Is Evaporated Milk the Same As Half and Half?

Rohit Panwar

Though both are dairy based, many people get confused when choosing between evaporated milk vs half and half. This is mostly because they are not fully aware about the difference between the two. 

As a practicing nutritionist, this article will answer a very basic question “ Is evaporated milk and half and half the same?” and if not, which one’s better?

Evaporated Milk vs Half and Half: The Better Alternative

Let’s understand the key similarities and differences between evaporated milk and half and half –

Evaporated Milk

Cow’s Fresh Milk

Half and Half

 Milk & Heavy Cream

Evaporated Milk


Half and Half

Rich & Creamy

Evaporated Milk

½ – 1 Cup

Half and Half

1/2 Cup

Evaporated Milk


Half and Half


Evaporated Milk

 12 g*

Half and Half

5.2 g*

Evaporated Milk

10 g*

Half and Half

13.9 g*

Evaporated Milk

9 g*

Half and Half

3.75 g*

Evaporated Milk

328.9 mg*

Half and Half

129.5 mg*

Evaporated Milk


Half and Half

Morning and evening

Evaporated Milk


Half and Half


Evaporated Milk


Half and Half


Evaporated Milk


Half and Half


Evaporated Milk


Half and Half

Very Good

Evaporated Milk


Half and Half


Evaporated Milk

Not Good

Half and Half


Evaporated Milk

Very Good

Half and Half

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1/2 cup

Knowing the Base Ingredients of Evaporated Milk Vs Half and Half

For evaporated milk, cow’s milk is heated until 60% of water in it reduces. The remaining milk is evaporated milk which can be stored for a longer time compared to normal milk.

Commercially, evaporated milk is stored in cans. Canned evaporated milk can be stored for up to 2 years. 

Half and half can easily be found in stores. However, you can make your own DIY half and half. As the name suggests, mix whole milk and light cream in equal proportion and your half and half is ready.

Some people prefer to use heavy cream to make half and half. In that case take 4 cups of whole milk and one cup of heavy cream will be a good ratio. 

Evaporated Milk vs Half and Half: Which One Is More Delectable?

Due to the heating process, evaporated milk has a caramelized sweet flavor. It is dense and thick in texture. If you run out of milk, you can easily make milk by adding water in it.

Half and half is very mild and neutral in taste. It is almost like milk except thicker and creamier. It is a an excellent substitute of normal milk for coffee. 

How Much Evaporated Milk Vs Half and Half Will Suffice per Day?

Evaporated milk and half and half, both are thick and creamy.  It is difficult to drink these milks straight away. I will recommend adding an equal amount of water in your cup before gulping down. It is actually better to use it in recipes.  

Both these milks are full of nutrients, but  limit your daily consumption ½ cup. More than that can create digestion problems. 

Evaporated Milk vs Half and Half Calories: Which One Has More?

Evaporated milk and half and half are calorie dense dairy products. In comparison to half and half, evaporated milk has more calories, although the difference is very less. 

To cut down your calorie intake while enjoying these two dairy products, you can add more than half cup of water to dilute and to get a thinner consistency. 

Difference in the Carbs of Evaporated Milk Vs Half and Half?

In comparison to carbohydrates, evaporated milk is far ahead than half and half. 

The reason is that evaporated milk doesn’t contain water in it. It is more dense than half and half. If you want to gain weight then evaporated milk is a good option for you. 

Evaporated Milk Versus Half and Half: Which Contains More Fats?

Although evaporated milk contains less fats compared to half and half, but more or less they both are the same. 

Both these milks are rich in fats. If you are watching out your fat intake then having a diluted version of these two milks is a better option.  Alternatively, you can consume it in a limited quantity.

What’s Better: Evaporated Milk or Half and Half as a Source of Protein?

Evaporated milk is a better source of protein than half and half. After hitting an intense workout season, having a evaporated based milkshake or smoothie will energize you quickly. 

Although lesser than evaporated milk, half and half also has a good amount of protein in it. It is higher than plain milk and most plant based milks.   

What Is Better Evaporated Milk or Half and Half As a Calcium Source?

Evaporated milk and half and half both contain a lot of calcium because they are dairy products. However, calcium in evaporated milk is much higher than half and half.

Though the base ingredient is the same but a different production process creates this huge difference between their calcium content.  

Best Time of the Day to Consume Evaporated Milk Vs Half and Half

Evaporated milk is rich in fats and the body should get enough time to digest it. Hence, it is best to add it to your morning routine. 

Half and half can be added to your morning and evening routine. After a tiring day, ½ cup of half and half in the evening will give you a quick boost. You can have it through your coffees or smoothies. 

Which One Is Better for the Planet: Evaporated Milk or Half and Half

Evaporated milk and half and half are dairy products. The rising demand of dairy production is damaging the environment.  This is because dairy farming needs a lot of water, resources and land to reach your table. 

Many organizations are working towards sustainable dairy production. Opting for local and small farm produced milk products can reduce the environmental impact.

Can Vegans Have Evaporated Milk or Half and Half?

Vegan diet doesn’t contain any animal based products such as meat, eggs, honey and dairy. It is a completely plant based diet. 

The base ingredient of evaporated milk and half and half is cow’s milk. Hence, these two can not be part of a vegan diet. 

What Are the Impacts of Evaporated Milk and Half-And-Half on Your Oral Health?

To keep your teeth and gums problem, calcium and phosphorus are two important minerals.  All dairy products contain substantial amount of these minerals.

Since evaporated milk and half and half are made of cow’s milk, they both are excellent for maintaining your oral health. 

Which Is Better for Bones: Evaporated Milk or Half-And-Half 

A well balanced diet filled with calcium, vitamin D and protein is the key to strong bones.  Evaporated milk and half and half contain all these essential nutrients which makes them bone health friendly beverages. 

Though, since evaporated milk has more calcium and protein, it is better than half and half for strengthening bones. 

Which Is Easy to Digest: Evaporated Milk or Half-And-Half?

Evaporated milk and half and half are full of nutrients and if consumed within the recommended amount they help ease digestion. 

However, both these dairy products are rich in lactose. Therefore, if you have milk allergies or lactose intolerance, they may cause problems such as bloating, nausea, etc. 

Do Evaporated Milk Or Half-And-Half Help to Keep You Hydrated?

Evaporated milk contains very little water as it is very dense milk. It won’t provide you enough fluid to stay hydrated.  

Although not as much as evaporated milk, half and half is also creamy and thick. You can make them thin and hydrated by adding water to them. 

How Many Different Ways Evaporated Milk Vs Half-And-Half Can Be Used?

Having a can of evaporated milk in your pantry means you can prepare a wide range of delicious dishes such as mac and cheese, cheese sauce, pies, smoothies, ice creams, cakes and many-many more. 

You can also consume it directly by adding a natural sweeteners such as honey or agave nectar. 

Half and half is widely used as coffee creamer but has many versatile uses in the kitchen. You can add it in curries and soups to give a creamy thickness.

Half and half also goes so well with milkshakes.  I also like to put it on top of your bowl of fruits. 

I hope now you have more clarity regarding evaporated milk and half and half. If you still have this question “What Is better evaporated milk or half and half?” then I will say it is all about your requirements, needs and preferences

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.