Which One Would Win In A Battle Between Pea & Flax Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Seeing the endless options between plant milks is amazing but can also leave you in a dilemma of which is better.  Flax milk vs Pea milk is new to the list of confusion. 

As a committed nutritionist, I decided to write this blog to clear the doubts regarding Flax milk vs Pea milk. I’m hoping that this will provide you insight to choose the right milk for yourself. 

Flax Milk Vs Pea Milk: Benefits & Nutrition Compared 

Let’s take a quick look at the differences in Flax milk and Pea Milk’s benefit and nutritional attributes: 

Flax Milk

Flax seeds & water

Pea Milk

Yellow split Peas & water

Flax Milk


Pea Milk

Creamy & Neutral

Flax Milk

1 Cup

Pea Milk

1 Cup

Flax Milk


Pea Milk


Flax Milk

4 g*

Pea Milk

<1 g*

Flax Milk

3.25 g*

Pea Milk

4.5 g*

Flax Milk

2.2 g*

Pea Milk

8 g*

Flax Milk

24 -450  mg*

Pea Milk

20 – 440 mg*

Flax Milk

Morning and Bedtime

Pea Milk


Flax Milk


Pea Milk


Flax Milk


Pea Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Pea Milk


Flax Milk


Pea Milk

Very Good 

Flax Milk

Very Good

Pea Milk


Flax Milk


Pea Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Pea Milk

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

What Is Needed To Prepare Flax Milk Vs Pea Milk?

For preparing Flax milk flaxseeds and water are the main ingredients. You must soak flax seeds for at least 6-7 hours, preferably overnight. Blend the seeds with around 4 times more water. You can adjust it according to your desired thickness. 

Pea milk is made of yellow split field peas. Soak the peas overnight and then cook them till they become soft. Keep aside to cool and then blend with water. Strain to get a smooth consistency. 

Is Pea Milk Better Than Flax Milk in Taste?

Flax milk is a bit slimy in texture, which many people do not like. It has a seedy and nut-like taste. It goes very well with smoothies and baking. 

Pea milk is quite similar to cow’s milk in consistency, color and in taste. This can easily replace the dairy milk in soup, cereals, baking and smoothies.

Flax Milk vs Pea Milk: How Much Is Enough Pper Day?

Flax milk and Pea milk both are full of many nutrients and daily consumption of these alt milk will boost your health. 

You can easily add up to 1 cup of these alt-milks to your diet. As a nutritionist, I believe that to get maximum benefits of these milks stick to the recommended quantity consistently. 

Flax Milk vs Pea Milk: Which One Is Better to Manage Calorie Couns?

Compared to Flax milk, Pea milk has almost double the calories. People who want to cut down their calories intake should opt for Flax milk.

I feel that instead of avoiding Pea milk completely, add more water in it and adjust the calories to your needs. 

Lower in Carbs: Flax Milk Or Pea Milk

If you are looking for low or near zero carb plant based milk, Pea milk is a better option for them compared to Flax milk. You will get less than 1 gram of carbs in 1 cup of unsweetened Pea milk. 

Remember that the sweetened versions of both these plant milks will have s higher carbs. So. either prepare your own vegan milk using simple kitchen tools or pick the one that has no added sugar or flavours.  

Which Contains More Fat: Flax Milk or Pea Milk?

Flax milk has less fat content than Pea milk. However most of the fat in store bought Pea milk is because of the added vegetable oils which are added as emulsifiers. I will suggest reading the ingredients carefully while buying a packed one. 

Flax milk is a rich source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 which are considered as heart healthy fats. Flax milk is a good option to boost the good cholesterol in the body. 

Is Pea Milk Better Than Flax Milk in Terms of Protein Source?

Most of the plant based milks don’t contain as much protein as dairy milk. Pea milk is an exception here. It has almost the same protein as cow milk. 

If you are someone who wants to gain muscles and particular about your protein intake through plant based products then Pea milk is better than Flax milk. 

Flax Milk or Pea Milk : Which One Has More Calcium?

As a calcium source non-dairy milks are not as good as dairy milk. But this is true only for the homemade plant based milks. Store bought packs are fortified with calcium and vitamin D. 

The amount of added calcium in Flax milk and Pea milk differs from brand to brand. Check the pack to know the exact quantity. 

When Should You Consume Flax Milk Vs Pea Milk for the Maximum Benefits?

You can have Flax milk either in the morning or at bedtime. This fiber rich non-dairy milk will give a perfect start to your day. It also has tryptophan which helps you to sleep better, so you can add it to your bedtime regime too. 

Pea milk is a high protein non-dairy milk. Having it in the morning will help you to stay energized throughout the day. This way your body will also get enough time to digest it.

Flax Milk vs Pea Milk: Which One Is More Friendly to Mother Earth?

Flax milk and Pea milk both are plant based milk and they are more sustainable options compared to dairy milk. Both of these milks need less water and land in comparison to other plant based milks such as Almond milk etc. 

To be more eco-friendly try to use more local brands of the products or use locally grown seeds and peas to make the milk at home. 

Can Flax Milk and Pea Milk Be Incorporated Into a Vegan Diet?

Since Flax milk and Pea milk are obtained completely from plants, they can be definitely added to the vegan diet. 

Pea milk contains no carbs so it is also widely used by the people who follow Keto diet where only low or no carbs foods are allowed. 

Flax Milk vs Pea Milk Benefits for Your Oral Health

For oral health, calcium is the first essential nutrient. Commercially produced Flax milk and Pea milk are fortified with enough calcium to fulfill daily needs.

Flax milk contains Omega-3 which helps to protect your gums from diseasesUnsweetened packed or DIY pea milk has almost no sugar in it, which is really beneficial to keep a problem-free mouth.   

Which Is Better for Your Bones Among Flax Milk and Pea Milk?

For healthy bones and their building body needs three most important nutrients – Calcium, Vitamin D and Protein. Market versions of Flax milk and Pea milk are enriched with Calcium and Vitamin D. 

With higher amount of Protein, Pea milk makes Pea milk better than Flax milk for strong bones. 

Flax Milk vs Pea Milk: Find Out Which One Is Easy to Digest

Flax milk and Pea milk both are free from any allergens i.e. lactose, nut or soy but some people might have difficulties digesting Pea milk. It is because Pea milk is made of legumes which can cause bloating.

Flax milk is also a better source of fiber, this makes it a much smoother option for the happy tummy compared to Pea milk. 

Do Flax Milk and Pea Milk Help You to Stay Hydrated?

Plenty of water used to prepare Flax milk and Pea milk, which is the best way to keep yourself hydrated. 

Both these plant based milks are excellent sources of potassium which helps to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body. 

Flax Milk vs Pea Milk: What Are Different Ways to Use Them?

There are many ways you can enjoy these nutritious alt milk by adding it to your diet. You can add Flax milk and Pea milk to your smoothies, cereals or in coffee. 

Flax milk is an excellent substitute for eggs in baking. The neutral taste of Pea milk has an appealing quality of Pea milk to add in sweet and savory items. 

That’s all from my side. If you still have some doubts regarding Flax milk vs Pea milk, drop it in the comment section. Till then keep exploring the wide range of plant based milks. 

Thank you so much for making it till the end!

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.