Eggs or Cottage Cheese: Which One Will You Suit Your Needs Better?

Rohit Panwar

When two nutrient-rich foods stack up against each other, the choice becomes extremely hard.  Eggs vs cottage cheese is a perfect example of such a situation.  

As a nutritionist, I will evaluate all the major nutritional aspects of eggs and cottage cheese. This will help to make your mind and pick the best food. 

Eggs vs Cottage Cheese: Nutritional Showdown

Before we dig deeper, let’s take a brief look at the various metrics of eggs vs cottage cheese:



Cottage Cheese

Dairy Milk & Lactic Acid


Rich & Slightly Savory

Cottage Cheese

Slightly Sweet



Cottage Cheese

50-100 grams



Cottage Cheese



1.12 g*

Cottage Cheese

3.4 g*


10.6 g*

Cottage Cheese

4.3 g*


12.6 g*

Cottage Cheese

11 g*


50  mg*

Cottage Cheese

83 mg*


Very Good

Cottage Cheese




Cottage Cheese

Morning or Noon



Cottage Cheese

Very Good


Very Good

Cottage Cheese

Very Good


Very Good

Cottage Cheese

Very Good



Cottage Cheese




Cottage Cheese




Cottage Cheese

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Eggs vs Cottage Cheese: How Are They Made?

Throughout the world eggs from chickens are the most commonly consumed, however quail and duck eggs are also popular in some countries. I am using boiled chicken eggs here for the comparison purpose. 

Cottage cheese is made of milk. You can make it at home or can get the packed one. 

To prepare it, food acids like vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice are added to warm milk. Once whey is separated, the excess water is drained through muslin or cheesecloth. 

Difference in the Taste & Texture of Eggs Vs Cottage Cheese

Eggs are almost tasteless, which allows you to choose your favorite flavors to put on it. Boiled or cooked eggs have a soft texture which is loved by all age groups. 

Just like the eggs, cottage cheese also has a mild flavor with a sweet touch. It has a soft and creamy texture which melts down in the mouth itself. 

Suggested Daily Intake Eggs vs Cottage Cheese

Eggs and cottage cheese both are nutrient rich products. However, it is crucial to stick with the recommended daily intakes for the maximum benefits. 

A healthy person should limit their consumption to 50-100 grams of eggs per day, whereas ¼-½ cup of cottage cheese is sufficient for a day. 

Eggs or Cottage Cheese: Which Contains More Calories?

Eggs have significantly higher calorie content compared to the same quantity of cottage cheese. Egg yolk contains most of the calories. If you want to reduce your calorie intake then you can avoid yolk. 

Even though cottage cheese is a rich and creamy, it is still a low calorie dairy product. You can further cut down the calories by using low fat milk to make cottage cheese. 

A Lower Carbs Option: Eggs or Cottage Cheese

Carbs or carbohydrates provide you energy for any work or physical activities. However, instead of quantity, quality of carbs matters more. 

Both eggs and cottage cheese are low in carbs. Eggs are a better pick if you are following a low carb diet as they have a lower carb count. 

Eggs or Cottage Cheese: What to Choose for Low Fat?

Eggs have a higher fat content which is one of its biggest disadvantages of this healthful food. Since egg yolks contain most of its fat and cholesterol it is better to avoid egg yolk instead of whole egg. 

On the contrary, cottage cheese contains a lower fat content. If you are concerned about the fat intake, then cottage cheese is a better pick for you. 

Which Is Better in Protein: Cottage Cheese or Eggs?

Eggs and cottage cheese are popular foods among fitness enthusiasts due to their high protein content. Both of them contain all 9 essential amino acids which makes them complete protein. 

However, when comparing the quality of protein of products we should also consider the bioavailability of protein. Human body can absorb more protein from poultry than dairy products. This gives a little advantage to eggs compared to cottage cheese. 

Eggs or Cottage Cheese: A Better Pick for Calcium

Cottage cheese is a milk based product which gives it an advantage in terms of calcium. There is a vast difference between the calcium content of eggs and cottage cheese. 

