Which is the Better Dairy Product: Kefir or Cottage Cheese?

Rohit Panwar

Having trouble picking between kefir vs cottage cheese? While both cultured dairy products are rich in nutrients, choosing one can be hard.

Kefir and cottage cheese, despite having similarities, differ in their nutrition and benefits. Let’s understand these to help you identify which one is better suited for your dietary requirements.

Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese: Nutritional Differences & Similarities

Here’s a quick look into kefir vs cottage cheese benefits and nutrition:  

Milk Kefir 

Milk & Kefir Grains

Cottage Cheese

Milk & Lactic acid

Milk Kefir 

Sour & Creamy

Cottage Cheese

Sweet & Creamy

Milk Kefir 

1 Cup 

Cottage Cheese

¼ Cup

Milk Kefir 


Cottage Cheese


Milk Kefir 

4.6 g*

Cottage Cheese

3.4 g*

Milk Kefir 

4 g*

Cottage Cheese

4.3 g*

Milk Kefir 

4 g*

Cottage Cheese

11 g*

Milk Kefir 

171 mg*

Cottage Cheese

83 mg*

Milk Kefir 

Very Good

Cottage Cheese

Very Good

Milk Kefir 

Morning or Noon

Cottage Cheese

Morning or Noon

Milk Kefir 


Cottage Cheese


Milk Kefir 


Cottage Cheese


Milk Kefir 

Very Good

Cottage Cheese


Milk Kefir 

Very Good

Cottage Cheese

Very Good

Milk Kefir  


Cottage Cheese

Very Good

Milk Kefir 

Very Good

Cottage Cheese

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100g

How is Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese Made?

Kefir is made by fermenting dairy milk with kefir grains. Kefir grains are a combination of good bacteria and yeast that feed on the natural sugar present in milk to make kefir. 

Cottage cheese is made by curdling milk with vinegar or lemon juice – any form of acetic acid. The curdled milk is strained to remove excess whey and you obtain solid curds or cottage cheese. 

Which is More Palatable: Kefir or Cottage Cheese?

Kefir has a tangy, slightly sour taste. It has a thick, creamy texture that many people like me enjoy. Although some people not used to a tart taste, may take time to adjust to the taste. 

Cottage cheese comparatively has a mild and creamy flavour. It has a crumbly and soft texture with a hint of sweetness.

How Much Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese Can be Consumed in a Day?

If you are new to kefir,  I recommend you start with a ½  or ¼  cup, and gradually increase the serving size. As long as you are not allergic to milk, you can consume up to 1 cup or a maximum 2 cups of kefir everyday.

For cottage cheese, the serving size is much smaller. In general, you can consume around ½ cup of cottage cheese per day. However, since it is high in protein and sodium, people avoiding these should be careful. 

The More Calorie Dense Food: Kefir or Cottage Cheese

As evident in the table, cottage cheese is more calorie-dense than kefir. For the same quantity, cottage cheese has more than 2 times more calories. However, since the serving size of cottage cheese is half that of cottage cheese, you come down to almost the same calories. 

An important thing to remember here is that the calorie content between kefir and cottage cheese can vary depending on the brand and type of milk used.

Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese: Which One is Lower in Carbs?

Kefir generally has more carbs when compared to cottage cheese. This is because cottage cheese has relatively less lactose – a kind of milk sugar, when compared to kefir. 

If you are following a low carb diet, you can include both kefir and cottage cheese in your diet, but be mindful of portion sizes.

Which Has More Fats: Kefir Cheese or Kefir 

If you are looking for kefir vs cottage cheese for weight loss, both can be good options. While cottage cheese is more fat than kefir, the margin is not that high, provided both are made from the same type of milk. 

The fat content can vary depending on the brand and type of milk used to make kefir or cottage cheese. You can opt for low-fat or non-fat varieties if you are watching your fat intake.

Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese As High-Protein Snacks

Both kefir and cottage cheese can be great options for high-protein snacks. They are good sources of high-quality protein that can help keep you feeling full and satisfied between meals.

