Which Is More Nutritious: Hazelnut Or Walnut Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Just a few years back people were aware of one or two tree-nut milks.  But as the demand for milk alternatives rose, companies started milking other nuts too. This growth started many debates about which one is better. Hazelnut milk versus Walnut is one such topic of argument. 

This debate inspired me to write this blog about these two enormously nutritious alt milks- Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk. As a nutritionist,  it will be my genuine effort to help you choose the right milk.

Hazelnut milk versus Walnut milk


| Hazelnut milk versus Coconut Milk – Which one is a Better Choice?

Comparison Between Hazelnut Milk Versus Walnut Milk Benefits 

The table below is a brisk presentation of the differences between Hazelnut milk and Walnut milks based on 15 different metrics.

Hazelnut Milk 

Hazelnut & water 

Walnut Milk

Walnut & water

Hazelnut Milk

Sweet & Nutty

Walnut Milk

Nutty & Earthy

Hazelnut Milk

1 Cup

Walnut Milk

1 Cup

Hazelnut Milk


Walnut Milk


Hazelnut Milk

9 g* 

Walnut Milk

3.5 g*

Hazelnut Milk

2 g*

Walnut Milk

1 g*

Hazelnut Milk

24 – 240 mg*

Walnut Milk

10 – 450 mg*

Hazelnut Milk


Walnut Milk

Morning Or Bedtime

Hazelnut Milk


Walnut Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Walnut Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Walnut Milk


Hazelnut Milk

Very Good

Walnut Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Walnut Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Walnut Milk


Hazelnut Milk

Cocoa, Vanilla

Walnut Milk

Cinnamon, Maple syrup

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

The table above briefly presents the comparison of Hazelnut milk vs Walnut milk, but to understand them clearly let me elaborate each metric here. 

Hazelnut Milk vs Walnut Milk: Know the basic ingredients and Milking Process 

To prepare Hazelnut milk, you need these two ingredients: hazelnuts and filtered water. Originated in Turkey, Spain and Italy, hazelnuts are widely popular among pastry chefs to make different desserts. Soak the nuts for at least 6 to 8 hours and then blend it with water. Strain through a mesh sieve, cheesecloth or milk bag to get a smooth texture. 

Walnut milk is derived from walnuts. Walnuts have been known to humans from ancient times and it is one of the oldest known tree foods. To make milk, soak walnuts for 3 to 4 hours and then blitz with fresh water in a food processor or mixer. Sieve through a strainer and your homemade walnut milk is ready. Refrigerate it to keep fresh for 4 to 5 days. 

How Different Are the Tastes and Textures of Hazelnut & Walnut Milk?

Hazelnuts are famous for its delectable taste and this makes Hazelnut milk also one of the most delicious nut milks. It has a perfect balance of sweetness and nuttiness. The texture of hazelnut milk is creamy and silky. 

Walnut milk has a lot of nuttiness with a hint of sweetness. It has a creamish colour compared to  Hazelnut milk which has a white colour. The texture is smooth but less creamy compared to hazelnut milk. 

Hazelnut Milk vs Walnut Milk: Compare the Per Day Recommended Quantity

Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk are excellent sources of healthy nutrients, though it takes time to digest them. That’s the reason we must consume both these milks in moderation. 

Per day 1 cup of Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk is recommended to get maximum benefits from both these alternative forms of milk. 

Which Gives You More Calories: Hazelnut Milk or Walnut Milk?

Many people are conscious towards their per day calorie intake and they opt for low calorie food and beverages over high calories one. As shown in the table above, Hazelnut milk has more than double the calories of walnut milk. 

So for the less calories intake, choose walnut milk over hazelnut milk. You can also reduce the calories of Hazelnut milk by adding more water while blending it. 

Hazelnut Milk vs Walnut Milk: Comparing the Fat Content 

After vegetable oils, nuts are the richest plant based source of fats. The fatty acid composition in nuts is considered beneficial for our bodies. Since Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk are nut based alternative milks, they are full of many healthy fat contents.  Walnuts are a rich source of omega-6 which is heart friendly fat. Also, fats in Hazelnut milk are considered good for your health.

But in comparison to Hazelnut milk, walnut milk has significantly low fat content. If you prefer low fat food then Walnut milk is a perfect choice for you.

Which Is a Better Source of Protein: Hazelnut Milk or Walnut Milk?

