Pistachio Vs Hazelnut Milk- Which is Better?

Rohit Panwar

Feeling overwhelmed with the rapidly expanding non-dairy milk choices? Believe me, you are not alone. With so many new alt milks in the market, it is common to compare new plant-based milks. Pistachio milk versus Hazelnut milk is one such comparison.

Walnut milk and Hazelnut milk both are delicious tree-nut milks filled with nutrients but people are not much aware of their benefits. As a practising nutritionist, I am here to help you understand the two and pick the best option.  

Pistachio milk versus Hazelnut milk nutrition


| Pistachio milk versus cashew Milk – Which one is a Better Choice?

Pistachio Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: Differences in Nutrients & Benefits

For a quick understanding, I compared Pistachio milk and Hazelnut milk on the basis of 15 different metrics in the table below. 

Pistachio Milk 

Pistachios & water

Hazelnut Milk

Hazelnuts & water

Pistachio Milk 

Rich & Nutty

Hazelnut Milk

Sweet & Nutty

Pistachio Milk 

1 Cup

Hazelnut Milk

1 Cup

Pistachio Milk 


Hazelnut Milk


Pistachio Milk 

4.08 g*

Hazelnut Milk

9 g*

Pistachio Milk 

1.92 g*

Hazelnut Milk

2 g*

Pistachio Milk 

20 – 192 mg*

Hazelnut Milk

24 – 240 mg*

Pistachio Milk 


Hazelnut Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Pistachio Milk 


Hazelnut Milk


Pistachio Milk 


Hazelnut Milk


Pistachio Milk 


Hazelnut Milk


Pistachio Milk 

Very Good

Hazelnut Milk

Very good

Pistachio Milk 


Hazelnut Milk


Pistachio Milk 

Very good

Hazelnut Milk


Pistachio Milk 

Cardamom, Honey

Hazelnut Milk

Cocoa, Vanilla

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

You can easily observe the differences and similarities through the tabulated presentation above. To make each point more clear, let me elaborate them. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk : The Origin of the Key Ingredients

Pistachio has its origin in Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan. It later reached Europe and then to America. Currently Iran and America are the biggest producers of these nut seeds. To get milk out of these you need to soak them overnight and peel the skin. Blend them with water and strain through the milk bag or use a mash sieve. 

Hazelnuts spread to the world from Turkey, Spain and Italy. With 70 percent of the world’s total hazelnut production Turkey is the biggest producer of these nuts. Hazelnut milk is derived by soaking shelled hazelnuts for at least 8 hours.  Blitz them in a high speed blender with enough water. Strain this liquid to get a smooth texture and your homemade Hazelnut milk is ready. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk : Which One Is More Flavourful?

Pistachio milk is mildly rich and nutty in taste. It has a creamy texture which makes it suitable for creating foam on top of your tea or coffee latte. Its pastel green color is a stand out feature from the other milks.

Hazelnut milk has the pleasant flavour of hazelnuts and it is one of the most delectable plant based milk. It is sweet and nutty in taste and has a smooth texture. This nut milk is very popular among pastry chefs due to its rich taste.

How Much Pistachio Milk and Hazelnut Milk Is Enough for You?

Almost a handful of pistachios and hazelnuts are used to prepare one cup of Pistachio milk and Hazelnut milk. This much quantity of these nutritious nuts is good enough for daily consumption. 

Consuming 1 cup of pistachio and hazelnut milk is sufficient for any adult with an active lifestyle. Elderly people can reduce the quantity since they don’t have much physical activities during the day.

Which One Has More Calories: Pistachio Milk or Hazelnut Milk?

You can observe in the table above that Hazelnut milk has more calories, compared to Pistachio milk. Hazelnut milk is a better choice after an intense workout for giving energy. 

On the other hand if you are following a low calorie diet then Pistachio milk is a better choice for you. In case you are consuming packed Pistachio milk then buy an unsweetened version, as the sweetened variety has more calories. 

Pistachio Milk vs Hazelnut Milk for Weight Loss

If you are on a weight loss journey then it is important to check your fat intake through food and beverages. Hazelnut milk has 2 times more fat content in it compared to Pistachio milk.

