What to Pick Between Coconut Milk and Normal Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Being a dietician, I am frequently asked by many people, ‘What should I consume coconut milk or normal milk?’ Coconut milk being a non-dairy product, is gaining popularity but is it really a better choice over normal farm milk?

Well, let me start by saying that coconut milk and normal milk have many differences. In this blog, I will address all these differences, your concerns, doubts, and queries regarding the two products, to help you pick the right one.

Coconut Milk versus Normal Milk


Coconut milk Versus Almond milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Comparing Coconut Milk Versus Normal Milk On 15 Parameters

To clear up all the basic differences between coconut milk and normal milk, I’m presenting below a comparison table. Let’s see how these products vary in the 15 chosen aspects:

Coconut Milk

Coconut & water

Normal Milk


Coconut Milk

Sweet & Nutty

Normal Milk

Sweet & creamy

Coconut Milk

1 cup

Normal Milk

1-2 cups

Coconut Milk


Normal Milk


Coconut Milk

57 g*

Normal Milk

8 g*

Coconut Milk

5 g*

Normal Milk

8 g*

Coconut Milk

38-470 mg*

Normal Milk

275.7 mg*

Coconut Milk


Normal Milk

Morning or Night

Coconut Milk


Normal Milk


Coconut Milk


Normal Milk


Coconut Milk

Very Good

Normal Milk

Very Good

Coconut Milk


Normal Milk


Coconut Milk

Very good

Normal Milk


Coconut Milk

Very good

Normal Milk


Coconut Milk

Tropical Fruits

Normal Milk

Turmeric or honey

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope the above clarity gave you a glimpse of the major differences between coconut milk and normal or whole milk.

To help you answer the question, ‘Is coconut milk a good replacement of milk?’, let us discuss each of these differences below.

Know all about the Base Ingredients of Coconut Milk Versus Normal Milk

Coconut milk is a plant-based milk form that is made by grating coconut pulp (cream), blending it with water, and then straining it. The viscous liquid thus obtained is Coconut milk.

On the other hand, Normal Milk also referred to as whole milk is obtained from the mammary glands of mammals including cows, buffaloes, goats, etc.

Comparing the Taste of Coconut Milk and Normal Milk

Let us now discuss a very important aspect, coconut milk versus milk taste. Both these amazing products have a sticky and creamy appearance and thick consistency.

The taste of Coconut milk is sweet, creamy, and nutty. Hence, it’s a popular choice for lattes and smoothies. On the other hand, normal milk tastes slightly sweet and creamy.

How much Coconut Milk and Dairy Milk can be Consumed in a Day? 

Normal milk is an animal-based milk form that is rich in proteins, essential minerals and other nutrients. Hence, the suggested daily intake of regular milk is 1 to 2 cups.

On the other hand, coconut milk is rich in calories and fats. Therefore, it is suggested that you limit the daily intake to one cup.

 Difference between Calorie Content of Coconut Milk and Regular Milk

If you are wondering about coconut milk versus Regular milk calories, there sure is a huge difference between the two.

Taking 1 cup as a standard measure, then the amount of calories of Coconut milk is almost 4 times that of regular milk. So those people who want to ingest low-calorie foods can prefer normal milk over coconut milk.

Fat Content of Coconut Milk is Considerably More than That of Regular Milk

If you are someone who wants to consume foods with less amount of total fats, then prefer Normal Milk over Coconut Milk.

Coconut milk is rich in fats and its quantity is way higher than normal milk. However, coconut milk has good fats and you can surely consume it in the morning for its numerous benefits.

Protein Content in Regular Milk Vs Coconut Milk

Proteins are the basic necessity of the human body which helps to strengthen our body. You can include normal milk or Coconut milk in your diet as they both are decent sources of protein. 

If we compare the two drinks, we find that normal or whole milk has more protein content when compared to coconut milk. In fact, all dairy products are pretty good sources of protein.

