low-fat tofu option then chickpea tofu is a better pick. Regular soy tofu is significantly higher in fat content than chickpea or Shan tofu. 

The reason behind this vast gap is because of their base ingredients. Soybeans contain more fat than chickpeas which makes soy tofu a fat rich tofu. 

Does Soy Tofu Have More Protein Than Chickpea Tofu?

Yes, soy tofu not only has more protein than chickpea tofu but it also contains all 9 amino acids, which make it a complete protein source. 

Chickpea tofu, while still a great plant based protein source, doesn’t have a complete amino acid profile. It is recommended to combine it with other essential amino acid rich foods while consuming. 

Chickpea Tofu or Soy Tofu: What to Pick For More Calcium?

Calcium is a vital micronutrient for everyone. It is needed to build and maintain the strength of bones. Besides that, it enhances your immunity as well. 

Soy tofu contains three times more calcium than chickpea tofu. Picking up soy tofu is better, especially for teenagers, pregnant or menopausal women. These age groups  need more calcium than other age groups. 

Is Chickpea Tofu Better Than Soy Tofu For Dietary Fiber?

Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts are some of the excellent sources of fiber. Chickpea tofu thus has more dietary fiber than soy tofu.

However, both types of tofu have comparatively less dietary fiber than their original ingredients which are soybeans and chickpeas. During the making process most of the fiber is strained away. 

Nutritional Diversity of Regular Tofu vs Chickpea Tofu

Soy tofu and chickpea tofu have their own advantages. 

Soy tofu has less carbs with higher amounts of protein and calcium. Whereas, chickpea tofu is a fiber rich food with lower fat content. 

While comparing micronutrients, chickpea tofu is a richer source of many minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B6, thiamin, iron, zinc and phosphorus. 

On the other hand, soy tofu contains more potassium, magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, copper and vitamin C. 

Best Time to Have Chickpea Tofu vs Soy Tofu

You can have soy tofu at any time of the day, though most East Asian people prefer to have it in the morning. It is a low carb and protein rich food which is perfect to start the day. 

It is also a healthy option for a midday meal or for a light supper. 

Chickpea tofu has more carbs in it which makes it a better choice for breakfast. It will keep you energetic and active throughout the day. Try to avoid having it in the night. 

Is Regular Tofu Better Than Burmese Tofu for Digestion?

Your gut health impacts your overall physical and mental health. Healthy digestive system is also critical to develop your immunity. 

Chickpea tofu has more dietary fiber than soy tofu, which makes it a better pick for easy digestion. 

Chickpea Tofu vs Soy Tofu for Your Oral and Bone Health

Protein, calcium and vitamin D are three critical nutrients for teeth and bone. Soy tofu is a source of complete protein and also has more calcium than chickpea tofu. 

Besides that, soy tofu has more magnesium and copper, which play an important role for your bone health.  All these micro and macro nutrients make soy tofu a better choice for strong teeth and bones. 

Chickpea Tofu or Soy Tofu: A More Versatile Option

Both chickpea tofu and soy tofu are highly versatile in terms of uses. They go very well with many dishes like fried rice, noodles and curries. You can use both types of tofu for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Though chickpea tofu is more firm than regular tofu it is convenient for stovetop cooking. You can easily stir-fry, bake or grill it, it won’t break. 

Comparing the Shelf Life of Chickpea Tofu vs Soy Tofu

Chickpea tofu and soy tofu, both can be stored around 1-2 days at room temperature and up to 4-5 days in the fridge. 

Packed versions of each tofu have different expiry dates which you can check while buying. If you are not going to use them soon then put them in the freezer, they can stay up to 3-4 months.  

Chickpea Tofu or Soy Tofu: Which Is Less Allergic?

Soy tofu consumption can cause discomfort to the people who are allergic to soybeans. Stomach cramps, nausea or skin rashes are the common symptoms of soy allergy.  It is better to avoid soy tofu completely in such cases. 

Just like soybeans, chickpeas are also a type of legume. Hence if you have soy allergy then you must be careful while having chickpea tofu. However, chickpea allergy is less common than soy. 

In the end, I will conclude that both types of tofu have immense health benefits. Instead of picking over the other, try to add both of them to enrich your diet with multiple nutrients. 

If you have any further query regarding soy tofu vs chickpea tofu, write it in the comment section. I will answer it as soon as possible. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.