Miso and Yogurt: How These Two Fermented Foods Different From Each Other?

Rohit Panwar

Miso and yogurt are two nutritious and probiotic-rich food options. However, this leads to confusion of choice between Miso vs Yogurt. 

As a nutritionist, I will explain all their specific characteristics and their benefits for health. Read along to know all about miso vs yogurt nutritional and benefit differences. 

Miso vs Yogurt: A Fierce Battle of the Best Probiotics

Let’s start our journey with a comparing look at miso vs yogurt nutrition, outcomes and much more: 


Soybeans & Mold Culture


Milk & Yogurt Culture


Salty, Umami & Thick


Sweet & Sour


1 Tbsp


1-2 Cups






25 g*


4.75 g*


6 g*


3.3 g*


13 g*


3.5 g*


57 mg*


123.3 mg*


 5.4 g*


0 g*








Morning & Noon 


Very Good


Very Good




Very Good


Very  Good


 Very Good










Very Good 


Very Good


1-2 Years


2-3 Days 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Miso vs Yogurt: All About Their Composition and Origin

Around 1300 years ago, China introduced a mixture of fermented soybeans and salt to Japan. Japanese people made a paste of it and this is how miso was born. 

Miso is a mix of mashed soybeans and koji, a mold culture. Fermentation duration of miso varies from months to years, depending what kind of miso you are making. 

Yogurt’s origin takes us to Western Asia and the Middle East.

To prepare yogurt you have to mix yogurt culture into the lukewarm milk. This culture is full of live friendly bacteria. It is easy to make yogurt at home. 

Miso vs Yogurt Taste and Textural Differences 

Miso is widely known for its umami taste, which means it is pleasantly savory. It’s texture is quite similar to peanut butter. Mostly it is brown in color, however it depends on how long it was fermented. Darker the color means longer it was fermented. 

Yogurt has a mild tangy taste. It has a thick consistency though not as thick as miso. Most people prefer to add some flavor to it. It balances its acidic flavor and enhances the taste. 

How Much Miso vs Yogurt Is Sufficient a Day?

Miso is a sodium-rich food. Just one tablespoon of it has 643 mg of sodium. The American Heart association recommends 1500-2300 mg of sodium consumption in a day. Hence, you must restrict miso’s consumption up to 1-2 tablespoons or 15-30 grams a day. 

On the other hand, you can have 1 cup of yogurt every day. A healthy adult can have 3 servings of dairy. If you are not including other dairy products then you can have up to 2 cups of yogurt. 

How Do Miso & Yogurt Fare Against Tempeh, A Soy Based Fermented Food?

| Miso Vs Tempeh |

| Yogurt Vs Tempeh |

Know the Difference Between Miso vs Yogurt Calories

Calorie is also called fuel for the body since it gives you energy. Every individual needs a different amount of calories depending on many factors such as age, gender and activity level. 

If you compare miso vs yogurt, then 100 grams of miso has more calories compared to the same amount of yogurt. However, miso’s daily intake is quite lower than yogurt. 1-2 tablespoons of miso paste gives you very less calories.  

Miso vs Yogurt: The Low Carb Option

Carbohydrates are also known as carbs. It is made of sugar, starch and fiber. Health enthusiasts usually prefer low carbs food.  

Miso has much more carbs compared to yogurt. If you are looking for a low carbs probiotic then yogurt is a better pick for you.  

Which Contains Less Fat Content: Miso or Yogurt?

Speaking of fats, yogurt has just half of the fat content of miso. This makes yogurt a great choice for the people who want to shed a few kilos. 

However, this difference is not that significant and a few grams recommended daily consumption of miso won’t affect you adversely. 

Miso vs Yogurt Nutritional Value in Terms of Protein

Proteins are essential macronutrients for the body. Since the body can’t make protein itself, you need to apply it through your diet. 

There is a substantial difference between miso and yogurt in terms of protein. Miso has much more protein than yogurt. Although yogurt has a good amount of whey protein which is widely popular among bodybuilders to gain muscles

What to Choose for More Calcium: Miso or Yogurt?

In the case of calcium, yogurt is much ahead to miso. The reason for this vast difference is due to their base ingredients. Milk is a rich source of calcium compared to soybeans. 

Since yogurt is a milk based product, it is a better source of calcium. If you have children at home then pick yogurt over soy as they need more calcium to grow. 

