Hazelnut Milk vs Coconut Milk Which Is Better?

Rohit Panwar

Increasing demand for plant milks has led to innovation and increased availability. But it has also given birth to a confusion about which one to choose. Hazelnut milk versus coconut milk is one such difficult choice faced by many alt milk lovers.

While coconut milk has been in use for many years, hazelnut milk is the new kid on the block. So, let’s compare and analyse the nutrition and benefits of the two to help you make the right choice.

Hazelnut milk versus Coconut milk


| Hazelnut milk versus Cow Milk – Which one is a Better Choice?

Comparing Nutritional Values of Hazelnut Milk Versus Coconut Milk 

Before I answer the question, Hazelnut milk vs coconut milk which is better, here is a quick look at the benefits and nutrients of the two drinks –

Hazelnut milk

Hazelnuts & Water

Coconut milk

Coconuts & Water

Hazelnut milk

Nutty & Creamy

Coconut milk

Sweet & Creamy 

Hazelnut milk

1 cup

Coconut milk

1 cup

Hazelnut milk


Coconut milk


Hazelnut milk

9 g*

Coconut milk

57 g*

Hazelnut milk

2 g*

Coconut milk

5 g*

Hazelnut milk

24- 240 mg* 

Coconut milk

38.4- 470 mg* 

Hazelnut milk

Morning or Bedtime

Coconut milk


Hazelnut milk


Coconut milk


Hazelnut milk


Coconut milk


Hazelnut milk

Very Good

Coconut milk

Very Good

Hazelnut milk

Very Good

Coconut milk


Hazelnut milk


Coconut milk


Hazelnut milk


Coconut milk

Very Good

Hazelnut milk

Dates, Vanilla

Coconut milk

Honey, tropical fruits

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Now that you have surely gained some insights about hazelnut milk versus coconut milk, let’s discuss them further for better clarity.

What Goes Into Hazelnut Milk Versus Coconut Milk?

Hazelnut milk is prepared by using soaked hazelnut. These are blended with water and then filtered. The undissolved solids can be further utilized in baking. The filtrate is hazelnut milk.

Coconut milk has been used in South East Asia for ages in cooking. For the preparation of coconut milk, a mature coconut is grated and then blended with water and filtered. The leftover pulp can be strained away to yield coconut milk.

Which Is More Appealing in Taste: Hazelnut Milk Or Coconut Milk?

The taste of pale- brown colored hazelnut milk and off- white coconut milk is quite delicious and sweet. Hazelnut milk has a creamy and nutty flavor with a slight earthiness in it.

Comparatively, the taste of coconut milk is sweeter and creamier and the texture is smooth. This is why it is also preferred as a base in preparing ice creams and coffee due to its thicker and less watery consistency than other plant milks.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Coconut Milk- How Much To Consume Daily?

The suggested amount of these two to be consumed on a daily basis is 1 cup. This will make sure that you get all the nutrients.

Coconut milk has high calories and fat, so in the beginning, limit its intake to less than 1 cup or even half a cup if is thicker in consistency. Initially if you find it difficult to consume the two, you can use them in curries and smoothies.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Coconut Milk- Which Gives a Balanced Calorific Content?

Fats are the major source of calories in hazelnut milk and coconut milk. However on comparing the two we find that coconut milk contains more than 9 times calories than hazelnut milk.

Therefore, hazelnut milk is a better option for fitness and people wanting to opt for low calorie- food. Always choose the unsweetened marketed versions when buying these to limit the calorie intake.

Hazelnut Milk Versus Coconut Milk- Which One Has Better Fat Profile?

Coconut milk possesses more fat content than hazelnut milk, hence it is richer and creamier. Thus, hazelnut milk is a better option for people who want to lose weight.

But does this mean coconut milk is bad? The answer is no. According to a study, the limited intake of fats from coconut milk is not bad and can actually help increase the good fat in the body.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Coconut Milk- Which Milk Has More Protein Levels?

Hazelnut milk and coconut milk both lack good quantity of proteins. Our bodies need a recommended amount of protein content for carrying out the essential everyday functions.