So, you can choose any of these dairy products as a mid meal snack depending on your taste preferences. 

Better Source of Dietary Calcium: Kefir Or Cottage Cheese

Being dairy products, both kefir and cottage cheese are good sources of calcium. Calcium is  important for many functions including – maintaining strong bones and teeth, nerve function, and muscle function.

Compared to cottage cheese, kefir is a better source of calcium. Also, since kefir is a probiotic – has good bacteria-the calcium in kefir is more easily absorbed by the body than the calcium in cottage cheese.

Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese: The More Nutritional Choice

Both kefir and cottage cheese are nutritious but differ slightly in their nutrient profiles. Kefir is a good source of protein, calcium, vitamins – B12 & K2 and probiotics. Kefir is also rich in  minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Cottage cheese is high in protein and a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and selenium. It also contains vitamins B2, B12, and D, along with  essential nutrients like magnesium and potassium

When to Include Kefir and Cottage Cheese in Your Daily Diet?

Kefir works best if consumed in the morning. Kefir can also be incorporated into many breakfast items like smoothies, cereals, etc. Alternatively you can have it in the afternoon post lunch or an evening snack. 

Cottage cheese can be consumed at any time of the day. You can include it in your breakfast, lunch or dinner.  I recommend using plain, unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugars and artificial flavours.

Better for the Planet: Kefir or Cottage Cheese?

Dairy based products are not really the best option for sustainability. Dairy has one of the highest carbon footprint

However, if you choose kefir and cottage cheese that is  made from locally sourced milk, you can reduce the impact significantly. So, opt wisely and make your own at home. 

Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese: Which Food is Vegan Friendly?

Neither kefir nor cottage cheese is vegan-friendly, as they are both based on an animal product – milk. 

Vegans can opt for vegan cheese or vegan kefir that is made from vegan milks such as almond, soy, or oat milk, etc.

What to Pick for Healthier Teeth: Kefir or Cottage Cheese?

Kefir and cottage cheese can be good for maintaining healthy teeth, but in different ways. Kefir is rich in probiotics that promote the growth of good bacteria and reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth. 

Additionally, dairy based kefir contains calcium and vitamin K2, which can help strengthen teeth. Overall, it is better than cottage cheese for your teeth and oral health. 

Cottage cheese is also a good source of calcium which is essential for teeth health.  In addition, it contains casein, a protein that can help reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese: The Better Food For Your Bones

Since  kefir and cottage cheese have a high calcium content, they can promote bone health as well. Also,  kefir contains vitamin K2, which plays an important role in bone health by helping to transport calcium to the bones.

Cottage cheese apart from being a good source of calcium contains phosphorus. Phosphorus  works with calcium to build strong bones. When compared to each other, kefir may be a slightly better choice due to higher calcium and additional vitamin K2.

Kefir vs Cottage Cheese for Gut Healt

Kefir contains a wide range of probiotics that  can help improve digestion, reduce inflammation in the gut, and support the immune system. This makes it an excellent choice for your tummy. 

Cottage cheese also contains some probiotics that can help in maintaining overall digestive health. In addition to probiotics, both kefir and cottage cheese are rich in nutrients that can support gut health, such as calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2.

When comparing the two, kefir may have a slight advantage due to its wider range of probiotic strains and greater overall quantity of probiotics.

Kefir Vs Cottage Cheese: Which One Has More Uses?

Kefir and cottage cheese are both versatile in their use. Kefir can be used as a base for smoothies, dressings, dips, and sauces. It can also be used in baking as a substitute for milk or buttermilk. 

Cottage cheese can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes. It can be used as a filling for omelets, crepes, and sandwiches, or as a topping for baked potatoes, toast, or crackers. Cottage cheese can also be used in baking, as a substitute for ricotta cheese in lasagna, or as a base for dips and spreads.

So, all in all both kefir and cottage cheese are nutrient rich dairy foods that can be included in your diet. 

The choice between the two depends on your needs. Fr example, if you want more probiotics, kefir is better, but if higher protein intake is your target, cottage cheese is a better option.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.