Coconut Milk Or Macadamia Milk- What to Pick?

Rohit Panwar

One of the most  difficult choices in among plant milks is between coconut milk versus macadamia milk. While coconut milk has been around for a long time now, macadamia milk is the new kid on the block.

Both macadamia milk and coconut milk are delicious, which is why choosing one is hard. So, I bring you an in-depth anlaysis of their nutritional and benefit attributes, to make your choice easier. 

Coconut milk Versus Macadamia Milk

All You Need to Know About Coconut Milk Versus Macadamia Milk

Let’s take a look at the nutritional differences between coconut milk and macadamia milk – 

Coconut Milk

Coconut & water

Macadamia Milk

Macadamia Nuts & water

Coconut Milk

Sweet & Nutty

Macadamia Milk

Fruity & Nutty 

Coconut Milk

1 cup

Macadamia Milk

1 cup

Coconut Milk


Macadamia Milk


Coconut Milk

57 g*

Macadamia Milk

4.99 g*

Coconut Milk

5 g*

Macadamia Milk

1 g*

Coconut Milk

38-470 mg*

Macadamia Milk

20-451 mg*

Coconut Milk


Macadamia Milk


Coconut Milk


Macadamia Milk


Coconut Milk


Macadamia Milk


Coconut Milk

Very Good

Macadamia Milk


Coconut Milk


Macadamia Milk

Very Good

Coconut Milk

Very good

Macadamia Milk


Coconut Milk

Very good

Macadamia Milk


Coconut Milk


Macadamia Milk


*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

What Are Coconut Milk & Macadamia Milk Made From?

Coconut milk as a drink is most commonly used in south-east Asia. It is prepared by blending fresh coconut meat from mature coconuts with water. The mixture is strained and what remains is called coconut milk.  

As the name suggests macadamia milk is made from macadamia nuts which originated from Africa and Australia. The soaked nuts are blended with water and strained to obtain macadamia milk.

Do Coconut Milk and Macadamia Milk Taste That Different?

Coconuts naturally have a sweet taste to them, hence coconut milk tastes sweet and nutty. It is a wonderful drink to enjoy, especially for kids.

Macadamia milk has a nutty taste to it just like almond milk. Macadamia milk has many uses, common among which is its use as a replacement for milk in morning coffee due to its creamy texture.

How Much Coconut Milk or Macadamia Milk Can Be Consumed Daily?

Coconut milk is rich in fats and creamy. Hence it would be ideal to consume one cup a day to gain its benefits.

Macadamia milk also works best for you when you limit its consumption to one cup a day.

How Do Coconut & Macadamia Milk Fare Against Popular Alt Milks?

| Coconut Vs Almond Milk |
| Macadamia Milk vs Oat Milk |

Calorie Score for Coconut Milk Vs Macadamia Milk

Coconut milk is high in calories. The thicker the milk, the more calorie dense it will be. So, if low-calorie healthy drinks are your choice then you should either dilute it with water or use limited quantity.

On the contrary, the calorie level in Macadamia milk is low. It is one of the best plant based drinks with low calories. You can consume it without worrying about calorie count.

Do Coconut Milk and Macadamia Milk Have High Fat Content?

Coconut milk is known for its rich creamy fat which is why it is being used in soups and curries to add extra taste. There is lower healthier fat in Macadamia milk in comparison with coconut milk.

Therefore if you are looking to watch your weight, choose macadamia milk over coconut milk.

Can Coconut Milk or Macadamia Milk Take Care of Your Protein Requirements?

Coconut milk is moderately rich in protein which is essential for building a strong body. However, remember,  thinner the coconut milk, lower will be its protein content. 

Macadamia milk on the other hand has low protein. If you are looking for protein-rich foods, this cannot be of much help.

Can You Get Sufficient Calcium From Coconut Or Macadamia Milk?

Both Coconut milk and Macadamia milk are plant based milk, which makes them automatically low in calcium. 

However, most market versions of Coconut Milk and Macadamia milk when fortified with calcium make a wonderful option for people looking for calcium-rich plant-based milks. 

When Can Coconut Milk and Macadamia Milk Be Consumed?

The best time to consume coconut milk it is in the morning, preferably for breakfast. This gives your body enough time to absorb and digest essential nutrients.

Macadamia milk is also best consumed in the morning. As both these are rich in fats, digesting them will be much easier in the mornings.

Coconut Milk Vs Macadamia Milk: More Environment Friendly? 

When looking at the impact on the environment, coconut production causes lesser damage to the ecosystem than macadamia production. Coconut trees require less water to grow and absorb more carbon dioxide. This in turn reduces the greenhouse gas emissions.

Macadamia milk being a nut-based milk requires a huge amount of water to grow and harvest. This creates a challenge to the environment. 

Are Coconut Milk and Macadamia Milk Vegan Friendly?

Yes, they both are plant based milk and cab be great options for people looking for dairy alternatives.

The taste of coconut milk and macadamia milk make them more palatable. They can thus be great choices for vegan beginners.  

Coconut Milk Vs Macadamia Milk: Which Contributes More To Oral Health?

Though coconut milk is not rich in calcium it is still great for your oral health because of its natural antibacterial properties that help in killing germs and healing gums. The age old practice of coconut oil pulling proves this fact.

Fortified Macadamia milk being a rich source of calcium helps in strengthening your teeth and proves effective for oral health.

However, I would recommend that before buying any commercial packs, you check the label thoroughly to make sure there is no hidden or added sugar.

Is Macadamia Milk Better than Coconut Milk for Your Tummy?

Although coconut milk has several benefits, it must be consumed in recommended quantities. People with digestive issues may have trouble digesting it. So, start by adding small quantities and see if you are able to tolerate. 

Unfiltered macadamia milk is rich in fiber. Fiber rich foods help in building better washroom habits by making digestion easier.  Overall, low calorie, good fat and fiber makes it good for your tummy.

Coconut Milk Vs Macadamia Milk For Cooling the Body

Coconut milk is a natural body coolant. It is widely sought out in the summer months to balance the heat in the body.

Macadamia milk on the other hand can cool the body to an extent but not as coconut milk does.

Can Coconut Milk and Macadamia Milk Hydrate the Body?

Coconut milk is rich in electrolytes i.e. minerals like potassium and sodium which is essential to maintain energy and prevent dehydration. Drinking a cup of coconut milk replenishes the body and keeps it hydrated. 

Macadamia milk may not help in hydrating the body as much coconut milk does. However it is rich in good fats that might help in keeping your skin hydrated. The use of macadamia oil for skin proves this fact.

What Can I Drink With Coconut Milk Vs Macadamia Milk?

The natural sweetness in coconut milk makes it one of the most likable drinks that can be consumed as such. It can also be consumed with a dash of  jaggery or honey or blended with tropical fruits.

Macadamia milk tastes better with flavors like vanilla, coffee or can be taken as such with honey.

So to summarise, coconut milk and macadamia milk are loaded with good fats and nutrients which is essential for our well being. They are plant based and work great as dairy alternatives. 

You might wonder, Is macadamia milk better than coconut milk? It depends. For example, if you are looking for something low- calorie and low fat, macadamia milk is a great option. If you need more protein, coconut milk helps. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.