Natto or Tempeh: Which Form of Fermented Soybeans Is Better for You?

Rohit Panwar

Are you also someone who is struggling with Natto vs tempeh? Well, not anymore!

As a nutritionist, I’m here to answer the popular question- what is the difference between tempeh and natto. It will help you to pick the right one for yourself. 

Natto Vs Tempeh: Benefits & Nutrition Compared

Before we go through the details, let’s take a bird eye view at natto vs tempeh nutrition and other parameters:


Soybeans & Yeast Culture


Soybeans & Tempeh Starter


Fermented & Slimy


Mild, Nutty & Firm


100-200 grams


100-200 grams






14 g*


9.4 g*


11 g*


10.8 g*


18 g*


18.5 g*


217  mg*


111 mg*


5.4 g*


4.7 g*






Morning & Noon


Morning & Noon


Very Good










Very Good


3-4 Days


2-3 Weeks

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

What Is the Difference Between Tempeh and Natto Ingredients & Preparation?

Traditionally the base ingredient for tempeh and natto is the same as soybeans. However, you can find other legume based tempeh as well such as chickpea, kidney beans etc. There are some grains and seeds based options too. 

Tempah is a fermented soy product originated in Java, Indonesia. To make it soak and de-hull the beans and boil. Once they cool down, add tempeh starter and allow it to ferment in a warm and dark place. It will take around 5 to 6 days to get that firm cake shape of tempeh. 

Natto is a food from Japan. To prepare natto, boil the pre soaked soybeans and then add yeast culture to ferment. It will be ready in 1-2 days. 

Natto vs Tempeh Taste: How Different They Are in Flavour & Texture?

Natto has a unique pungent smell and earthy flavor like cheese. It has a slimy texture and that along with the smell can demotivate many to try this superfood. So, start it with a smaller quantity to acquire the taste.  

Just like most fermented soy products, tempeh also has a unique flavour. It tastes nutty and earthy with an umami touch. It takes a while for people to get used to this. It has a firm and chewy texture which is often compared to meat. 

How Much Is Too Much: Natto vs Tempeh Daily Intake?

Natto and tempeh are full of nutrients and health benefits. You can easily add these fermented foods to your daily diet. 

You can have 1-3 servings of soy products daily. This allows you to have 100-200 grams of natto or tempeh a day. 

Which Will Give You Less Calories: Natto or Tempeh?

Many health conscious people check the calories before opting for any food or beverage. It is a good habit to watch your calorie intake. 

Natto contains more calories compared to tempeh. However, the difference is not that big. Instead of complete “no, no” just reduce the quantity of natto if you are worried about the calories. 

Natto or Tempeh: What to Pick for Lower Carbs?

Tempeh has less carbs compared to natto. If you are looking for a low carbs fermented soy product then tempeh is a better choice for you. 

Carbs or carbohydrates are like the fuel for the body. The most common sources of carbs are sugars, fibers, and starches.

Natto vs Tempeh: More Fat Content

If you want to shed a few kilos then it is important to consume less fats. However, not all fats are bad for you. If you talk about the fat content in natto and tempeh then you will get a pleasant surprise. They both have almost the same amount of fats.

The fats in natto and tempeh are due to soybeans. This is mainly omega 3 and 6 which are considered as good fats for the body.  

A Better Protein Source: Natto or Tempeh

Protein is another nutrient where both natto and tempeh are similar. As evident in the table, they have the same amount of protein with a minor difference. 

Both these fermented foods are rich sources of plant based protein. Both tempeh and natto are considered as a complete source of protein as they have all the essential amino acids in them. 

Natto vs Tempeh’s Calcium Quantity

Calcium is an essential mineral for everyone and especially for children’s growth. Pregnant and post menopausal women also need a good amount of calcium. 

For calcium, natto is a better choice compared to tempeh. Natto has almost double of the calcium in tempeh. 

Dietary Fibre in Natto vs Tempeh 

Fiber is another parameter where natto is better than tempeh. The main reason for this difference is due to the making process. 

While preparing tempeh, soybeans are de-hulled where their skin is removed. This skin is mostly fiber. Fiber is essential for maintaining healthy digestion

Natto vs Tempeh Nutrition: Comparing the Diversity 

Natto and tempeh are both fermented foods and full of probiotics or good bacteria. They both are considered as functional foods rich in many nutrients including protein and vitamin K. 

Natto is a rich source of vitamin K2, which is essential for bone health, while tempeh is a good source of iron and vitamin B12, which are important for energy production and red blood cell formation

Comparatively, natto is nutritionally more diverse compared to tempeh. It has a good amount of zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium etc.

Natto also contains an enzyme called nattokinase which is considered a healthy protein to protect your heart. Natto has a high amount of selenium which has many proven health benefits including strong immunity

Easy on Digestion: Natto or Tempeh

Both natto and tempeh contain probiotics. These probiotics help your guts to fight  harmful bacteria and improve digestion. 

It is difficult to decide a clear winner. However, since natto has more fiber than tempeh, it can be considered better than tempeh for your stomach. 

Natto vs Tempeh: What to Pick for Strong Bones and a Bright Smile?

 Protein is an essential nutrient for strong bones and teeth. Natto and tempeh both are protein packed foods. Hence, they are considered excellent for bone build up and teeth protection. 

Besides that both these foods of Asian cuisine are fermented. They provide you with good bacteria to fight tooth decay and other mouth infections.

Natto has more phosphorus and calcium, which give it an advantage to be called better. 

Which One Is More Useful: Natto or Tempeh?

In terms of versatility, tempeh has  more diverse uses compared to natto. You can have natto straight as a topping on rice or bread. You can also add them to your salad. 

You can use tempeh in fried rice, curries and soups. Add it to your salads to make them protein rich.  Its firm texture allows you to use it in multiple ways. 

How Long Can You Use Natto vs Tempeh?

Once fermented, natto can be stored for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Don’t keep it out, as it rots easily. I would recommend consuming it as fresh as possible. 

On the other hand tempeh can stay up to 2-3 weeks. Store it in the fridge to be safe. If you want to store it for longer then store it in the freezer in an airtight container. 

Natto and tempeh are lactose free and vegan friendly products. You can have natto and tempeh even if you have soy allergy. Fermentation reduces the allergy component of soybeans.

Many people ask me “Is natto the same as tempeh”? They may have common base ingredients but they are a lot different from each other. I’m sure now you agree with me. 

Choose the option that suits your needs the best. I would say try both and see which one agrees more with your body. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.