Are Yogurt and Laban The Same Dairy Products?

Rohit Panwar

Laban versus yogurt, wondering whether they are the same or different? While both are popular fermented dairy milk products, they do have certain key differences. 

As a nutritionist, I will help you understand the similarities and differences between laban and yogurt. This will help you make the right choice as per your needs. 

Laban VS yogurt


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Laban Versus Yogurt: Understanding Key Differences & Similarities

Let’s take a quick look at the difference between laban vs yogurt nutrients and outcomes:


Dairy Milk 


Dairy Milk 


Tangy & Sweet


Sweet & Sour


1 cup


1 cup






7.9 g*


8 g*


7 g*


 8 g*


288 mg*


300 mg*


Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon










Very Good


Very Good


Very good


Very Good


Very Good 




Very good


Very good


Spices & herbs


Fruits & Honey

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup, made from whole milk

Now that you have some clarity regarding laban and yogurt, let me take you through these attributes one by one:

How Do Yogurt and Laban Differ in the Method of Preparation?

Laban, also called  lben, lban, and leben is a fermented dairy-based drink that originated in the African and Arabian countries. Traditionally,  laban is made by fermenting milk for a day. This is then churned to remove butter. The resulting liquid is fermented further for a few days to obtain laban. 

Yogurt too is a fermented dairy product that has been used by humans for ages. It is prepared by adding a yogurt culture to milk and then letting it ferment for a few hours. The starter culture is usually a mixture of good bacteria that ferment the milk.  

Laban Vs Yogurt: Differences in Taste and Texture 

The process of fermentation gives laban a slightly sweet and tangy taste.  Texture wise, the drink is quite creamy. 

Yogurt is much thicker when compared to laban. It has a slightly sour taste with a smooth and creamy texture. Both these fermented milk products go well with sweet and savoury flavours. 

Comparing Daily Recommended Intake of Laban and Yogurt

Both laban and yogurt can be included in your daily diets to enjoy their numerous benefits. As a nutritionist I would recommend that you consume one cup of these fermented dairy product per day. 

However, during summers you can increase the consumption of both these dairy products to 2 cups a day. 

Which Has More Calories Laban or Yogurt?

An average adult needs around 2000-2500 calories per day. Since, these calories are obtained from what we consume, it is important to keep a note of the calories of your drink and food intake. 

When compared to laban, yogurt has a few more calories. If you are interested in reducing the calories level further, I would suggest you consume laban or yogurt made from low fat milk.  

Laban Vs Yogurt for Weight Watchers 

For those of you trying to manage your weight, fat content is an important consideration. As is evident from the table, both laban and yogurt have almost the same amount of fat content, which may be considered to be slightly on the higher side.

However, there is a way for you to enjoy the benefits of these products without being guilty. Low-fat versions made from skimmed and low fat milk will provide you lower fats and calories without compromising on other nutrients. 

Which One’s Better for Meeting Protein Requirements: Laban or Yogurt?

Laban and yogurt are both derived from dairy which means they are high in proteins. This is also a reason why they are also good for weight management. Protein consumption gives you a feeling of being full and prevents unnecessary snack cravings.

If we compare the protein content of whole milk based yogurt and laban, we see that yogurt has slightly more proteins in comparison. 

How Much Do Laban & Yogurt Vary in Their Calcium Content? 

Our body needs calcium for strengthening teeth, bones, proper functioning of muscles among other things. Therefore, it is important to consume its recommended quantity. 

Laban and yogurt are both very good sources of calcium. Here, yogurt has more calcium when compared to laban.  

What’s the Best Time to Consume Laban Versus Yogurt?

Laban can be consumed at any time of the day, but as a nutritionist I would recommend having it in the morning or post lunch. Consuming it during the day gives you a pretty refreshing feeling.

Yogurt is also best consumed in the morning or during the day. As per Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine science, any fermented dairy product should not be consumed at night.  

Which One is Vegan Friendly: Laban or Yogurt?

Unfortunately the traditional dairy based laban and yogurt are not vegan friendly. Having said that, vegans do not have to be disappointed because their vegan versions are available. 

While the vegan versions of these products are nutritious but as compared to dairy they lag behind in nutrients. So, before you make a pick at the supermarket, make sure to check the labels are pick vegan versions that are fortified with essential nutrients that provide similar nutritional values to dairy based versions

How do Laban and Yogurt Impact the Environment?

Laban and yogurt are both dairy based products and thus face similar sustainability issues. Both these dairy products impact the environment negatively.

Milk production is one of the most pressing concerns because of increase in grazing lands and cutting of trees. Along with this, the increasing  carbon dioxide is another problem associated with the industry. 

Better Choice for Oral Health: Laban or Yogurt?

Laban and Yogurt being dairy products are rich in calcium which is an important mineral for strong teeth and healthy gums. Remember I am talking about the unsweetened versions here 

Apart from this Laban and yogurt are both probiotic foods which means they contain a good mix of good microorganisms like bacteria. Probiotics help in keeping the bad bacteria in the mouth at bay and promote good dental health.

Laban or Yogurt: The Dairy Product for a Healthy Tummy

As I mentioned above, laban and yogurt are probiotics and have a good mix of healthy live bacteria and yeast. 

The good bacteria in both these fermented products help in keeping your gut healthy and aids digestion. So, these are both very good for the stomach. 

Effective Remedy for Summers: Laban or Yogurt?

Summers are the time when we look for refreshing foods and drinks to help us cope up with the heat. Yogurt and Laban can come to your rescue. Laban is widely consumed in Arabian and African countries in summers and is known for its cooling properties. 

Yogurt too can help you cool down the body. You can consume it as such or try one of the delicious froyos – frozen yogurts. 

Can Consuming Laban or Yogurt Hydrate Your Body?

Laban has high water content which can help you in keeping the body hydrated. It also contains magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus, which are electrolytes that help in preventing dehydration. 

Like laban, yogurt too contains electrolytes that are essential for maintaining the water levels of the body.  

What Goes Well With Laban Versus Yogurt?

Laban is pretty delicious and can be had straight or with flavours. Adding herbs and spices to it can take the taste a level up. You can add ground cumin, pepper, coriander and mint for that extra refreshing flavour. 

Yogurt is also very versatile. It goes well both with sweet and salty flavours. I personally recommend blending it up with fresh fruits and honey for a creamy smoothie. Alternatively, you can also enjoy it with a pinch of rock salt and pepper. 

Before I end this blog, I would like to address another frequently asked question-  can I use laban instead of yogurt? Well, the answer depends on your exact requirements. Since both have similar nutrient profiles, you can use one instead of another. However, laban is thinner and can be more sour at times. 

I hope you now have more clarity about the differences between the two dairy products. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to me in the comment section below. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.