Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: What Fits Your Health Routine?

Rohit Panwar

One of the main reasons why people love plant-based milks is the variety of choices they offer. So it is common to come across well-known and lesser-known options. Today I bring to you one such often compared choice- Hazelnut milk versus soy milk.

As a nutritionist, I will be answering the question – hazelnut milk vs soy milk which is better based on a comprehensive comparison of the two.

Hazelnut milk versus Soy milk nutrition


| Hazelnut milk versus Peanut Milk – Which one is a Better Choice?

A Comparative Overview Of Hazelnut Milk Versus Soy Milk

The table below provides an overview of hazelnut milk vs soy milk nutrition and benefits to help you understand the basics of the two milks. 

Hazelnut milk 

Hazelnuts, water

Soy milk

Soybeans, water

Hazelnut milk 

Sweet, nutty

Soy milk 

Beany, creamy

Hazelnut milk 

1 cup

Soy milk 

1 cup

Hazelnut milk 


Soy milk 


Hazelnut milk 

9 g*

Soy milk 

4.3 g*

Hazelnut milk 

2 g*

Soy milk 

8 g*

Hazelnut milk 

24-240 mg*

Soy milk 

61-300 mg*

Hazelnut milk 

Morning, night

Soy milk 

Morning, night

Hazelnut milk 


Soy milk 


Hazelnut milk 


Soy milk 


Hazelnut milk 


Soy milk 


Hazelnut milk 

Very good

Soy milk 


Hazelnut milk 


Soy milk 


Hazelnut milk 


Soy milk 


Hazelnut milk 

Honey, cocoa

Soy milk 

Vanilla,  cinnamon

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Hope this table helped you gain some basic insights about hazelnut milk and soy milk. Let me explain each criteria in detail for better understanding.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: How Are They Made?

Hazelnuts originated in Europe and have spread across the globe. To prepare hazelnut milk, hazelnuts are deshelled and soaked overnight to soften. The soaked hazelnuts are blended with adequate water and strained to make hazelnut milk.

Soy milk is made from soaked soybeans. They are one of the oldest plant based milk options. The soaked beans are blended with water and are then strained. Some people heat the soy milk before using it to remove the raw flavor.

Which Has A More Favourable Taste Between Hazelnut & Soy Milk?

Hazelnut milk is favorite for many due to its sweet taste and nutty flavor. The usage of hazelnuts in confectionaries supports this fact. It has a silky texture which makes it as great option for coffee.

Soy milk is often compared to cow milk as it has a similar taste and texture. Soy milk has a mild beany flavour to it and creamy texture. It can be consumed as such or with natural sweeteners. 

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: Can 1 Cup Suffice?

Hazelnut milk, like hazelnuts, is very nutritious. It is known for its diverse nutrient profile and benefits like heart health, skin health and gut health. Hence, consuming 1 cup of hazelnut milk is ideal for a day.

Soy milk offers a wide range of benefits for the body including improving bone health and reducing heart disease risks. Consuming 1 cup of soy milk a day will help in reaping its benefits. When it comes to hazelnut milk vs soy milk nutrition, both are very nutritious. 

Which Is A Calorie Friendly Option, Hazelnut or Soy Milk?

Hazelnut milk is low in calories compared to soy milk. Since hazelnut milk is packed with so many vital minerals and vitamins like hazelnuts, it can be a very healthy option.

Soy milk is a very satiating drink that will help to keep cravings away. Soy milk also helps in achieving the calorie requirements for the day.

Which Has More Beneficial Fats, Hazelnut Milk Or Soy Milk?

Hazelnut milk is low in fats compared to soy milk. It has good fats that can help in promoting heart health. Research on hazelnut consumption shows that it is great for reducing cholesterol. 

Soy milk is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids which is very vital to keep away heart problems. When it comes to hazelnut milk vs soy milk for weight loss, hazelnut milk can be considered due to its low fat content. 

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: Which Is A Better Protein Source?

Our body needs protein for its growth and development. Plant based milks despite their nutritional content are considerably low in protein except a few. Hazelnut milk is also low in protein but has decent levels of essential amino acids that make up the protein content.

