Which is Better For You- Pea Milk or Almond Milk?

Rohit Panwar

If you are someone who consumes plant-based milk regularly but wants to explore newer options you might find yourself wondering – How good are the new alt milk choices compared to existing ones? One such comparable option is Pea milk versus almond milk.

As a passionate nutritionist, I am comparing the most recent entry, pea milk with the widely used almond milk. As we analyse the nutrition and impact on various factors of these milks, you will find most of your concerns about these milks answered by the end of this blog.

Pea milk versus almond milk


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Comparative Overall Profile Of Pea Milk Versus Almond Milk Nutrients & Benefits

In the below table I am analysing pea milk and almond milk under 15 research-based criteria. 

Pea milk

Yellow split peas & water

Almond milk

Almonds & water

Pea milk
Creamy &  Neutral
Almond milk

Nutty &  sweet

Pea milk

1 cup

Almond milk

1 cup

Pea milk
Almond milk


Pea milk


Almond milk


Pea milk


Almond milk


Pea milk

28- 440 mg*

Almond milk

46- 480 mg*

Pea milk

Morning ………..

Almond milk

Morning or Bedtime

Pea milk


Almond milk


Pea milk


Almond milk


Pea milk


Almond milk

Very good

Pea milk

Very Good

Almond milk

Very good

Pea milk


Almond milk

Very good

Pea milk


Almond milk


Pea milk

Honey, Vanilla, Coffee

Almond milk

Honey, vanilla & cocoa

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

As you can see from the table pea milk and almond milk have a lot to offer. Let’s discuss each factor in detail.

Comparing The Origin And Making Of Pea Milk Vs Almond Milk

Pea milk is made from yellow split peas and is a legume-based drink. Pea milk is made by soaking the split peas overnight and cooking them for a few minutes to soften. Once cooled it is then blended with adequate water and strained to make pea milk. 

Almond milk is not a new drink. There are records of almond milk being used in different cuisines throughout history. Almond milk is made by soaking almonds overnight and blending them with water. They are then strained to obtain almond milk. 

Which Is A Delight To Drink Between Pea Milk And Almond Milk?

Pea milk is similar to cow’s milk in terms of taste and texture. It has a neutral taste. It does not taste like peas but definitely has a slightly bitter aftertaste. The market versions of pea milk contain various flavoured options and are mostly preferred to be taken with natural sweeteners.

Almond milk has a sweet taste and a creamy texture. This is also a reason why it is preferred by so many people across all age groups. They can be consumed as such or with flavorful additives.

How Much Of Pea Milk And Almond Milk Is Required In Daily Diet?

A cup of pea milk or almond milk per day works great in fulfilling the nutrition requirements of the body. Both the milk being excellent sources of vital vitamins and minerals offer so many benefits to the body.

From eye health, and skin nourishment to heart health both the milks play an important role in everyday wellness.

Pea Milk Vs Almond Milk: What Are The Calorie Differences?

Pea milk provides more calories than almond milk. A cup of pea milk consumed after an intense workout or during a work break energises the body and keeps one active. 

having fewer calories, Almond milk is best suited for people looking for healthy yet low-calorie plant-based milk options.

Which Has A Larger Share Of Fat Content Between Pea & Almond Milk?

Though the yellow split peas are considered to be very low in fat, the store-bought versions have a high-fat content. This is because of the addition of emulsifiers like sunflower oil or any other vegetable oil to maintain the texture of the milk. In homemade versions too, some people opt to add any such oils to attain a rich texture. 

Almond milk naturally has less fat than pea milk. The fats present in almond milk are known to be good fats and play a big role in keeping the heart, healthy.

Is Pea Protein Better Than Almond Milk for Fulfilling Protein Requirements?

While most plant-based milks are said to have less protein content, pea milk comes as an exception. Pea milk provides more protein than many other plant-based milks and stands as a good replacement for cow’s milk.

Almond milk on the contrary is very low in protein content compared to pea milk. However, almond milk is a good source of Folic acid, a vitamin that is very helpful in building new cells and strengthening the body.  

The Calcium Competence of Pea Milk Vs Almond Milk

Though it is low in calcium when compared to dairy, the market versions of pea milk have good calcium content as they are usually fortified with calcium and other vitamins. 

Almond milk too naturally has calcium but is not as high as the fortified version. The market-based almond milk, as seen in the table, has higher calcium content. In a nutshell, both the fortified versions of pea milk and almond milk have a good supply of calcium.

Pea Milk Vs Almond Milk: Works Best For Daytime Or Night?

