Comparing Dairy-Free Alternatives: Flax Milk & Peanut Milk

Rohit Panwar

The milking of seeds, grains, nuts and legumes have presented us with a wide variety of alt milk options. While this is great, but choosing between two new options like flax milk vs peanut milk, can get really tricky. 

I am here to help you as a nutritionist. I will be analysing the basic differences and similarities between flax milk and peanut milk which will enable you to make the best pick.

Comparing Flax Milk vs Peanut Milk: Better Suited For Your Lifestyle?

Let’s compare flax milk vs peanut milk nutrition and benefits  on the basis of 16 different aspects –  

Flax Milk

Flax seeds & Water

Peanut Milk

Peanuts & Water

Flax Milk

Earthy & Seed-like

Peanut Milk

Nutty & Earthy

Flax Milk

1 Cup

Peanut Milk

1 Cup

Flax Milk


Peanut Milk


Flax Milk

4 g*

Peanut Milk

 4 g*

Flax Milk

3.25 g*

Peanut Milk

9.6 g*

Flax Milk

2.2 g*

Peanut Milk

5 g*

Flax Milk

24 – 450 mg*

Peanut Milk

24 – 268 mg*

Flax Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Peanut Milk


Flax Milk


Peanut Milk


Flax Milk


Peanut Milk


Flax Milk


Peanut Milk


Flax Milk


Peanut Milk

Very Good

Flax Milk

Very Good

Peanut Milk


Flax Milk


Peanut Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Peanut Milk

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Flax Milk vs Peanut Milk: How Can You Make Them at Home?

It is easy to make your own alt milk at home with a few basic ingredients and equipment.  Flax milk is made from soaked flax seeds whereas for peanut milk you can either use soaked or roasted hulled peanuts. Overnight soaking of the base ingredients is important for both these milks. 

After blending with water, strain the liquid through a milk bag or strainer with a cheesecloth. You can store flax milk and peanut milk in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.  

Compare the Taste and Texture of Flax Milk Vs Peanut Milk

Flax milk has a unique earthy and seed-like taste. It has a gelling and creamy texture which thickens once you store it. To make it thinner, you can add more water. Try to use up homemade flax milk within 2 days to get the best taste & consistency. 

Peanut milk has a nutty and earthy flavour. It has a smooth silky texture. The color of peanut milk varies based on roasted or soaked peanuts. If peanuts are roasted then milk will be yellowish otherwise it will be whitish. 

Recommended Daily Consumption of Flax Milk and Peanut Milk

Flax milk and peanut milk both are healthful plant based milks. Adding them in your daily life will definitely provide you many health benefits. 

To get the maximum benefits, add 1 cup of these milks on a regular basis. Both the milks are rich in fibre, hence limiting the consumption to recommended quantity is important. 

Flax Milk or Peanut Milk: Which One Contains More Calories?

Calories are measuring units of energy which a certain food or drink provide us. Calories in peanut milk are a lot higher compared to flax milk.

If you are not that active throughout the day then you must limit your calorie intakes. In that case flax milk is a better option for you. 

Flax Milk or Peanut Milk: What to Opt For Lower Carbs?

Flax milk and peanut milk, both have the same amount of carbs. Carbs or carbohydrates are derived from sugars, starches and fibers. Most of the carbs in flax milk come from fibre.

On the other hand carbs in peanut milk are a mix of fiber, sugar and starch. This kind of carbs keeps you full for a longer time. 

Flax Milk vs Peanut Milk: Which Has More Beneficial Fats?

In terms of fats, peanut milk contains a lot more fats than flax milk. Flax milk is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid which is considered as heart healthy fat

Just like most of the plant based milks, peanut milk is also an excellent source of unsaturated fats. This kind of fats helps to reduce the cholesterol in the blood and keep your heart healthy. 

Which One Is a Better Protein Source: Flax Milk or Peanut Milk?

Protein is an essential micronutrient to our body to create and maintain each and every cell in our body. Most plant based milks lag behind dairy in their protein content.

Compared to flax milk, peanut milk is a better source of protein. In fact, peanut milk is one of the best plant based milk you can opt for if you want a higher protein intake. 

Compare the Calcium Content of Flax Milk and Peanut Milk

Homemade flax milk and peanut milk lack calcium just like many other plant based milk. Though, companies are fortifying these milks with calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to absorb calcium by the body

Calcium quantity in flax and peanut milk differs from brand to brand so it is advisable to read the label before opting one. 

When to Consume Flax Milk and Peanut Milk for Best Results?

You can add flax milk either to your morning or bedtime routine. It has lots of fibre which will give a right start to your day. Flax milk also contains tryptophan which helps to get a sound sleep

However, morning is the best time to consume peanut milk. It is a high calorie and rich plant based milk which is perfect for breakfast. By having it in the morning, you will get enough time to digest it. 

Flax Milk vs Peanut Milk: Which Is Better for the Planet?

As we are witnessing climate change, it is important that our food habits don’t cause much damage to mother earth. Plant based milks are more eco friendly compared to dairy milk. 

Flax milk and peanut milk need less water and have less carbon footprint. These qualities make these two milk better than many other alt milk such as almond milk or rice milk etc. 

Can Flax Milk and Peanut Milk Be Considered as a Part of Veganism?

Veganism is a way of living where people don’t use or eat any animal based products. Not only they don’t eat meat, eggs or fish, they also don’t drink dairy milk. They use plant based milks as an alternative. 

Flax milk and peanut milk are completely plant based and they can be part of a vegan plate. 

Which Benefits the Teeth and Bones More: Flax or Peanut Milk?

Calcium and protein, along with other nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium are required for strong teeth and bones. Flax milk and peanut milk are good sources of these nutrients. 

Packed versions contain calcium and vitamin D, thus both flax and peanut milk are good for oral and bone health. Here Peanut milk has an advantage, it has more protein which is vital for healthy bones. 

Flax Milk vs Peanut Milk: Which Is More Tummy Friendly?

Flax milk is a good source of fibre and it is gluten, lactose and nut free. This makes flax milk an excellent milk for the stomach. 

Peanut milk is also full of fibre but peanuts are the most common allergic nuts. It can cause bloating or diarrhea. Avoid peanut milk completely if you have a peanut allergy. 

What Can Be Consumed to Hydrate Yourself: Flax Milk or Peanut Milk?

Compared to roasted peanuts, soaked peanuts are better to give more fluid to the body. Peanut and flax milks are full of electrolytes i.e. potassium and phosphorus. Electrolytes help to maintain the water level in the body. 

You can further add a few ice cubes to make these milks more replenishing and hydrating. 

Which One Is More Versatile to Use: Flax Milk or Peanut Milk?

Both these alt milk are versatile and can be used in many different ways. Peanut milk has many uses. You can consume it as such or use it to make coffee, smoothies and oatmeal bowls. 

Flax milk is a good alternative of milk in baking and it gives thickness to soups and curries. You can also consume it straight up by adding some flavours or sweeteners. 

So, overall both flax milk and peanut milk have many advantages. Pick the one that suits your needs the best. If you are looking for a high protein alt milk, peanut milk is better, but for a low calorie option, you can go with flax milk.

Hope this comparison helped you make the best choice. Thanks for stopping by!

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.