What Would Be a Better Option: Feta or Cheddar Cheese?

Rohit Panwar

Feta vs cheddar, wondering which one is a better type of cheese. While both are very popular and nutritious, they differ in a lot of ways. 

As a nutritionist, let me take you through the difference between feta and cheddar cheese. Based on this, you would be able to make the right dietary choice for yourself. 

feta vs cheddar cheese



Feta Vs Ricotta – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Feta Vs Cheddar Cheese: A Nutritional & Benefit Comparison

Before I can get into questions such as feta vs cheddar calories, taste, etc., let’s take a quick look at their comparative attributes

Feta Cheese

Sheep/ Goat Milk


Cow’s Milk

Feta Cheese




Feta Cheese

Tangy & Salty


Earthy & Sharp

Feta Cheese




Feta Cheese




Feta Cheese

1.2 g*


0.4 g*

Feta Cheese

6 g*


9 g*

Feta Cheese

4 g*


7 g*

Feta Cheese

140 mg*


204 mg*

Feta Cheese

316 mg*



Feta Cheese

Very Good 


Very Good

Feta Cheese

Very Good


Very Good

Feta Cheese

Very Good


Very Good

Feta Cheese

Very Good


Very Good

Feta Cheese

Up to 2 Weeks


Up to 4 weeks

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 ounce (28.4g)

Let us take a closer look at each of these attributes – 

Difference in the Preparation Method of Feta and Cheddar

Feta cheese is generally made using sheep milk or a mixture of goat and sheep milk. The ratio of goat milk in this mixture should not exceed 30%.  Milk is curdled using rennet and culture. Once the curds are formed they are transferred and pressed in moulds. After whey is removed, they are soaked in brine to age.

Cheddar cheese is made using cow’s milk using a process sometimes referred to as “cheddaring.” The process begins by curdling of milk. This is done by adding cultures and rennet to warm milk. Once the curds are formed, they are cut and pressed in slabs to remove excess whey. They are later left for aging.

What Type of Cheese is Feta Vs Cheddar? 

Feta is a fresh cheese and is put under the category of soft cheeses. It has a high moisture content of about 45–60%. 

Cheddar, on the other hand is a hard cheese with low moisture content. The water content in cheddar can go up to only about  38%

Feta Vs Cheddar: Taste & Textural Differences  

Feta is a white coloured cheese with a soft and crumbly texture. Taste wise it is slightly salty, creamy and tangy.

Cheddar is usually pale yellow to white in colour, It has a crumbly to smooth texture The taste of cheddar varies with age and can be mild and nutty to sharp and  intense.

Difference in The Aging Method of Feta Vs Cheddar

Feta cheese  is usually aged for a minimum of two months. This aging can continue for up to a year and is done by dipping the feta blocks in a brine solution. 

Cheddar can be aged from anywhere between a couple of months to over a year. The longer the cheese ages, the more stronger becomes its flavour. Based on its maturity, cheddar is classified into the following types –

  • Mild Cheddar: 2 to 3 months
  • Semi-mature Cheddar: 6 to 9 months
  • Extra Matured: 9 to 12 months
  • Vintage Cheddar: 12 to 24 months

Which Cheese Has More Calories: Feta or Cheddar?

Both feta and cheddar cheese are high in calories. Cheddar cheese, however has more calories than feta cheese.

The higher concentration of nutrients in cheddar is responsible for a higher calorie count.

Which is Lower in Carbohydrates: Feta or Cheddar?

Most types of cheese are generally low in their carbohydrate content. This makes them a great choice for low carb diets. 

Between feta and cheddar, cheddar has a lower carb content. 

Which Has Lower Fats: Feta or Cheddar Cheese?

Feta and cheddar are both high in fats. However, cheddar cheese contains higher fat content in comparison to feta. 

Therefore, if you are looking for lower fat options, feta cheese is a better option between the two. 

Which Has More Proteins – Feta or Cheddar Cheese?

Cheddar is a much denser cheese in comparison to feta. This makes it higher in its protein content. The quality of protein in both types of cheese is also quite good.

Cheddar is thus a better option for people looking to increase their protein intake.

Which Cheese Has More Calcium: Feta or Cheddar?

Dairy products including cheese is an excellent source of calcium. This calcium is used by the body to carry out several functions.

Cheddar has a slightly higher calcium content when compared to feta. Choosing either one can help you meet your daily calcium requirements.

Which Cheese is Better Suited for Low Sodium Diets: Feta or Cheddar?

Cheddar is comparatively better suited for people following a low sodium doubt. However, make sure you consume the cheese in moderation and check the labels before buying.

Feta has a relatively higher sodium concentration. This can be attributed to the brine aging process that it undergoes.

Which Cheese Has a More Superior Nutrient Profile: Feta or Cheddar? 

Feta and cheddar are both nutritionally rich foods. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. If we compare the two, both have their own advantages.

Feta cheese has more B vitamins, while feta is rich in vitamin A and also boasts of more proteins.

Better for Your Teeth & Bone Health: Feta or Cheddar?

Cheese is a good source of two very important bone and teeth friendly minerals – calcium and phosphorus. While calcium makes your teeth and bones strong, phosphorus helps in its absorption. 

Therefore, both feta and cheddar cheese are good for your overall bone and teeth health. 

Which is More Easy to The Tummy: Feta or Cheddar?

One of the major advantages of consuming feta and cheddar cheese is that they both contain probiotics.  Probiotics are good bacteria that can help in proper digestion and fight against infections.

An important thing to remember here is that feta and cheddar contains small amounts of lactose. This lactose can cause issues in people with lactose intolerance. Although the amount of lactose is very small in comparison to milk, as a nutritionist, I recommend caution. Always begin by consuming half or one-fourth the usual serving size.

Which Cheese Can Be Put To More Uses: Feta or Cheddar?

Feta is very versatile in usage. It is most commonly using in salads or as a filling or as a topping. Since it does not melt well, it can also be grilled.

With cheddar you can do a lot of things. Since it melts well, you can use it for burgers, casseroles, pastas, sandwiches, etc. Instead of buying shredded cheddar, always buy the blocks to ensure quality. 

Feta or Cheddar: The One With A Longer Shelf Life?

Feta has a shorter shelf life when compared to aged cheeses. Once opened, feta can last in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, provided you store it in brine or lightly salted milk.

Opened blocks of cheddar should be wrapped in wax paper or parchment paper and then covered with plastic wrap. This way, teh cheddar will remain fresh for around 3-4 week.

Feta and cheddar are both excellent dietary choices. What you pick between the two would depend on ypur availability, taste and preferences. 

I hope you now are better acquainted with the differences between feta and cheddar. In case you have  questions, drop them in the comment section below. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.