Peanut Milk Vs Cashew Milk: The Staple Drink For A Balanced Diet?

Rohit Panwar

With the rise in the availability of plant-based milks, the urge to try them has also increased. Today we take into discussion two such plant-based milks, peanut milk versus cashew milk.

While cashews and peanuts are very nutritious, their milk forms are all the rage right now. So, let’s find out the nutrition ad benefits they offer and how you can make a pick between the two.

Peanut Milk Versus Cashew Milk


| Walnut milk versus Peanut Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Everything About Peanut Milk Versus Cashew Milk In A Nutshell

As a passionate nutritionist, I have analysed peanut milk and cashew milk under various criteria which will be immensely helpful for you to make a conscious choice for your wellness.

Peanut milk

Peanuts & water

Cashew milk

Cashews & water

Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk

1 cup

Cashew milk

1 cup

Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk

24-268 mg*

Cashew milk

15-451 mg*

Peanut milk

Morning or night

Cashew milk

Morning or night

Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk


Cashew milk

Very good

Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk


Cashew milk


Peanut milk

Brown sugar, flavors

Cashew milk

Honey & flavors

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope the above table gave you the essential details of peanut milk and cashew milk in a nutshell. With this data, let me take you through each criterion in detail.

Peanut Milk Vs Cashew Milk: What Goes Into Their Making?

Peanuts dates its origin back to Peru where it was first cultivated. Later on, this wonder nut was brought to America and to  in the 18th century. Peanut milk is made in different ways in different households. Some make it from roasted peanuts and some with soaked peanuts. In both cases, it is blended with water and strained to make peanut milk.

Cashews are native to Brazil and were later cultivated in different countries. They are grown and cultivated in bigger numbers in countries with warm climates like India and Vietnam. To make cashew milk, cashews are soaked in water for a few hours and are blended with water.

Which Is A Delight To Drink Between Peanut Milk And Cashew Milk?

Peanuts are known for their unique nutty flavour. Hence peanut milk is nutty in flavour with a creamy texture. When making at home, it is good to remember to remove the skin of peanuts as it gives a bitter flavour to the milk.

Cashew milk is sweet and creamy. It has a silky texture and is loved by many. This also makes it so versatile that it is used in so many ways in various recipes.

Peanut Milk Vs Cashew Milk: How Much Per Day Is Good Enough?

For both peanut milk and cashew milk, 1 cup of milk is ideal per day. Reason being, 1 cup of these milk forms supplies essential nutrients every day and keeps you active.

Since they are rich in healthy fats and other essential vitamins, it is best to keep the intake in moderation for better benefits. 

Which Is Calorie Friendly Between Peanut Milk And Cashew Milk?

Calories are essential to keep us going with whatever we do. They supply energy to our bodies. When comparing peanut milk and cashew milk, peanut milk has more calories than cashew milk. 

However, if cutting down the calories is something you are looking for, then cashew milk is your best option. It is loaded with so many benefits but at a very low calorie count. 

Peanut Milk Vs Cashew Milk: Which Has The Most Beneficial Fats?

Fats are a very important component in every meal we take. Our body needs the right amount of fat as our heart health and overall wellness depends on it

Peanuts being an oily nut, it is natural for peanuts milk to have high-fat content. However, they are packed with highly beneficial fats that help in keeping the heart-healthy. On the contrary, cashew milk has a low-fat content. It is also a very filling drink, which when consumed keeps you full for a long time and prevents cravings.

Peanut Milk Vs Cashew Milk: Which Caters Better To Your Daily Protein Needs?

Peanut milk is one of the very few plant-based milks with higher protein content. The protein available in peanut milk helps in meeting your everyday protein requirement. It is almost at par with the protein content available in dairy milk.

On the contrary, cashew milk has a lower protein content than peanut milk. However, cashew milk made at home has more protein than store-bought ones. To sum up, if getting more protein in your daily diet is your goal, it is good to opt for peanut milk. 

Can Peanut Milk Or Cashew Milk Cater To Your Calcium Needs?

Peanut milk and cashew milk naturally have lower levels of calcium. But the store-bought peanut milk is fortified with calcium and can greatly add to the calcium needs of our body.

Cashew milk follows the same scenario as peanut milk. Its homemade version remains low in calcium while the market bought version is high in calcium. While opting for a market version, it is good to check all the ingredients and look for any unwanted additions.

