What Are the Basic Differences between Evaporated & Whole Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Milk can be added to our diet in multiple forms like low fat, skim, whole, half and half etc. What is confusing is opting between two options. Evaporated milk vs whole milk is one of such choice. 

As an nutritionist, I will help you understand both these milks better. This will also answer a commonly asked question ‘Is evaporated milk equivalent to whole milk?’ 

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk: Nutrition and Outcomes

Let’s glance at the basic differences between evaporated milk and whole milk based on 16 various metrics.

Evaporated Milk

Cow’s Milk

Whole Milk

Cow’s Milk

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk

Sweet & creamy

Evaporated Milk

½ cup

Whole Milk

1 Cup

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk


Evaporated Milk

12 g*

Whole Milk

5.7 g*

Evaporated Milk

10 g*

Whole Milk

3.9 g*

Evaporated Milk

9 g*

Whole Milk

4 g*

Evaporated Milk

328.9 mg*

Whole Milk

150 mg*

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk

Morning or Night

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk


Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk


Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk

Very Good

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk

Very Good 

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk

Very Good

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk

Very Good

Evaporated Milk


Whole Milk


*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1/2 cup

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk: How Different Are the Base Ingredients?

The base ingredient for both the milks is cow’s milk. Whole milk is the pure and original form of cow’s milk. 

Evaporated milk, on the other hand is made by heating cow’s milk until 60% of water content in it gets reduced. It has a longer shelf life compared to whole milk. 

Taste and Texture: Is Evaporated Milk Equal to Whole Milk?

Evaporated milk is dense and thick in texture. It contains a unique caramelized sweet flavour because of the heating process. 

On the other hand, whole milk has a creamy and thick consistency. It is mild, sweet and delicious in taste. Due to its mild taste, it can easily blend with other flavours. 

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk: How Much Is Enough for a Day?

By consuming whole milk everyday, you can make your diet well balanced and nutritious. Since whole milk is a rich milk, 1 cup in a day will be good enough.

Evaporated is highly dense milk and it is difficult to drink it straight away. Add water to make it thin before gulping it down. Stick to ½ cup of evaporated milk per day to get the maximum benefits out of it. 

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk Calorie: Know the Difference

Calories are the measuring units of the energy which any particular food or drink provide. Evaporated milk contains almost double of the calories of whole milk. 

Those who want to control their calorie intake to shed some extra pounds, for them whole milk is a better choice. 

Which One Has More Carbs: Evaporated Milk or Whole Milk?

Carbs work as the fuel for our body. Each person’s carbs requirements can be different according to their age, gender and work they do.

Evaporated milk has more carbohydrates than whole milk.  After an intense workout session, evaporated milk is a better choice to energise you again. 

Fat Content of Evaporated Milk Vs Whole Milk

Evaporated milk has more fat content than whole milk. To cut it down, add water to evaporated milk before consuming. 

Whole milk contains a healthy amount of fat in it. According to a study, consuming whole milk on a regular basis can reduce the chances of heart diseases

Which One Will Provide You More Protein: Evaporated Milk or Whole Milk?

Protein is a macronutrient which is essential for the human body to function well. Compared to whole milk, evaporated milk is a better source of protein. 

Actually, evaporated milk is one of the best beverage to get recommended amount of protein for a day, 

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk: Which Contains More Calcium?

Calcium is another aspect where the difference between evaporated milk and whole milk is quite huge. Evaporated milk has a lot more calcium than whole milk. 

If you have children and teenagers at home then adding evaporated milk to their diet will be helpful for their growth. 

Perfect Time of the Day to Consume Evaporated Milk Vs Whole Milk

Evaporated milk is filled with calories, carbs and fat. You can have it in the morning so that you digest it easily and stay energized throughout the day. It can incorporate well to your breakfast choices such as smoothies, cereal or coffee etc. 

On the other hand, whole milk is a good choice for morning as well as bedtime. Adding it to the morning routine will give a healthy start to your day. A warm cup of whole milk at bedtime will help you to sleep better. 

Are Evaporated Milk and Whole Milk Environmentally Sustainable?

With the growing concerns regarding climate change, it is important for humans to make eco-conscious food choices. Evaporated milk and whole milk are dairy based which have three times more greenhouse gas emission compared to plant based milk.  

These harmful effects created have created awareness and more sustainable dairy production is being advocated. As a contribution, you can opt for smaller scale, ethically and locally sourced dairy products. 

Which Can Be a Part of the Vegan Diet Between Evaporated Milk Vs Whole Milk?

Lactose intolerance, growing alt milk options and environmental concerns are the three major factors of the growing popularity of vegan diet. In a vegan diet, animal products are not included such as meat, dairy, egg or honey etc. 

Evaporated milk and whole milk come from cow, so these are definitely not the part of vegan palate. 

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk Nutrition for Oral and Bone Health

Both evaporated milk and whole milk are excellent sources of calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus and protein. All these nutrients are essential for your oral and bone health. 

Since, evaporated milk contains more calcium and protein, it a better choice compared to whole milk to keep your teeth and bones strong.

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk: Which One Is More Gut Friendly?

Though filled with many essential nutrients, evaporated milk is rich in fats and this can cause digestion issues to some people. Whole milk is more gut friendly compared to evaporated milk since it has more liquid.

While opting for any dairy product, you must know if you are lactose intolerant or not. If you are, then it is better to avoid them because they may cause you bloating and nausea. 

Do Evaporated Milk and Whole Milk Help You Stay Hydrated?

Compared to evaporated milk, whole milk is a better choice to keep your body hydrated. During the making process of evaporated milk 60% water is reduced, which makes it thick and dense.

Besides a thinner consistency, whole milk contains sodium, potassium which are important electrolytes to maintain the balance of water in your body. 

Evaporated Milk vs Whole Milk in Baking and for Other Uses

Compared to whole milk, evaporated milk is better for baking due to its thick texture. If you are using evaporated milk for baking then you won’t need to add heavy cream in it. 

Besides, baking evaporated milk can be used in making many other recipes such as cheese sauce, mac and cheese etc. Whole milk is excellent for smoothies, milkshakes and for milk tea and coffee. 

As I’m concluding here, I would like to address another common question regarding these – “Can you substitute whole milk with evaporated milk?” I will say “Not all the time, but you can after mixing a lot of water in it.” 

Hope after reading this, you can pick your choice of milk with a much clearer mind. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.