Normal Milk has Way More Calcium Content Than Coconut Milk

If we talk about the amount of Calcium present in both products, then Normal Milk has way more Calcium content than that Coconut milk.

Dairy milk is very rich in Calcium hence it is more preferred over Coconut milk for fulfilling the calcium needs of the body. However, the market versions of coconut milk are fortified with Calcium so that they provide the same amount of calcium as dairy.

Know the Best Time of Consumption for Coconut Milk and Normal Milk

Prior to switching to any of the products, let me tell you the best time of consumption for Coconut milk and Normal milk. When it comes to Coconut milk, the suggested time of consumption is in the morning because of its high calorie and fat content. Therefore, you should consume it on empty stomach before meals.

Whereas, normal or whole milk can be taken in the morning and in the night before going to bed.  Taking warm milk at bedtime promoted good sleep

Which is more Environment- Friendly: Coconut milk or Normal Milk?

Coconut milk is a plant-based form and substitute for dairy milk which is why it’s gaining popularity nowadays among the eco-conscious. It has a low impact on the environment as compared to dairy products.

On the other hand, regular milk has a source of origin in mammals and it comes at the harmful cost of the suffering of animals and is also considered to have a negative effect on the Environment.

Are Coconut Milk and Regular Milk Vegan-Friendly Products?

Unlike dairy milk products, coconut milk is a product derived from plant sources and hence, it’s a Vegan-friendly product.

Normal milk, whether it’s produced by cows, buffaloes or any other animal is a dairy product. Hence, they cannot be considered Vegan-friendly products.

Include Coconut Milk Or Normal Milk in Your Diet for Strong Teeth

Coconut milk and Normal milk both improve our oral or dental health. However, dairy milk is more beneficial for maintaining oral health than Coconut milk because of its high calcium levels.

Calcium is very necessary for strengthening jawbones, gums and teeth. Both the products rebuild teeth enamel and help maintain a good overall oral health.

For Effective Digestion, Include Coconut Milk and Normal Milk In Your Diet

Dairy milk contains lactose which makes it hard to digest for some people. People who are lactose intolerant should not consume too much dairy milk as it can cause digestive problems.

Due to the absence of lactose, coconut milk is easier to digest than dairy milk. However, choose your milk wisely. Homemade coconut milk is a good option and if you are buying it from the market make sure it does not have too many preservatives or added sugar. 

For Cooling Effect On Body, Gulp Down Normal Milk Or Coconut Milk

Gulping down a glass of Coconut milk and Normal Milk provides the much-required cooling effect in the fiery heat of summers. These both amazing beverages balance the body temperature.

You can also freeze both of them to make frozen milk cubes. Using these milk cubes, you can make your delicious Coffee latte, smoothies, and milkshakes.

Both Coconut milk and Normal Milk Prevents the Body from Dehydration

In scorching Summers, if you are planning to have some cold drink that will hydrate your body, then you can surely opt for either coconut milk or normal cold milk.

Both coconut milk and normal milk contain proteins as well as essential minerals like sodium and potassium which are basically electrolytes. They maintain water optimum level in the body and protect you against dehydration.

Additives for Coconut Milk and Regular Milk to Make them More Nutritious

Coconut milk is an amazing beverage that has a lot going for it. Its admirers like to have some Honey or Tropical fruits such as Mango, pineapple, berries, or peaches to make it more delicious and enjoyable.

Some people like to have regular milk without any additives while others like to add Turmeric or Honey. Apart from these, some also like chopped Fruits and Nuts (e.g. almonds, raisins, dates, walnuts, etc.) to make it more nutritious.

It is clear from the above comparison that one can choose between the two based on their needs and requirements. Those who are lactose-intolerant can choose coconut milk as a better option.

I hope that my blog cleared all your doubts and questions regarding Milk and Coconut milk. If you still have some queries, then feel free to ask me in the comments section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.