Soy milk is sought after for its protein content. The protein from soy milk helps in growth of cells and tissues. If protein is your requirement, soy milk is a better option than hazelnut milk. 

Which Ensures Better Bone Health Between Hazelnut & Soy Milk?

Bone health refers to strong bones and increased bone density. Calcium is a very important mineral that helps in achieving it. Hazelnut milk is naturally low in calcium but being an excellent source of minerals like manganese, it contributes well to maintaining strong bones.

Soy milk is naturally not rich in calcium. But the market versions of soy milk are usually fortified with calcium. This helps in catering to bone health. Soybean has also been associated with improved bone health in older women.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: When to Consume For Best Results?

Hazelnut milk is great to be consumed in the mornings. Making hazelnut milk a part of your breakfast ensures an energetic day. Hazelnut milk is a good source of nutrients such as iron and zinc that replenish your body.

Soy milk has been a part of the morning diet in many Asian households for ages. Its fiber rich content and carbohydrates fuels the energy levels of the body. Thus, it sets you for a great day. Both hazelnut milk and soy milk taken before bedtime helps in getting a good sleep due to its sleep inducing properties. 

What Makes For A Sustainable Choice Between Hazelnut & Soy Milk?

Hazelnut milk is one of the most sustainable plant milk available. It consumes less water and can grow in dry lands. They do not damage the soil and have very less carbon emissions.

Soy milk, on the contrary, is not a very sustainable plant milk. It is mainly because of its huge water requirement for cultivation. Moreover, the ever growing demand for soy milk has led to deforestation of lands for soy cultivation

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: What Can Be Considered As A Part Of Vegan Diet?

Vegan diet refers to the intake of only plant based foods. One of the many reasons  people opt for vegan foods is because of its positive impact on the environment. 

Hazelnut milk and soy milk are both completely vegan. When opting for any of these milks, it is good to ensure a balanced diet as they may not cover all the essential nutrients like dairy does. 

Which Benefits The Teeth Better- Hazelnut Milk Or Soy Milk?

Hazelnut milk has a very positive impact on oral health. Though low in calcium, it has vitamin E and magnesium which helps in maintaining strong gums and teeth

The calcium in fortified soy milk helps in keeping teeth strong. But when opting for a market version, check for the sugar levels as it affects the teeth. Also opting for plain or mildly flavored soy milk ensures choosing less sugar. 

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: Which Is A Tummy Friendly Option?

Hazelnut milk is a good friend for the tummy. It is lactose free, gluten free and is a rich source of antioxidants. The anti oxidants in hazelnut milk helps in reducing inflammation and help in the growth of good gut bacteria.

Soy milk is also lactose and gluten free. It is also proven to be good for gut health and the growth of gut bacteria. This helps in maintaining intestinal health. However, some may be allergic to soy milk. 

Which Can Be Considered for Bodily Cooling, Hazelnut Or Soy Milk?

Hazelnut milk is naturally a winter food that helps to keep the body warm. It does not have the ability to cool down the body. However, since it is made with sufficient amounts of water, consuming a chilled glass of hazelnut milk on a hot summer day cools the body.

Soy milk is one of the very few plant based milks that are cooling in nature. In both Ayurveda and Chinese cultures, soy milk is consumed in summers to bring down the body heat.

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: What Can Be Consumed For Body Hydration?

We often tend to overlook the hydration requirements when we opt for milks. Hazelnut milk and soy milk are good sources for hydration. 

Hazelnut milk and soy milk has potassium, an electrolyte which is very essential for maintaining water content in the body. 

Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: Different Ways To Enjoy It

Hazelnut milk can be consumed as such owing to its sweet creamy flavor. It can be added with smoothies, shakes and flavored drinks like cocoa and vanilla. It is used as a dairy alternative in coffee. 

Soy milk is very versatile and has been used in various ways in different cultures. They can be enjoyed as such or with fruit based smoothies, coffee, flavored drinks like vanilla, cinnamon and cocoa. It can be taken with breakfast cereals or as a plain drink.

As our discussion on hazelnut milk vs soy milk comes to an end, I would like to sum up that, both are very nutritious drinks that add so much benefits to everyday health. So, if you come across the question, hazelnut milk vs soy milk, which is better, opt for the one that meets your overall requirements.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.