What Makes For a Better Beverage: Kefir or Oat Milk?

Rohit Panwar

The choice between dairy and plant based options can be hard, especially when both are quite nutritious. One such hard decision is choosing between kefir vs oat milk. 

In order to pick the right option for you, you must first understand the difference between kefir and oat milk. This is precisely what I am going to help you with. 

Kefir Vs Oat Milk: A Nutritional Comparison

Let’s understand the differences between kefir and oat milk based on the below chosen metrics:


Milk & Kefir Grains

Oat Milk

Oats & Water


Sour & Creamy

Oat Milk

Creamy & Sweet


1 Cup

Oat Milk

1 Cup



Oat Milk



11 g*

Oat Milk

16 g*


10 g*

Oat Milk

5 g*


10 g*

Oat Milk

3 g*


410 mg*

Oat Milk 

22-350 mg*


Morning or Noon

Oat Milk

Morning or Bedtime



Oat Milk




Oat Milk




Oat Milk




Oat Milk



Very Good

Oat Milk



Very Good

Oat Milk

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

What Ingredients Are Used to Make Kefir Vs Oat Milk?

Kefir is a fermented dairy product that is made by adding kefir grains to dairy milk. Kefir grains are actually a combination of bacteria and yeast that feed on the sugar in milk. 

Oat milk is a non-dairy milk alternative made of oats and water. Soaked oats are blended with water to obtain oat milk. The market bought versions also add additional ingredients, like sweeteners or thickeners.

Difference in Taste & Texture Of Oat Milk and Kefir

Kefir has a tangy, slightly sour flavour that’s similar to yogurt. It’s also slightly fizzy, which adds a unique texture to the drink. 

Oat milk is smooth and creamy, with a subtle sweetness that comes from the oats. It’s a great option for people who are looking for a non-dairy milk alternative, as it’s naturally lactose-free and vegan-friendly. Oat milk has a relatively mild flavor, so it’s a great choice for adding to coffee or using in recipes without overpowering other flavors.

How Much Oat Milk Vs Kefir Is Safe To Be Consumed Per Day?

Although oat milk is a nutritious option, it’s also relatively high in carbohydrates and calories compared to some other non-dairy milk alternatives. So, limit your consumption to around 1 cup a day or 2 at max. 

Kefir is nutrient dense and is packed with probiotics or good bacteria. You can include around 1 cup a day of kefir in your daily diet. However, if you are new to it, start with half the quantity. 

The Lower Calorie Option: Kefir or Oat Milk?

Kefir’s  calorie count depends on the type of milk used. Full-fat kefir made from cow’s milk (the one included here) is relatively high in calories than the low-fat milk versions. As a nutritional dairy product, it tends to be moderately high in calories.

Oat milk is lower in calories than kefir, especially when compared to kefir made from cow’s whole milk. However, remember that some oat milk brands may add additional sweeteners or thickeners that can increase the calorie count.

Drink With Lower Carbs: Kefir Vs Oat Milk

If you’re looking for a drink with lower carbs, kefir is the better choice. Kefir, although moderately high in carbs, has a lower proportion than oat milk. 

Here again, if you are opting for packed versions, make sure to check the labels. Added sweeteners or thickeners can increase the carb count.

Which One is Lower in Fats: Kefir or Oat Milk?

A major advantage oat milk has over kefir is its lower fat content. However, commercially packed versions may have a higher fat content, because some of them add oils to prevent separation.

Kefir, being a dairy product, inherits all its fats from the milk used to make it. Here,  kefir made from whole milk will be higher in fat than kefir made from low-fat or non-fat milk.

Which Has More & Better Protein Quantity & Quality: Kefir or Oat Milk?

For people trying to increase their protein intake, kefir is definitely the better option. Kefir has both higher quality and quantity of protein in comparison to oat milk. 

Kefir is made from milk, which is a complete protein source. Dairy contains all of the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) your body needs. It also contains whey and casein proteins, which are both high-quality proteins that are easily digestible.

The Better Source of Calcium: Kefir or Oat Milk

Another advantage of kefir is its calcium content. Milk is naturally high in calcium and as a result, so is kefir.

Oat milk contains less calcium than kefir. However, if you buy it from the market, you will see a higher calcium content as companies add it to match up to dairy. 

What is The Best Time for Consuming Kefir Vs Oat Milk?

Kefir can be consumed at any time of day, but in my opinion having it for breakfast gives you the best results. You can also consume it at noon as a snack item. 

Oat milk can be consumed at any time of the day. However, having it in the first part of the day is advisable, so that you have enough time to digest the carbs. 

Kefir Vs Oat Milk: The Vegan -Friendly Drink

Oat milk is vegan-friendly since it is completely plant based.  Traditional kefir is made from milk, which makes it unsuitable for people on a plant based diet.

However, there are many types of kefir and some of these are made using plant  milks. For vegans, it can be a better option. 

The More Sustainable Choice Between: Kefir Vs Oat Milk

Dairy kefir uses milk, which requires significant resources such as land, water, and energy for its production. Dairy production also contributes to environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and deforestation.

Oat milk can be considered a more sustainable choice. Oats can be grown in a variety of climates and use less resources when compared to dairy. However, make sure you buy local products.  

Better for Your Teeth & Bones: Kefir or Oat Milk

Kefir is a dairy product, which implies it is rich in many teeth & bone friendly nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Additionally the good bacteria in kefir prevent cavities and promote overall oral health

The DIY versions of oat milk are not known for their calcium and phosphorus content. However, some oat milk brands may add these nutrients to their products. 

Which is Easier to Digest: Oat Milk or Kefir? 

Kefir contains a wide range of good bacteria that are beneficial for gut health. However, since it is a dairy product, some people may experience discomfort after consuming it. 

Oat milk is safe for everyone, including people with milk or lactose intolerance. So, it is easier to digest for those with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues.

Which Can Hydrate Your Body More: Kefir or Oat Milk?

Kefir and oat milk can both provide some level of hydration since water is the main constituent of these drinks. However, they are not to be used as a substitute for water and should be considered a supplemental source of hydration. 

Oat milk and kefir also contain nutrients such as carbs, proteins, which can provide energy and help with hydration during exercise.

Kefir or Oat Milk: The Beverage With Multiple Uses

Both kefir and oat milk are versatile beverages with multiple uses in the kitchen. Kefir can be used in multiple ways – as a substitute for buttermilk, in pancakes, as a marinade, in salad dressings, etc. It  can be consumed plain or flavoured with spices

Oat milk is a popular dairy-free milk alternative that can be enjoyed as it is – hot or cold,  flavoured with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. It can also be used in smoothies, coffee, and tea. It can also be used as a base for vegan soups, sauces, and desserts.

So, if you are looking for a nutrient dense complete food, kefir is a great choice. However, if you are vegan or allergic to dairy or environment conscious, oat milk is a better choice. 

In conclusion, both kefir and oat milk are both drinks with their distinct advantages. What would be better for you would depend on your needs and preferences. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.