Which Has A Better Impact On Your Well Being: Laban Or Milk?

Rohit Panwar

With so many variations of dairy-based health beverages in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose one especially when it comes to highly nutritious options like laban versus milk.  

But you are not alone. As a practicing nutritionist who prioritizes wellbeing, I am here to take you through these two different drinks and help you to familiarise and opt for the one that will benefit you the most.

Laban Versus Milk


Kefir Versus Laban– Are They The Same? | 

Laban Versus Milk: Choose The Best Option For You With This Comparative Analysis

I am using the table below to analyse the benefits of laban and milk under various criteria. This will help you get a quick glance at the benefits of these two healthy drinks.


Cow’s milk


Cow’s milk


Tangy & Sweet


Creamy & sweet


1 cup


1 cup






7.9 g*


8 g*


7 g*


 8 g*


288 mg*


275.7 mg*


Morning or Noon


Morning or Bedtime










Very Good


Very Good


Very good




Very good




Very good


Very good


Spices & herbs


Turmeric & honey

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

As is evident from the table, both these drinks are a boon for a healthy lifestyle. Now let’s understand them in detail to see how you can make the best use of them.

How is Laban Different From Milk?

One of the main factors that distinguish laban and milk is the method of preparation. Laban is fermented dairy-based milk widely made in African and Arabian countries. Lben, lban or leban as it is called in different places, is a drink made by fermenting milk at a hotter temperature for a day and then straining it.

On the other hand, milk refers to cow’s milk that is not fermented but used as such. There are many versions of milk available in the market like full fat, low fat, etc. In this blog, I am referring to normal or whole milk (with 3.25% fat) for your understanding. 

Laban Vs Milk –  How Different Are They When It Comes To Taste?

Laban has a sweet and tangy taste to it due to the process of fermentation. It tastes good both as a sweet and savory drink with different additives. 

Milk is loved by so many people for its creamy sweet taste. It is so versatile that it can be consumed in various ways.

How Much Consumption of Laban or Milk is Good For You?

It is ideal to take 1 cup of laban or milk per day to meet your everyday nutrient requirements from these drinks. 

For milk, the requirements differ for people of different age groups. However, consuming 1 cup per day is standard for both drinks.

Which Has the Right Amount of Calories – Laban Or Milk?

There is only a slight difference between the calories in laban and milk as mentioned in the table. The calorie count in Laban and Milk will differ with the nature of milk being used. 

Therefore, for people who are calorie-conscious, low-calorie versions are readily available.  A cup of laban or milk taken after a workout restores energy without adding extra calories.  

Is the Fat Content In Laban and Milk Different? 

As seen in the table, laban and milk have almost the same amount of fat. The good fats present in both dairy drinks are beneficial for your heart’s well-being as it helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Having said that, if you are looking for low-fat content, you can opt for low-fat milk over whole milk. Laban can also be made low fat by making it from low-fat milk.

Laban Vs Milk, Which One’s Better at Meeting Our Protein Requirements?

Yes indeed. Laban and milk are considered to be good sources of protein. There is only a slight variation in protein content between these two drinks. 

The protein present in these drinks helps to build and repair human body cells, strengthen muscles, provide more energy and keep one feeling satiated for a long time. 

Laban or Milk: Is there Any Significant Difference in Their Calcium Content? 

Calcium is a major requirement for maintaining strong bones. Laban is a good source of calcium, but in comparison with milk, the calcium content in milk is higher.

Milk with its highest source of calcium plays a major role in meeting your everyday calcium requirements. Regular consumption of milk can prevents bones from getting weaker. 

When Can Laban and Milk Be Consumed For Better Benefits?

Laban is a very refreshing drink, that can be consumed in the morning or at noon. It replenishes the body and keeps one energetic. Traditionally, laban was consumed during and post-lunch. 

Milk on the other hand is recommended to be taken at bedtime as warm milk helps in inducing sleep. Many people prefer to consume warm milk at night as it helps them to sleep better. Consuming milk at night slows down your digestion process which can help in easy washroom visits. 

Do Laban and Milk Have a Positive Impact On The Environment?

Laban and milk have a negative impact on the environment. Both these drinks are made from cow’s milk which is animal-based. 

Consumption of laban and milk requires more grazing by cows to produce milk. This in turn leads to more grazing lands and cutting of trees which affects the soil and emits more carbon dioxide. Due to these impacts, dairy drinks are not considered to be environmentally friendly.

Are Laban and Milk Considered as Vegan Foods?

Vegan-friendly foods are foods that are completely plant-based. Since laban and milk are made from animal sources it is not vegan friendly. 

If you are looking for a vegan-friendly option then both the drinks are not suitable as they are made from cow’s milk.

Laban or Milk: The Better Choice for Oral Health?

It is a well-known fact that calcium is required for strong teeth. The calcium present in laban and milk helps in maintaining the same. Apart from this, milk has other nutrients that help in the restoration of lost minerals in teeth and protect gums.

Laban on the other hand is full or good bacteria or probiotics that help in keeping the bad bacteria in the mouth at bay.  If you are looking for a drink that has a positive outcome on oral health, then both are good choices.

Laban or Milk: The Better Drink for Your Tummy

Laban has a very positive impact on tummy health. Reason being, it is loaded with probiotics due to the fermentation process. Probiotics are good live bacteria and yeast which help in keeping your gut healthy and prevent you from falling sick due to infections. 

On the contrary, consuming milk may not have a great impact on tummy health like laban. It may cause issues like gas and bloating for lactose-intolerant people. In such cases, laban makes for a better option. In other words, if you are wondering, Is laban better than milk for tummy health, It certainly is!

Does Drinking Laban or Milk Cool Down Your Body?

Our body maintains its own temperature throughout different seasons. Sometimes it tends to be hot, especially in the summer months. Laban being a water-rich drink reduces the heat and helps in restoring the body heat balance. It is widely consumed in Arabian countries in summer.

Milk can also cool your body when consumed cold. People consume chilled milk-based smoothies and drinks to reduce the heat. However, in comparison laban id better for body cooling.

Can Consuming Laban or MIlk Hydrate Your Body?

Laban has high water content in it which helps in hydration of the body. People who don’t like to drink plain water can consider laban as an option to keep them hydrated. It is also consumed by people during fasting time in Arabian countries to keep the body hydrated and to make up for the loss of energy due to fasting. 

Milk has also been sought out as a drink for quenching thirst. It helps in hydrating the body as it contains electrolytes which are essential minerals that restore energy and water balance. Overall, Both these drinks can play a vital role in hydration.

What Additives Can be Consumed With Laban and Milk?

This brings us to the most interesting part of the blog. While both these drinks can be consumed as such there are some additives that make them more healthy and yummy. Laban can be spiced up with a dash of spices like cumin, pepper and herbs like coriander and mint.

Milk on the other hand can be consumed with honey or turmeric. It can also be blended into fruit and flavor-based smoothies and shakes. The options are endless for milk which also explains why children love drinking them. 

As we come to the end of the blog, let me recap our initial questions, Is laban and milk the same? It is not. What is the difference between laban and milk? The major difference is Laban is fermented and milk is not.

Both these drinks are enriched with nutrients that are required for healthy well-being. With this essential detailed information, you can be very clear about choosing between Laban versus milk.

Thank you for reading my blog till the end. I hope you no longer find yourself confused about these drinks. I look forward to more questions from you in the comments section.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.