Pea milk works great for daytime. They are fibre rich and can keep one satiated for a long time. Consuming a glass of pea milk in the morning over breakfast sets you for a great start. Also, pea milk being a legume-based food is good to be consumed in the daytime when the digestion capacity is high. 

Almond milk, on the other hand, works great for both morning and night. When consumed in the morning, it makes for a delightful start along with replenishing the body and at night promotes good sleep due to its sleep-inducing properties. 

What Makes For A Environmentally Sustainable Choice- Pea Or Almond Milk?

Pea milk is considered to be one of the most sustainable plant-based milk. It uses very less water for production and does not require a lot of pesticides. Opting for pesticide-free or organically produced and locally available milk helps in cutting down a lot of damage to the ecosystem. 

Almond milk on the other hand requires a lot of water to grow. Due to the growing demand, many lands are being used to cultivate almonds. This has resulted in causing soil damage, increased use of pesticides and emission of more greenhouse gases. When it comes to pea milk vs almond milk environmental sustainability pea milk fares better than almond milk.

Which Is A Better Vegan Choice Between Pea Milk And Almond Milk?

With the changing lifestyle, more and more people are shifting to vegan for various reasons. Either to be more sustainable or to avoid allergies, plant-based milk provides a lot of options in both cases.

Pea milk and almond milk are completely vegan friendly as they are plant-based milks. If you have been a vegan for a long time, pea milk is a nourishing option to explore. If you chose to shift to vegan foods recently, starting with almond milk might be a better idea to get accustomed to plant-based milks.

What Contributes To  Better Oral Health Between Pea Milk And Almond Milk?

Apart from calcium to strengthen the teeth, plant milks have a diverse profile of micronutrients that are very beneficial to oral health. Pea milk is a rich source of B vitamins which are very essential in safeguarding the gums and keeping the teeth healthy.

 The store-bought almond milk is generally fortified with calcium and vitamin D which are essential to keep the teeth strong and dense. Moreover, opting for unsweetened almond milk does not cause any damage to the teeth and can be consumed by everyone.

Which Is A Vital Choice For Gut Health Between Pea Milk And Almond Milk?

The yellow split peas work wonders for the tummy. Same way, pea milk is also loaded with benefits for a healthy gut. They are fibre rich, promote the growth of good bacteria and help in intestinal health. They are nut-free, gluten-free and lactose-free, thus a very reliable alternative for people with allergies. 

Almond milk is known for its rich fibre content. It is lactose-free and gluten-free which makes it a go-to option for many. Fortified almond milk is loaded with micronutrients that are gut-friendly and help in the growth of healthy bacteria.

Which Has A Better Cooling Ability Between Pea Milk And Almond Milk?

Yellow split peas make for good winter food. Pea milk is good for the winter and fall seasons as they warm the body. However, since pea milk is made from well soaked split peas and adequate water, it helps to cool down the body on a hot summer day.

Traditionally soaked almonds are consumed in summers to cool down the body. A glass of chilled almond milk as such or blended with summer fruits cools down the system and refreshes. Thus, almond milk has a better cooling impact on the body. 

What Makes For A Great Hydrating Drink Between Pea Milk And Almond Milk?

Pea milk with its adequate moisture and water content can hydrate the body well. Moreover, it is an excellent source of potassium, a key electrolyte that plays a major role in restoring body fluids and keeps one hydrated. The micronutrients in pea milk are also good in promoting skin health.

 Almond milk hydrates the body with its water content. It is also a good source of sodium that is required to maintain water balance in the body. It energises and restores lost fluids and maintains the water levels. Almond milk is also known for its excellent skincare properties.

Which Is Best Suited For A Versatile Usage: Pea Milk Vs Almond Milk?

Pea milk is very recent and it is natural to doubt how well it might taste with other foods as it is legume-based.  While consuming pea milk as such may not be a likeable option, it is great to have it with honey or flavours like vanilla, cocoa and coffee. You can also use pea milk in a number of other ways. 

Almond milk is very versatile due to its sweet taste and rich texture. It can be easily used in soups, curries, smoothies, coffee and even in baking. They make for a good combination with breakfast cereals and pancake batters. Except for heavy cream substitutes, almond milk can be used in a variety of ways.

With this, we reach the end of this comparative discussion. If you are wondering, Is pea milk better than almond milk, I would say it does have an upper hand when it comes to protein and environmental sustainability. The final choice, however, rests on your requirements. 

I hope you can use this blog as a guide to choosing the best milk that maximises your wellness. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.