Protein is an essential substance for our body to grow and to work. Just like most of the other nut milks, Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk also don’t contain enough protein. Hazelnut milk has a little more protein than Walnut milk, but the difference is not significant. 

If you add either of these milks in your daily routine then add other protein rich foods in your diet so that you can get the required amount of protein. 

Do You Get Enough Calcium From Hazelnut Milk and Walnut Milk?

Compared to dairy milk, plant based and nut based alternatives milks far lag behind in calcium. This made companies fortify the commercial nut milks with calcium. Hazelnut milk has less calcium than Walnut milk but this varies brand to brand. Read labels carefully before picking up a specific brand. 

You must know that DIY Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk have very less quantity of calcium and you should have other calcium rich food to balance that out. 

Know the Best Time to Consume Hazelnut Milk and Walnut Milk

Morning is the best time to include Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk. Both the milks go very well with multiple breakfast choices such as cereals, oats, smoothies and pancakes. Also, the body will have enough time to digest these nut milks when you consume them in the morning. 

Also, hazelnuts contain a compound called serotonin. This compound helps you to improve your sleep pattern. This makes Hazelnut milk a good beverage to have at bedtime.

Better Eco-Conscious Choice – Hazelnut Milk Or Walnut Milk?

Plant based milks are a more eco-friendly choice compared to dairy milk. It is believed that 1 cup of dairy milk produces 3 times more carbon dioxide than plant based milk.  

Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk are not only more eco-friendly than dairy milk but these two nut milks are better than many other milk alternatives. They don’t need as much water as almond milk and also they need less land area to grow. 

Comparing Hazelnut Milk vs Walnut Milk as Vegan Choices

All the nut based milks come from trees and this makes Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk an obvious choice for the vegan people. You can add Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk to prepare vegan chocolate, vegan smoothies or vegan cakes. Both these milks enhance the taste and richness of vegan recipes. 

Not only vegan, you can also add both these milks to the keto diet as well. Keto diet includes high fat but low calorie food. 

Which One Is More Beneficial to Your Teeth: Hazelnut or Walnut Milk?

Although homemade Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk are not excellent sources of calcium, both these milks are full of many micronutrients such as phosphorus, vitamin E, magnesium, folic acid etc. Micronutrients have a positive impact on your oral health and hygiene

Packed versions of Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which are essential minerals to keep strong and healthy teeth.

How Hazelnut Milk and Walnut Milk Impact Your Stomach?

There is a good amount of dietary fiber in Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk. Dietary fiber helps to keep the bowel movement healthy and regular. It also makes you full faster and assists you to reduce extra pounds. To increase the dietary fiber in your nut milk, don’t strain them after blending. 

Besides that, both Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk have vitamin E, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This protects your intestines from inflammation. 

Can Hazelnut Milk and Walnut Milk Lower Down the Body Heat?

Yes, both Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk are helpful to lower down the body temperature. Both the milks contain plenty of water which is good to keep you cool.

Soaked nuts are natural coolant for the body as they absorb a lot of water during soaking. To get maximum benefit add a few ice cubes in your choice of milk before having it. 

Hazelnut Milk vs Walnut Milk as Hydrating Drinks

It is important for the human body to stay hydrated all the time to function well Hazelnut milk has amino acids which helps to keep your skin moist and supple. That’s the reason Hazelnut milk is getting popular in the skin care products industry. 

Not only this, both Hazelnut milk and Walnut milk have many essential electrolytes such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc etc. These electrolytes help the body to maintain the balance of water. 

Different Nutritional Additives for Hazelnut Milk and Walnut Milk

Hazelnuts are the favorite nuts for all the chocolate lovers because the combination of Hazelnuts and chocolate is heavenly. That means chocolate and cocoa powder are great additives for Hazelnut milk. You can also add natural sweetener as agave or maple syrup in the Hazelnut milk. Few drops of vanilla essence add a nice aroma to your cup of Hazelnut milk. 

Walnut milk goes very well with cinnamon and maple syrup. Banana smoothies with Walnut milk is my personal favorite. It is also a great milk to soak your oats overnight. Add honey or maple syrup in the morning and have these oats for breakfast. It is a delicious breakfast filled with many nutrients.

Lastly, I would like to mention that if you are allergic to nuts then you must avoid all kinds of tree nut based milk alternatives. 

I hope this blog helped you to give clarity about Hazelnut milk vs Walnut milk and now you can choose the right milk for yourself according to your choices. 

Thank you so much!

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.