Coconut Milk Or Almond Milk – Which One to Pick?

Rohit Panwar

Are you lactose intolerant, eco-conscious, vegan or simply interested in non-dairy milk? Wondering – Coconut milk or Almond milk – which would be a better option?  

Here, as a nutritionist, I’m talking about the differences between two widely known plant-based milk options coconut milk and almond milk. Read along to know what is better suited for your needs.

Coconut milk Versus Almond Milk

Coconut Milk Versus Almond Milk: Analyzing the Two Popular Alt Milk Options

Let’s understand the Almond milk vs coconut milk nutrition and benefits –   

Coconut Milk

Mature coconut & Water

Almond Milk

Almonds & Water

Coconut Milk

Sweet & creamy

Almond Milk

Slightly Nutty

Coconut Milk

1 cup

Almond Milk

1 cup

Coconut Milk


Almond Milk


Coconut Milk

57 g*

Almond Milk

2.5 g*

Coconut Milk

5 g*

Almond Milk

1 g*

Coconut Milk

38-470 mg*

Almond Milk

46-482 mg*

Coconut Milk

Morning & Noon

Almond Milk

Morning & Night

Coconut Milk

Very Good

Almond Milk


Coconut Milk


Almond Milk


Coconut Milk


Almond Milk


Coconut Milk


Almond Milk


Coconut Milk


Almond Milk


Coconut Milk


Almond Milk


Coconut Milk

Tropical Fruits

Almond Milk

Chocolate & Vanilla

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup,

Compositional Differences Between Coconut Milk & Almond Milk 

Coconut Milk is extracted from the flesh of mature brown coconut. It can be thick and thin, depending on the pressings and water quantity. 

Almond milk is made from ground almonds and water. To prepare it at home it is better to soak almonds overnight. Homemade Almond milk has a thicker consistency than the store version. 

Both kinds of vegan milk are easy to make at home but you can also buy them from stores as multiple packed options are easily available. 

Coconut Milk vs Almond Milk Taste & Texture  

Coconut milk tastes a bit sweet and its texture is creamy. This silky texture goes well with savoury items such as curries or sweet coconut-based desserts. 

Almond milk has a slightly nutty flavour. It is very mild and this mildness makes it a perfect substitute for dairy milk in coffee, tea and smoothies. Its flavour doesn’t clash with other tastes. 

Recommended Consumption Quantity for Coconut Milk Versus Almond Milk 

Coconut milk has high calories and it is advisable to include a moderate amount in your diet. Try to limit your coconut milk intake to one cup per day and preferably by diluting it with water if too thick. 

On the other hand, almond milk is low in calories compared to coconut milk. You can have a cup of Almond milk per day to get all the benefits of this vegan milk.

Comparing Coconut Milk & Almond Milk With Other Popular Plant Milks

| Coconut Milk vs Oat Milk |
| Almond Milk vs Cashew Milk |

Coconut Milk Vs Almond Milk Calorie Difference

Coconut milk is a very calorie-rich drink and almond milk is a low-calorie beverage. Because of the high calories in coconut milk, you feel full after consuming it. 

On the other hand, almond milk doesn’t make you full. So, if you are conscious regarding your calories intake then almond milk is a better option. 

Fat Content in 1 Cup of Coconut milk and Almond milk

 Coconut milk is significantly higher in fat content in comparison to Almond Milk. If you are preparing Coconut milk at home then remember that the first pressing has the fattest content compared to the second or third pressing.

Having said that,  some of the fat content in Coconut milk is good for you if you consume it in limited quantity. Limited consumption of coconut milk fat can help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in healthy people.

If the question is – is coconut milk or almond milk better for weight loss, the answer would be definitely almond milk, since it is a low calorie, low fat option.

Know the Protein Value of Coconut Milk Vs Almond Milk

People are increasingly becoming more aware of their protein intake. Though coconut Milk and almond Milk both are low in protein but compared to coconut milk, almond Milk has quite less protein in it. 