Miso vs Yogurt: Which One Is Fiber Rich?

Fiber is undigested carbs which are important to maintain a healthy bowel movement. A fiber-rich diet has many far reaching benefits for health. 

Plant based foods are a better option to get fiber. Since miso is a soy product, it is a good source of fiber. On the contrary, yogurt doesn’t contain any fiber. 

Compare Miso vs Yogurt Nutritional Diversity

Nutrients can be divided into two major groups: micronutrients and macronutrients. Macronutrients consist of carbs, fat and protein, whereas micro include vitamins and minerals.

Talking about micronutrients, miso also has few micronutrients such as iron, manganese, copper etc. However, due to less recommended consumption  it is not considered as a good source to provide enough benefits of these. 

Besides being a rich source of calcium and protein, yogurt also contains many other micronutrients such as vitamin B12, phosphorus, riboflavin etc. Thus, yogurt has an advantage over miso in terms of nutritional diversity. 

Best Time to Have Miso vs Yogurt

Japanese people have miso soup for breakfast. You can also add to your lunch or dinner. Make sure not to add salt with miso, it can make your food too salty. 

You can have yogurt in the morning as your breakfast. It goes well with rolled oats or muesli. It can also be consumed in the afternoon with lunch. 

Miso or Yogurt: Which One Is Easier on Digestion?

Yogurt and miso both are full of probiotics. Probiotics are considered helpful to improve your gut health and digestion.

Besides that, miso is a fiber rich food. On the other hand, yogurt doesn’t contain fiber. This makes miso a slightly better choice for digestion over yogurt. 

Better Choice for Oral Health: Miso or Yogurt

Calcium and protein are the most essential nutrients for your oral health. Miso and yogurt both have ample amounts of these two. They also have good bacteria which protects gums from infection. 

However, compared to miso, yogurt provides you with more oral benefits. Yogurt has a considerably higher amount of calcium than miso. It also contains a protein called casein which assists the body to absorb calcium and vitamin D

Is Miso Better Than Yogurt for Strong Bones?

Miso has a lot more protein than yogurt, whereas yogurt has a significantly higher amount of calcium. This proves that both miso and yogurt are healthy foods for bones.  

They also have other micronutrients such as iron, magnesium and copper which helps to build and maintain the strength of bones.  

Miso vs Yogurt: Know Their Impacts on the Environment

Miso is a plant based product whereas yogurt is a dairy product. Modern days’ dairy industry is considered harmful for the environment. It consumes a lot of natural resources such as land and water. It also has higher carbon emission which contributes to global warming. 

It is important to check the food print of the foods and beverages before picking them. Compared to yogurt, miso is a better environmentally friendly choice. 

Suitable for Vegans: Miso or Yogurt

Veganism is a fast growing concept throughout the world. People who follow veganism are known as vegans. There are various reasons for that such as environmental concerns, love for animals or milk allergy. 

Since, miso is made of soybeans, vegans can definitely add this to their regular diet. Yogurt is a dairy product so it won’t fit into a vegan diet. 

Miso or Yogurt: The More Versatile Option

You can add miso and yogurt to your daily diet in many different ways. Most common use of miso is adding it to the soup. You can also mix it with your salad dressing, fried noodles, fried rice or curries. 

Yogurt is an excellent alternative to milk for smoothies or shakes. It goes well with breakfast choices such as cereals, oats etc.

You can also use yogurt for baking. If you are planning to use it for curries then be careful it might curdle if the flame is too high. 

Which Can Stay for Longer: Miso or Yogurt?

Miso has a longer shelf life compared to yogurt. Miso can be stored for up to 1-2 years. Different types of miso have different expiry dates, so pick according to your need. You don’t have to store it in the fridge but keep it away from direct sunlight. 

On the other hand, yogurt’s life span is just 2-3 days. Once fermented, keep it in the refrigerator to avoid further fermentation. 

In the confusion of miso vs yogurt, not only your needs and preferences matters but availability is also an equally important factor. 

Yogurt is widely available compared to miso and it is also easy to make your yogurt at home. However, keeping miso in your pantry gives you multiple choices to add more probiotics to your food. 

I hope you got a deep insight about miso vs yogurt and next time you will make a better choice for yourself. 

Thanks for passing by. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.