Cottage cheese will be especially a better pick for those who need more calcium like children, pregnant and menopausal women.  

Eggs vs Cottage Cheese Nutrition: Which Has More Diverse Profile?

We already discussed the macronutrient aspects of eggs and cottage cheese, now let’s take a look at their micronutrient profile which contains vitamins and minerals.  

Compared to cottage cheese, eggs are a better source of minerals such as iron, manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus and zinc. It is also richer in vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, vitamin B9 and vitamin E. 

On the other hand, cottage cheese has more vitamin B3, sodium and calcium than eggs. This tells that in terms of micronutrients, eggs are a better option.  

Best Time to Add Eggs vs Cottage Cheese to Your Day

Protein rich breakfast keeps you full longer and you don’t feel hungry till lunch. Eggs and cottage cheese are good sources of protein, hence they both are perfect options for breakfast.

Eggs are an especially popular breakfast choice throughout the world. Whereas, cottage cheese can also be added to lunch and late afternoon snacks because it has less calories and fats. 

Which One to Opt for Easy Digestion: Eggs or Cottage Cheese?

Eggs and cottage cheese both are animal based products and they don’t contain dietary fiber. This makes them not very gut friendly food choices. 

However, compared to eggs, cottage cheese can be digested easily. It has less carbs and less fat content. Eggs contain cholesterol which takes longer to digest. If you have digestion issues then choose cottage cheese over eggs. 

Are Eggs Better Than Cottage Cheese for Teeth?

Eggs are high in phosphorus, which is a crucial mineral for building strong tooth enamel.  This gives eggs an advantage over cottage cheese for oral health. 

However, as cottage cheese has casein which is considered helpful to prevent tooth decay. Casein is a type of protein which is found in milk and milk products.

Cottage cheese also has more calcium than eggs, which is an essential mineral for strong teeth. 

How Differently Do Eggs & Cottage Cheese Affect Your Bones?

Protein is an essential nutrient to build and maintain the bones. To make protein, the body needs 9 essential amino acids. As mentioned earlier eggs and cottage cheese are the sources of complete protein meaning they have all 9 amino acids.

Calcium is also another essential mineral for bones. Compared to eggs, cottage cheese contains more calcium. Whereas, eggs are richer sources of vitamin D. This makes both of them a good pick for strong bones. 

Eggs or Cottage Cheese: An Eco-Friendly Option

It is not easy to choose more sustainable food when you compare two animal based products. However,  cheese is responsible for more carbon emission compared to eggs. 

Those for those who want to follow a low-carbon footprint nutritious diet, eggs are indeed a better option than cottage cheese.  

Eggs vs Cottage Cheese: A Better Pick to Avoid Allergies

Milk and eggs are among the first two foods in the list of 9 most common food allergens. If you are allergic to milk, then you must avoid any milk product including cottage cheese. 

Egg allergy is most common in children but the positive point is that with age they outgrow their allergy. It is safer to not introduce eggs to your babies at a very early stage. 

How Versatile Are Eggs vs Cottage Cheese? 

Eggs are highly versatile and can be cooked in many different ways. It is commonly used for classic breakfast dishes like omelets, scrambled eggs, and frittatas. 

Boiled eggs are also a widely popular breakfast. It is used in baking breads and cakes. Many cuisines also incorporate eggs in broths, soups and curries. 

Cottage cheese is not as versatile as eggs, however one of the biggest advantages of it is that you can have it without cooking. You can have it directly or spread on your breakfast toast for a nutrient rich breakfast. 

You can also use cottage cheese for curries, fried rice and for many dessert recipes. Using it for the wraps and salads are a few of my favorite ways to have cottage cheese. 

In conclusion, eggs and cottage cheese both have immense health benefits. You can choose any of them considering dietary or health restrictions. 

If you are allergic to eggs then choose cottage cheese and if you are lactose intolerant then pick eggs. 

Write in the comment section, if you have any other query regarding eggs vs cottage cheese. I will be happy to reply to you as soon as possible. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.