To achieve your daily requirement of protein you should add other protein-rich foods to your diet and not rely on these kinds of milk alone.

Suitable Time to Add Coconut Milk and Almond Milk in Your Routine

Compared to almond Milk, coconut milk is high in calories. Therefore, it is better to avoid coconut milk at night.

Almond milk is low-calorie milk so you can consume it anytime in a day. It goes very well with your breakfast cereals, smoothies and coffees.

Almonds and Almond milk is considered very good for better sleep, you can have a cup of Almond milk after dinner as well. 

How Much Calcium Do You Get From 1 cup of Almond Milk Vs Coconut Milk?

Compared to cow’s milk all plant-based milk has less calcium but the packed version of almond milk is generally fortified with Calcium and Vitamin D. Homemade Almond milk has significantly less calcium than the packed version.

One cup of store-bought Almond milk has around 300-400 mg of calcium but the same quantity of homemade almond milk has about 46 mg of calcium. Coconut milk is also very low in calcium in comparison to dairy. 

Coconut Milk and Almond Milk as Eco-Friendly Options

Almond milk and Coconut milk both are plant-based milk and they have significantly less carbon footprint. This makes them good for the environment compared to any dairy product.

Almond milk although plant-based, has been battling with its own environmental issues. Water usage is a big concern with almond milk production which makes it not so good for the environment.

Coconut trees need less water to grow and they absorb carbon dioxide making them a better alternative than almonds. 

Do Coconut Milk and Almond Milk Help to Cool Down Your Body?

Both kinds of milk are very good beverages for the hot weather. Having a cup of Coconut milk helps to keep your body cool, especially in the summer. 

Almond milk contains a lot of water which is good to cool down the body with other nutritional benefits.

Consume Coconut Milk and Almond Milk to stay Hydrated

Almond milk and Coconut milk, both are good to stay hydrated for a longer time. Almond milk is a rich source of Vitamin E which helps to keep the body and skin moist. Coconut milk with 50% water in it, makes it a good hydration drink. 

Coconut milk is rich in electrolytes minerals and according to the National Academy of Sports Medicine electrolytes increase the hydration level in the body. 

Coconut Milk and Almond Milk as Important Parts of a Vegan Diet

These days many people understand the negative impacts of dairy products and this has led to more people opting for plant-based milk. Almond and coconut milk are great alternatives to cow’s milk for vegans.

Coconut milk has been a part of Thai, Nepalese and Indian cuisine for many centuries. Almond Milk became a widely popular vegan milk in the last few years and people started using it in their kitchen quite regularly. 

Coconut Milk Vs Almond Milk: The Better Reason to Smile 

Coconut is incredibly effective to maintain your oral health. It helps deal with tooth decay, bleeding gums and bad breath. By adding coconut milk to your diet, you will get the natural benefits of coconut to improve oral health. 

All nuts are excellent for a healthy mouth. Almond milk is extracted from almonds and is rich in Vitamin E and Omega-3 which strengthen the teeth and support healthy gum tissues. 

Almond Milk Vs Coconut Milk’s Effect on the Stomach 

Coconut milk has a high level of calories and fat. Consuming too much coconut milk can cause problems in the digestive system. Therefore,  it is advisable to consume Coconut milk in moderation.

On the other side, almond milk helps to improve your tummy health and keeps your digestive system strong. Almond milk is full of fibre and low in calories which maintain a problem-free stomach. 

What Are the Nourishing Additives of Coconut Vs Almond Milk?

Tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple, banana etc. are good with coconut milk. A coconut Milk smoothie with these fruits is the perfect way to start a hot day in summer. 

Vanilla extract, chocolate and strawberries are a few nourishing additives for Almond milk. These flavours blend very well with this mild Vegan milk. 

Coconut Milk and Almond Milk, both are great alternatives to cow’s milk. Each milk has its own advantages and disadvantages. So choose the best one for you according to your nutritional needs and personal taste preferences. 

Coconut milk vs almond milk – Which one is your choice? Tell me about your preference in the comment section. I look forward to hearing your opinions.  

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.