Are Evaporated Milk and Evaporated Creamer Same: Let’s Find Out

Rohit Panwar

Sometimes almost similar names confuse people to pick the right one for their needs. Evaporated milk vs evaporated creamer is one such unsettling situation for many. 

As a nutritionist, I am here to help you to know what is the difference between evaporated milk and evaporated creamer. This will make it easy to decide which would be the better option for you. 

Evaporated Milk vs Evaporated Creamer: A Guide to Choose the Right One

Here is a brief overview of the comparison between evaporated milk vs creamer:

Evaporated Milk

Cow’s Milk

Evaporated Creamer

Milk Solids & Oil

Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer

Rich & Creamy

Evaporated Milk

100 g

Evaporated Creamer

30-50 g

Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer


Evaporated Milk

10 g*

Evaporated Creamer

13.3 g*

Evaporated Milk

8.5 g*

Evaporated Creamer

10 g*

Evaporated Milk

7.6 g*

Evaporated Creamer

3.33 g*

Evaporated Milk

278.8 mg*

Evaporated Creamer


Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer

Morning & Afternoon

Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer


Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer


Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer

 Not Good

Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer


Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer


Evaporated Milk


Evaporated Creamer

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1/2 cup

Is Evaporated Creamer the Same as Evaporated Milk in Terms of Key Ingredients?

They may sound similar but their key ingredients are very different from each other. Evaporated milk is made of fresh cow’s milk. It goes through a heating process which reduces the water up to 60%. 

Whereas for evaporated creamer, mostly buttermilk powder or milk solids and vegetable oils are used as base products. The ingredients may vary from brand to brand, so check the labels. The creamy texture in the creamer is due to vegetable oils.  

Evaporated Milk vs Evaporated Creamer: Which One Is More Delectable?

The heating process gives a unique caramelized flavor to evaporated milk. It is sweet due to its high lactose content. It has a thick texture and it can be stored for almost 12-18 months. 

Evaporated creamer has a mild neutral taste. It can easily go with sweet and savory dishes without disturbing their taste. It has a thinner consistency than evaporated milk. 

The Daily Intake for Evaporated Milk vs Evaporated Creamer

According to the FDA, an adult can have 3 servings of dairy in a day. You can use evaporated milk for your dairy serving. Though evaporated milk is a dense form of milk so keep the quantity around 100 grams. 

On the other hand, 30-50 grams of evaporated creamer should be sufficient for daily consumption. 

The More Calorie Dense Food: Evaporated Milk or Evaporated Creamer?

Your calorie intake depends on many aspects such as your age, gender, height and activity level etc. For a healthy lifestyle it is important to watchout for calorie dense foods and drinks.  

Evaporated creamer contains more calories than evaporated milk. If you are someone who are looking for a low calorie option than evaporated milk is better for you. 

Evaporated Milk vs Evaporated Creamer: Which Has More Carb?

Carbohydrates or carbs are an important part of a well balanced diet. It provides energy to the body and your meal is not considered complete without it. Carbs are made of sugar, starch and fiber. 

Evaporated creamer has slightly more carbs than evaporated milk. The carbs in both these products are through sugar. There is no dietary fiber in them. 

Can Evaporated Milk or Evaporated Creamer Increase Your Cholesterol Level?

Cholesterol or fat is a waxy substance which the body needs to make cells and hormones. Though, it is essential to consume fats in a limited quantity. High levels of cholesterol can cause serious threats to your heart health.

Evaporated creamer has vegetable oils, which contain loads of fat. This increases the cholesterol content in creamer compared to evaporated milk. 

Evaporated Milk vs Creamer as Better Protein Source

Evaporated milk is made of cow’s milk, hence it is a better source of protein compared to evaporated creamer. 

If you are using evaporated creamer instead of evaporated milk then I will suggest adding other protein rich foods or beverages in your diet. For a healthy lifestyle it is important to consume enough protein through food.   

How Much Calcium Evaporated Milk vs Evaporated Creamer Can Give You?

Calcium is an essential mineral for the body. Not only bone density, it also helps for muscle movement, nerve signaling. Dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium.  

Children and women in their post menopause age must include a calcium rich diet in their every day routine. Especially for this group, evaporated milk is a better choice since most creamers have no calcium in them. 

When to Consume Evaporated Milk Vs Evaporated Creamer During the Day?

Evaporated milk complements well to your breakfast choices such as milkshake, cereal, pancake etc. Since it is a dense dairy product, it is better to consume it in the early hours of the day. This will give enough time to the body to digest it. 

Evaporated creamer has more calories and fats, so morning is the best time to have it. It also goes well with an afternoon meal. You can add it to your curries and other baked savory dishes. 

Evaporated Milk or Evaporated Creamer: Greener Option

Dairy production needs a lot of fresh water and land. This puts pressure on these limited natural resources. Evaporated milk is a dairy product, hence it is not an eco-friendly option. 

Otherside, dairy is just a small part of evaporated creamer. Mostly it is made of vegetable oils. These two characteristics make it a greener option compared to evaporated milk. 

Which One Is Vegan Friendly: Evaporated Milk or Evaporated Creamer?

Animal based foods and drinks are not allowed in vegan diets. If you are following veganism then avoid evaporated milk completely. 

You can add evaporated creamer since it has less amount of milk solids. Many brands use plant based powder instead of dairy power to make creamer. You can check the ingredient list before  opting for one. 

Better for Your Teeth: Evaporated Milk or Evaporated Creamer

Evaporated milk is a rich source of calcium and vitamin D. These two nutrients are essential for your strong teeth.

Evaporated creamer doesn’t contain calcium but it has some amount of vitamin D. Hence, for a problem free mouth pick evaporated milk instead of evaporated creamer.  

Evaporated Milk or Evaporated Creamer: What to Pick for Bone Health?

Bones provide structure to the body, protect organs and hold muscles. Besides many other factors protein, calcium and vitamin D are three major nutrients required for strong bones. 

Evaporated milk is a better source of all these nutrients in comparison to evaporated creamer. Thus, it is recommended to opt for evaporated milk for bone health. 

Evaporated Milk vs Evaporated Creamer for Easy Digestion 

You will not face any digestion issues if you have evaporated milk and creamer in a limited quantity. Try not to have both these products at night. Body needs time to digest them. 

Also, if you are lactose intolerant then avoid evaporated milk and creamer completely. In case the creamer is a plant based then you can definitely try it. 

Evaporated Milk vs Evaporated Creamer: How Differently Can You Use Them?

Evaporated milk and creamer can be used in many ways in the kitchen. From soups, to curries, baking cakes to making ice creams, you can add them in many recipes.

Evaporated milk especially goes very well with sweets, shakes and smoothies. 

Many times people have confusion “Can I use evaporated creamer instead of evaporated milk?” For savory dishes you can definitely do that.  It won’t curdle while mixing creamer. It will also give the curries a silky texture. 

For the desserts I won’t recommend replacing the creamer with evaporated milk until you are allergic to milk. 

Hope this provided you all the information regarding evaporated milk vs evaporated creamer. Know your limitations and restrictions well, so choose whichever suits you best.

For example, if you are looking for a nutrient rich option evaporated milk is definitely the better choice but if you are looking for a more lactose friendly option, creamer might be a better choice. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.