When To Consume Peanut Milk Or Cashew Milk For Optimum Benefits?

Peanut milk in the morning makes for a great start for the day. Peanut milk can be consumed in the morning with oatmeal or cereal. This way, it energizes and keeps one full for a long time.

Cashew milk is ideal to be consumed both in the daytime or at night. Cashew milk with its delicious taste and texture goes well with breakfast. Being low in fats and calories, enriches your body’s energy and keeps you satiated. When consumed at the night it helps to sleep better due to its sleep-inducing vitamin called Thiamine. 

Peanut Milk Vs Cashew Milk: What Should You Choose For A Sustainable Ecosystem?

Peanuts are one such food that you can consume without causing much harm to the ecosystem. Reason being, they are environmentally sustainable. Peanut milk produces less carbon footprint, doesn’t require huge amounts of water for cultivation and production and does not cause soil erosion.

Cashews are next in line to almonds in consumption of excess water due to which they have a negative impact on the environment. If you are environmentally cautious and want to do your bit to sustain it, you can choose peanut milk for your morning coffee over cashew milk.

Which Can Be A Part Of Vegan Diet Between Peanut Milk And Cashew Milk?

One thing that makes plant-based milks so distinctive and demanded is that they are vegan foods. Vegan foods are those which are completely plant-based.

Be it to save the environment or to replace dairy for allergies, you can count on peanut milk and cashew milk as they both are completely vegan. While cashew milk has been around for some time, peanut milk is new to the market so, at times, one may not find peanut milk everywhere. So, opt for one that you have access to always while building a new diet with these milks.

Which Can Help In Maintaining A Healthy Mouth Between Peanut & Cashew Milk?

While a healthy body is crucial, we tend to be extra careful about our oral health as it influences various factors like confident conversations, smiles and other expressions. Moreover, oral health determines how healthy our entire gut would be! 

Peanut milk has good amounts of phosphorus and magnesium that are very helpful in maintaining healthy gums and teeth and preventing decay. Cashew milk, though low in calcium, is rich in vitamin K which is vital in keeping teeth safe from damage. In short, both have a positive impact on oral health.

Which Is A Wiser Choice For Your Tummy Health Between Peanut Milk And Cashew Milk?

Peanut milk has some amazing benefits for your tummy. First, they are fibre rich, second, they are lactose-free milk and third, above all, they are rich in vitamin E. It is a gut-friendly vitamin which protects the gut from infections.

Cashew milk is lactose-free, gluten-free and rich in Zinc. It is a very essential mineral that takes care of healing the intestines and helps in the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Overall, peanut milk and cashew milk are good for the tummy. In case, you are allergic to peanuts then cashew milk is your ideal option.

Which Can Add To A Balanced Body Temperature Between Peanut Milk And Cashew Milk?

Peanuts and cashews are naturally classified as heat foods due to their ability to increase body heat when consumed. They are generally consumed in winter to warm the body. However, soaking these nuts to make milk makes a difference.

As they are blended with a good amount of water, they can reduce the heat and balance the body temperature.

Peanut Milk Vs Cashew Milk: What Can Keep You Energised And Hydrated?

Though peanuts and cashews are low in moisture the water content in peanut milk and cashew milk is higher which helps in hydrating the body. 

In addition, cashew milk and peanut milk are rich in potassium, a key electrolyte which is essential in maintaining body fluids

Which Is Versatile With Recipes & Flavours Between Peanut Milk And Cashew Milk?

Peanut milk with its nutty flavour and creamy texture can easily replace dairy in coffee and tea. They taste great when blended with cocoa powder or vanilla. Kids will love the chocolate peanut milk blend. 

Cashew milk is very versatile with flavours. They are used in breakfast cereals, soups and curries, flavoured smoothies and coffee and tea as a replacement for dairy. They are consumed as such with a dash of honey or can be used in any of the above ways. It is a good source of iron so blending it with fruits rich in vitamin C like oranges and strawberries will help in more iron absorption. 

As we reach the conclusion of the blog, I hope this detailed comparative discussion helps you to find answers to many questions including, is peanut milk better than cashew milk. As we all know, the answer lies in your requirements and what both the milks offer. 

I’m concluding this on a note saying, Let this blog act as a guide in carefully choosing your plant-based milk for a healthy balanced diet whenever it comes to peanut milk vs cashew milk. Feel free to ask any questions that can add more clarity to your thoughts on these two milks. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.