Between Evaporated Milk and Heavy Cream, Which One Is A Better Pick?

Rohit Panwar

Choosing the right form of dairy can be tricky. Evaporated milk vs heavy cream is a confusing choice many face while picking between these dairy alternatives. 

 As a practitioner nutritionist, I will take you through evaporated milk vs heavy cream nutrition. Based on this comparison, opting for the better one will become easier for you. 

Evaporated Milk vs Heavy Cream: Solving the Creamy Conundrum

Let’s checkout the nutritional values of evaporated milk vs thick cream to get a complete understanding – 

Evaporated Milk

Cow’s Milk

Heavy Cream

Cow’s Milk

Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream

Rich & Creamy

Evaporated Milk

100 g

Heavy Cream

50 g

Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


Evaporated Milk

10 g*

Heavy Cream

3.8 g*

Evaporated Milk

8.5 g*

Heavy Cream

35.6 g*

Evaporated Milk

7.6 g*

Heavy Cream

2.02 g*

Evaporated Milk

278.8 mg*

Heavy Cream

61 mg*

Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


Evaporated Milk


Heavy Cream


*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1/2 cup

Is Evaporated Milk and Heavy Cream the Same?

No, evaporated milk and heavy cream are not the same and are prepared differently.

To prepare evaporated milk, fresh cow’s milk is heated until 60% water evaporates. Then it is homogenized and packed in cans. This process of making self sustained milk started in the mid 1800’s.

Heavy cream is nothing but the fat which gathers at the top of the fresh milk. Most of the time it contains 36% fat but you can also find it with 40% fat. 

Canned evaporated milk can be stored for 1-2 years whereas packed heavy cream can sustain for not more than a month

Evaporated Milk vs Heavy Cream Taste: Which One Is Better?

Evaporated milk is also known as unsweetened condensed milk. It has a sweet caramelized flavor. It is very close to fresh milk. The consistency is creamy and thick.

Heavy cream is much thicker than evaporated milk. It is rich and creamy in taste. It is less sweet compared to evaporated milk. 

Recommended Daily Intake of Evaporated Milk Vs Heavy Cream

Evaporated milk and heavy cream are two dense versions of fresh milk. Most of the time they are not consumed straight. However, you can dilute them by adding water to have directly. 

It is highly recommended to limit both of these rich milk’s consumption within the recommended daily intake. You can add up to 100 grams of evaporated milk. Whereas 50 grams of thick cream is enough for a day. 

Calories in Evaporated Milk vs Heavy Cream

Calories means the energy you get from a particular food or drink. Heavy cream contains much more calories than evaporated milk. 

If you are on your weight loss journey then it is crucial to cut down high calorie food. In that case, evaporated milk will be a better option for you. 

Evaporated Milk vs Thick Cream: Better For a Low Carb Diet

Low carb is one of the most popular diets these days. Dairy products are generally moderately high in carbs and a limited amount of these can be accommodated in low carb diets.

Compared to heavy cream, evaporated milk has more carbs in it. So, heavy cream would be a better fit if you are trying to limit your carb consumption. 

Which Is Better to Limit Your Fat Intake: Evaporated Milk or Heavy Cream?

Heavy cream is basically milk fat. Hence, it contains a lot more fat compared to evaporated milk. Heavy cream is low in carbs but high in fats, this makes it keto-friendly. A keto diet includes high fat and low carbs food.

If you are someone who is not fond of consuming high fat food items then evaporated milk is a better choice.

Evaporated Milk vs Heavy Cream Nutrition: Better Protein Source

Protein helps the body to create and maintain the cells. Unlike fat or calories, the body doesn’t store protein. So it is important to include protein sources in our daily meal plan. 

Evaporated milk is an excellent source of protein compared to heavy cream. Infact, evaporated milk has more protein than whole milk. If you are a sports and fitness freak then evaporated milk is undoubtedly a better choice for you. 

Which One Is a Better Source of Calcium: Evaporated Milk Or Heavy Cream?

Calcium is a vital mineral for bones and oral health. In addition, It also helps the body to function optimally.  Evaporated milk contains four times more calcium than heavy cream.

If you have children and teenagers at home, then keeping a can of evaporated milk at home is a good idea. This age group needs calcium the most to grow. 

 Right Time to Have Evaporated Milk vs Heavy Cream

Evaporated milk and heavy cream, both are dense and rich. It is recommended to add these dairy products to your morning routine. 

It will give the body ample time to digest. They will also help to keep you active throughout the day.  Also, you will feel full for a longer period of time. 

Impact of Evaporated Milk and Heavy Cream on the Ecosystem

Dairy production is causing a lot of negative impact on the environment. Growing demand for dairy products is taking a toll on water and land resources. 

Evaporated milk and heavy cream, both are made of cow’s milk. Both these products have high carbon footprint. Try to buy local dairy products to reduce these adverse effects further. 

Are Evaporated Milk and Heavy Cream Vegan Friendly?

Veganism is a rapidly growing concept throughout the world. In this animal products are prohibited to use or to eat. Growing awareness about the environment and lactose intolerance are two major reasons for it. 

Evaporated milk and heavy cream are milk products. So, they don’t fit in the vegan diet concept. 

Evaporated Milk vs Thick Cream: Which One Is Better for Oral & Bone Health?

Calcium, vitamin D and protein are essential for your oral and bone health. Most dairy products are a good source of all these nutrients. However, some are better than others. 

Evaporated milk contains more protein, calcium and vitamins D compared to heavy cream. It is definitely a better choice to enhance your bone and oral health. 

Evaporated Milk vs Heavy Cream: Which One Is Easy to Digest?

Evaporated milk and heavy cream are rich and dense. It might be difficult for some people to digest them easily. Stick to the recommended quantity for smooth digestion. Over consumption can cause diarrhea and vomiting.      

Also, you must know if you are lactose intolerant. In that case it is better to avoid these two. Compared to heavy cream, evaporated milk is easy on your gut.   

Can You Substitute Heavy Cream for Evaporated Milk for Different Recipes?

Heavy cream and evaporated milk both can be used in many different ways. In some recipes you can substitute heavy cream for evaporated milk such as soups, pasta or mac and cheese. It is also vice versa. 

Evaporated milk has a certain sweetness and caramelized flavor which is missing in heavy cream. So for desserts, it’s better not to replace it with heavy cream. Whipped cream can be made only from heavy cream, you can’t use evaporated milk for it. 

Often people have a dilemma about evaporated milk vs heavy cream in ice cream. Heavy cream certainly gives stability to your ice cream but evaporated milk will make it healthier. I will recommend adding both while making a rich and nutritious ice cream at home. 

Hope this blog gave you a clear understanding about evaporated milk vs heavy cream and their specific usage in the kitchen. Choose the option that suits your needs the best. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.