Which One Will Fit Better Your Needs: Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk?

Rohit Panwar

Many times people get confused between two well known dairy products and their benefits. Evaporated milk vs buttermilk is such a situation which people face at the dairy aisle.  

As a practitising nutritionist I will talk here about what is the difference between evaporated milk and buttermilk. Based on these similarities and differences, you will get a clear picture of these two milk based products. 

Evaporated Milk vs Buttermilk: Choosing The Better one Between Rich Vs Tangy

Let’s find out – is evaporated milk and buttermilk the same or not:

Evaporated Milk

Cow’s Milk



Evaporated Milk




Evaporated Milk

100 g


1 cup

Evaporated Milk




Evaporated Milk

10 g*


6 g*

Evaporated Milk

8.5 g*


4 g*

Evaporated Milk

7.6 g*


3.9 g*

Evaporated Milk

278.8 mg*


141 mg*

Evaporated Milk



Morning or Noon

Evaporated Milk




Evaporated Milk




Evaporated Milk

 Very Good 



Evaporated Milk




Evaporated Milk




Evaporated Milk



Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1/2 cup

How Is Evaporated Milk vs Buttermilk Made?

Evaporated milk and buttermilk’s base ingredient is common, that is milk. However, their making process creates the two completely whole different products. 

To get evaporated milk, fresh cow’s milk is heated until the more than 50% water evaporates. Later it is packed in aluminum cans of different sizes.

Traditionally buttermilk is obtained by churning cream. These days cultured versions are more popular. For that vinegar or lemon is added to milk to curdle it.  

Which One Is More Palatable: Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk?

Both these milk products are very different in taste. Due to the heating process evaporated milk gets a caramelized flavor. It is slightly sweet because of the lactose. Evaporated milk has a thick and smooth texture. 

Buttermilk is a bit sour in taste and it has a thin consistency. While drinking straight you can add black salt to balance the sourness. 

How Much of Evaporated Milk Vs Buttermilk Is Sufficient for a Day?

Evaporated milk is the dense form of milk. It is advisable not to drink it directly. In case you want to then dilute ¼ cup of evaporated milk and ¾ cup of water before consuming. 

On the other hand, you can add 1 cup of buttermilk to your daily routine. In summers you can have up to 2 cups. It contains lots of water which will help you to stay hydrated. 

How Do Evaporated Milk Vs Buttermilk fare Against Other Dairy Forms?

| Buttermilk vs Milk |

I Evaporated Milk Vs Milk

Evaporated Milk vs Buttermilk: Which Contains More Calories?

People often ask “Is evaporated milk the same as buttermilk in terms of calories”?  No, evaporated milk is a high calorie food compared to buttermilk. People who are looking for low carb dairy products, buttermilk is a good choice. 

You can cut more calories by using low-fat milk to make buttermilk. Whereas, Evaporated milk is usually made of full-fat or whole milk. 

Evaporated Milk vs Buttermilk as Low Carbs Option

Health conscious and fitness freaks don’t forget to check the carbs on the label of a drink or food. They prefer low-carbs over high carbs. 

In such a case, buttermilk will be a better option. It contains less carbs compared to evaporated milk. However, you can opt for evaporated milk if you want to stay full for longer. 

Which to Opt to Reduce Fat Intake: Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk?

If you are someone who doesn’t want to be loaded with fats, then go for buttermilk. It has remarkably less fat content compared to evaporated milk. 

Buttermilk, specially low-fat milk buttermilk contains very less fat. It is a better choice for the people who want to shed a few kilos. 

Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk: A Better Source of Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient to stay energized and to build the body. Dairy products are a good source of good quality of protein for vegetarian people. 

Compared to buttermilk, evaporated milk is a better source of protein. Evaporated milk is a good choice for the people who workout regularly. It is an excellent way to fulfill daily protein requirements. 

Is Evaporated Milk and Buttermilk the Same In Terms of Calcium?

Calcium is an essential mineral for the body. Its main purpose is to build and maintain the strength of the bones. Teenage children and postmenopausal women need calcium the most. 

Evaporated milk is a better option for them. It is evident from the table above that evaporated milk is richer in calcium compared to buttermilk. 

Dawn or Dusk: Right Time to Have Evaporated Milk vs Buttermilk

Morning is the best time to drink evaporated milk and buttermilk both. Evaporated milk is a rich and dense form of cow’s milk. It will energize you for the day and digest well if taken in the morning. 

On the other hand, buttermilk will provide you with good bacteria which helps to ease digestion. During summers, you can also have it in the afternoon to keep yourself hydrated. 

Evaporated Milk vs Buttermilk: Which Has a Higher Carbon Footprint?

Evaporated milk and buttermilk, both are dairy products. Growing demand for these dairy products puts a lot of pressure on natural resources such as land and water. 

This makes commercial dairy farming a bad product for the environment. To reduce this burden try to buy these products from a local family dairy. 

Can Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk Be Part of a Vegan Diet?

Certainly not, since both of these are made of cow’s milk. Vegan diet doesn’t include any form of  animal products. 

In the recent past many people including sports persons and influencers are turning vegan. This promotes the availability of a wide range of plant based foods and drinks. Many dairy production companies also started making vegan milk and its products. You can find vegan buttermilk in the market these days. 

Which Is Better for Your Oral Health: Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk

For your oral health calcium and vitamin D are very important. Evaporated milk is an excellent source of calcium. This makes it a good choice to keep your teeth strong. 

However, buttermilk is a fermented drink which makes it a better option for the overall oral health. This is because fermented dairy prevents infections and promotes the growth of good bacteria in the mouth

Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk: What to Choose for Strong Bones?

For strong bones calcium, vitamin D and protein are essential nutrients. Most of the dairy products are a good source of all these three. It applies to evaporated milk and buttermilk too. 

Since, evaporated milk has more calcium and protein compared to buttermilk, it is a better choice for bone health. 

Gut Friendly Option: Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk

Evaporated milk is a thick form of milk. So, you might face trouble digesting it. On the other hand, buttermilk has good bacteria that helps to regulate gut function. 

Buttermilk is a fermented drink which has many health benefits including improving digestion. Although, if you are allergic to milk then it is advisable to avoid buttermilk and evaporated milk both. 

Evaporated Milk or Buttermilk: More Versatile Drink

Both can be used in multiple ways. Although, evaporated milk has more versatile usage compared to buttermilk. It is not consumed directly. It is used in baking, soups, curries, desserts, ice creams, mac and cheese and many other ways.  

Buttermilk, on the other hand is mostly consumed directly. Many herbs such as mint, cumin and ginger etc. complement it very well. Buttermilk is also used in baking also to prepare a few breads and cakes. 

You can store evaporated milk for a long time; whereas fresh buttermilk is best in taste. You can keep it in the fridge for 2-3 days only after that it will be too sour to drink. 

Evaporated milk is basically milk with reduced water. This leads to the question “ Can I use evaporated milk in making buttermilk”? Yes, but only when you don’t have fresh milk. For using it, just reconstitute evaporated milk by adding an equal amount of water in it.

I hope my purpose to clear your doubts about evaporated milk vs buttermilk is achieved and you have a better clarity now. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.