Evaporated Milk and Powdered Milk: How Similar Are They Nutritionally?

Rohit Panwar

The need to preserve fresh milk led to the invention of several milk products. Evaporated milk vs powdered milk is a dilemma created by these milk storage methods. 

As a passionate nutritionist, I would like to talk about the differences between these two types of milks. This will help you to understand which one’s better – powdered milk or evaporated milk.

Evaporated Milk vs Powdered Milk: Let the Battle Begin 

If you’re wondering -“Is evaporated milk and powdered milk the same?”, find out with this comparison – 

Evaporated Milk

Cow’s Milk

Powdered Milk

Cow’s Milk

Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk

Mild sweet

Evaporated Milk

100 g

Powdered Milk

50 g

Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk


Evaporated Milk

10 g*

Powdered Milk

40 g*

Evaporated Milk

8.5 g*

Powdered Milk

26.7 g*

Evaporated Milk

7.6 g*

Powdered Milk

26.7 g*

Evaporated Milk

278.8 mg*

Powdered Milk

833 mg*

Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk


Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk


Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk


Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk


Evaporated Milk

Very good

Powdered Milk


Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk


Evaporated Milk


Powdered Milk

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1/2 cup

Evaporated Milk vs Powdered Milk: How Are They Prepared?

Fresh cow’s milk is the common base ingredient for evaporated milk and powdered milk. However, their manufacturing process is different from each other. 

Once reduced, the evaporated milk obtained is homogenized and packed in cans. On the other hand powdered milk goes through the drying process after pasteurization

Evaporated Milk vs Powdered Milk Taste and Textural Differences 

Evaporated milk is heated up until 60% of the water is reduced. This process gives a caramelized flavor.  It is in liquid form with a thick and creamy consistency.

Whereas, powdered milk is in dry powder form. Due to the solid milk particles it gets a sweet taste. 

Evaporated Milk vs Dry Milk: Suffice Quantity for a Day

Evaporated milk and powdered milk, both contain all the nutrients of fresh cow’s milk. Within the limited quantities you can add these milks to your daily routine.

You can have up to 80 -100 grams of evaporated milk and 30-40 grams for powdered milk. 

Usually both these milks are not consumed directly, however you can consume them after diluting them with water. For evaporated milk the recommended ratio of milk to water is 1:1 and for powdered milk it is 1:3. 

Which Has More Calories: Evaporated Milk or Powdered Milk?

Dry powdered milk is a high calorie food compared to evaporated milk. This is because there are only solid milk particles in it without any water. 

If you are someone who wants to control their calorie intake, then evaporated milk is a better choice for you instead of powdered milk. 

Evaporated Milk or Powdered Milk: What to Choose for Less Carbs?

Carbs consist of sugar, starch and dietary fiber. Carbs in evaporated milk and powdered milk  are 100% sugar which is in lactose form. There is no dietary fiber found in both these milks. 

In terms of comparison, powdered milk contains 4 times more carbs than evaporated milk. I would suggest evaporated milk over powdered milk if you are looking for low carbs options. 

Which to Pick to Control Fat Intake: Evaporated Milk or Powdered Milk?

Fat is an essential nutrient for our brain, skin and digestion system. The important thing is to choose the right kind of fat within a limited quantity. Unsaturated fat is known as healthy fat for the body. 

In comparison to evaporated milk, powdered milk has a lot more fat. This fat is mostly saturated fat (more than 80%) which is not considered a healthy fat. 

Evaporated Milk vs Powdered Milk: Better Source of Protein

Dairy milk and all its products are excellent sources of protein. Also, protein found in dairy is considered as a complete protein. It provides all kinds of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. 

Evaporated milk and powdered milk are both rich in protein. However, dry milk has a large amount of protein compared to evaporated milk.

So, for a protein boost, you can add a tablespoon of powdered milk to your smoothie after an intense workout. 

Evaporated Milk vs Powdered Milk: Which One Is a Better Source of Calcium?

Powdered milk contains much more calcium than evaporated milk. In fact, powdered milk is one of the best sources of calcium in the dairy section. 

If you have children at home between the age group of 4 to18, it is a good idea to keep dry milk at home to add 1-2 tablespoons in their ice creams or soups. They need more calcium compared to any other age group. 

Right Time To Consume Evaporated Milk Vs Dry Milk for Optimal Benefits 

Morning is the best time of the day to add evaporated milk and powdered milk to your daily routine. This will give enough time to the body to digest it. Also, you will stay full for longer. 

Dry milk is also an excellent source of tryptophan, an amino acid which aids better sleep. You can have it at bedtime after mixing it in lukewarm water for a good night’s sleep. But be mindful of the calories & fat content. 

Evaporated Milk vs Powdered Milk: Know their Food Prints 

The growing global warming situation has made it important for humans to know the foodPrints of the food or the beverages they are consuming.

A lot of natural resources such as water and land are used while producing industrial dairy products. This makes dairy products a less sustainable choice for the environment. Opt for local and family dairy products for a greener choice. 

Can Evaporated Milk or Powdered Milk Be Part of a Vegan Diet?

Many people get confused between vegetarian and vegan diets. Dairy is an important part of a vegetarian diet whereas veganism doesn’t include any animal based product including all types of milk and its products. 

Hence, evaporated milk and powdered milk can not be a part of a vegan meal. People who follow this diet consume only plant based foods and drinks.

Dental Health: Which Is Better, Dry Milk or Evaporated Milk?

A healthy mouth defines a healthy body. Calcium and vitamin D are essential minerals for your dental health. Both powdered milk and evaporated milk contain these minerals in a good amount.

Besides that, pasteurized milks also have anti-inflammatory properties too. This makes both these milks excellent for your teeth and gums.

Does Evaporated Milk Have the Same Benefits as Powdered Milk for Your Bones?

Bones in the human body continuously break down and build up again. To build new bones, the body needs protein, calcium and vitamin D.  It is important to add these nutrients to your daily diet especially for teenage children, pregnant and postmenopausal women. 

Compared to evaporated milk, powdered milk contains more protein. This makes it a better choice for bone health. 

Evaporated Milk vs Powdered Milk: Which One Is More Stomach Friendly?

Both these milks should be easily digestible if you stick to the recommended quantity. These are dense forms of milk which might upset your stomach.

If you are you are lactose intolerant or have any other milk allergies, I strongly recommend that you avoid consuming both these milks on a daily basis 

Which One Is More Versatile: Evaporated Milk or Powdered Milk?

Apart from a longer shelf life, evaporated milk and powdered milk are known for their versatile usages in the kitchen. You can use them for making sweets, for baking, soups, curries and much more. 

I would like to mention that you can make an amazing and delicious Indian sweet called gulab jamun with dry powdered milk. 

People often ask “Can I substitute evaporated milk for powdered milk?” My answer will be “Yes, in most of the cases.” But if you specifically need a dry form of milk then it’s better not to replace it. 

I would also like to add that it is easy to make evaporated milk with powdered milk at home. Mix the dry milk and water with a ratio of 1:1 to make it. 

While writing this post, I aimed to clear all your confusions regarding evaporated milk vs powdered milk.

If you still have some more questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section. I will be more than happy to answer your queries. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.