It is evident from the above table that coconut milk contains more proteins than hazelnut milk. To fulfill the protein requirements in the body, you can prefer any of these beverages along with other protein- rich foods.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Coconut Milk- Which Drink Packs in More Calcium ?

Calcium is a nutrient required to strengthen bones and muscles in the human body. The homemade versions of the plant based milks lack a good level of calcium when compared to dairy.

The store- bought versions of the two are loaded with calcium but it may differ from brand to brand. Hence you can pick anything but before buying, do check the nutritional panels for any hidden sugars or synthetic flavors.

Comparing the Best Time to Consume Hazelnut Vs Coconut Milk

Morning is the best time to add coconut milk to your diet because it is rich in calories and fat that will help you stay full for a longer period of time. Hazelnut milk can be either consumed in the morning or can be drunk before bedtime to promote sleep.

While hazelnut milk can be used for making cereals, baked goods, lattes and smoothies, coconut milk is a perfect addition to ice creams, baked goodies and coffee apart from smoothies.

Which Plant Milk Is More Sustainable – Hazelnut Or Coconut Milk?

Hazelnuts is a staple dry land crop as it uses less water and land. Moreover, they produce less carbon, emit less greenhouse gasses and reduce soil pollution. Hence, hazelnut trees are great for the environment.

Similarly, coconuts use less resources for its production and have a lower carbon footprint. Therefore, both these drinks are quite sustainable and a good choice for the eco-conscious.

Hazelnut Milk Versus Coconut Milk For Vegans

Hazelnut milk is produced using hazelnuts that are tree nuts and coconut milk from coconuts which are fruits. Hence, these are considered best for vegans. These two are also suitable for people who follow a keto diet (high fat and low carbs diet).

These drinks are also suitable for people allergic to lactose, dairy, gluten, casein and soy. However, people with nut allergies should not consume hazelnut milk and try coconut milk instead.

Hazelnut Milk Versus Coconut Milk- Which is Better For Oral Health?

The store- bought versions of hazelnut milk and coconut milk are fortified with calcium and other essential nutrients which help to strengthen jaw bones, gums and teeth.

Hazelnut milk contains essential nutrients like vitamin E, folic acid and coconut milk contains essential nutrients for strong and happy teeth. Coconut milk on the other hand contains phosphorus, which is good for dental health.

Hazelnut Milk Versus Coconut Milk- Which Is Better For Trouble- Free Digestion?

Coconut milk boasts essential nutrients and minerals like vitamin B and C, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium that are beneficial for a healthy digestive tract. But be careful about the intake amount as it has high calories and fats that may lead to bloating, nausea and diarrhea. 

Similarly, hazelnut milk also contains vital nutrients like magnesium, iron, manganese that are effective to keep your tummy well. It contains fiber that makes pooping easier. Thus, it is better for the tummy than coconut milk.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Coconut Milk- Which Is a Chilling Option For Summers?

Hazelnut milk and coconut milk both are made up of plenty of water, hence they work as excellent refreshing drinks. You can also freeze or serve these drinks chilled.

Coconut milk works excellent with cold coffees, ice creams and milkshakes as it is very creamy, rich and milky. Hazelnut milk is used for this purpose but coconut milk is best paired with these.

Which Beverage Hydrates Your Body More- Hazelnut Or Coconut Milk?

Hazelnut milk and coconut milk both constitute 80 – 90% water, thus helping to maintain the balance of water in the body.

While hazelnut milk contains essential nutrients like potassium in significant amounts, coconut milk supplies a good quantity of magnesium. These both minerals are effective in maintaining water level balance in the body.

Which One Is More Versatile- Hazelnut Milk Or Coconut Milk?

Hazelnut milk can be made into an even more delicious beverage by flavoring it with natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, dates or vanilla. You can also use it for preparing smoothies or shakes using fresh fruits. 

Coconut milk is a thick, creamy beverage that can be drunk as such or in coffee. You can pair it with some additives like honey, maple syrup or dates. Use some tropical fruits like strawberry, mangoes to form milkshakes that will make it more nutritious.

So, I would like to summarize that hazelnut milk and coconut milk both are amazing drinks and both have their own specific benefits. Pick the drink that meets your needs the best.

If you have any queries, then ask me in the comments section.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.