However, limited intake of fats in Hazelnuts can help in reducing the bad cholesterol in the body. Therefore, instead of totally avoiding Hazelnut milk, you can also dilute it by adding more water. This will reduce the  richness of the milk. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: Which One Has Enough Protein?

Protein is an important element which fuels our cells and keeps us energetic. Our body doesn’t store protein, so it is essential that we add an adequate amount of protein everyday in our diet. 

Pistachio and Hazelnut milk provide almost the same amount of protein. Both these milks are not good sources of protein compared to the traditional dairy milk. You must add other protein rich food in your plate if you are consuming Pistachio and Hazelnut milk everyday. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: Better as a Calcium Source?

Calcium is a must needed component for your bone strength and many other bodily functions.  Most of the plant based milks are not as good as dairy milk in terms of calcium source.

To make milk alternatives more comparable, commercial packs are fortified with calcium and vitamin D. DIY Pistachio milk and Hazelnut milk have very less calcium but packaged versions have a decent amount of calcium in them. The amount varies brand to brand so check the label before selecting one. 

Breakfast or Bedtime: Best Time to Consume Pistachio vs Hazelnut Milk

Both, Pistachio and Hazelnut milk are good sources of energy to keep you active. They go very well with breakfast choices such as cereals, muesli, pancakes, smoothies and coffee. So, morning is the best  time to add these nut milks to your routine. 

Hazelnut has serotonin and serotonin is a compound which helps with good sleep. So if it is difficult for you to sleep at night then a cup of Hazelnut milk at bedtime might be helpful for you. But, try to have it at least 1 hour before going to bed so that you can digest it well. 

Pistachio Milk vs Hazelnut Milk: Which One Is a More Eco-Conscious Choice?

In simple terms, plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen which is just opposite to other beings on earth. That’s the reason all the plant based milks are far more environment friendly than dairy milk. But when we compare the sustainability of plant based milks then not only their carbon footprint but other components such as water footprint, impact on soil etc. are also important to consider. 

On all those parameters Pistachio and Hazelnut milks proved themselves better options for the environment. They need less water and land to grow. They reduce soil erosion and enhance the soil fertility by providing nutrition to it. 

Which One to Choose if You Are a Vegan: Pistachio Milk or Hazelnut Milk?

A very fast growth in the sales of plant based food shows that many people are opting to vegan options in their daily life. Concerns towards the environment, ethical issues and awareness about lactose intolerance are few important reasons for this social movement. 

This growing interest is motivating companies to introduce more plant based milks in the market. Pistachio milk and hazelnut milk are also part of these efforts and both these milks are purely vegan. If you never tried nut milks before, then these two delicious milks are the perfect way to start. 

Better Choice for Your Smile- Pistachio Milk or Hazelnut Milk?

Besides the calcium in commercial versions of Pistachio milk and Hazelnut milk, they contain many micronutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium which are helpful to maintain oral hygiene. 

To protect your teeth from cavities, it is important to avoid sugar which is usually there in packed milks. Read the labels carefully before opting for one.

Pistachio Milk or Hazelnut Milk – Which One Is Easy to Digest?

Pistachio milk and Hazelnut milk both are full of fiber, which helps you to maintain a healthy digestive system. Besides that Pistachio milk is an excellent source of zinc, a mineral that is gut friendly. 

Hazelnut milk has many antioxidants including vitamin E, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to protect your guts from the inflammation. 

Do Pistachio and Hazelnut Milk Help You to Control Body Heat?

Originally Pistachio and Hazelnut nuts are dry and not considered as body coolant. But when you soak them and blend them with water, their basic nature changes and they help you to control the body heat.

To get an immediate relief from hot summers add a few ice cubes to it before consuming.

Pistachio Milk vs Hazelnut Milk – Hydrate Your Body or Not?

Pistachio milk has phosphorus, potassium and sodium which are different types of electrolytes. These electrolytes help you to stay hydrated by balancing the water level in your body. 

These days Hazelnut milk is getting the spotlight in the skin care industry because it contains the amino acids. Amino acids are molecules which the body uses to make Protein. These amino acids provide moisture to skin and protect it from damage.

How to Enhance the Flavour & Nutrition of Pistachio Vs Hazelnut Milk?

Pistachio milk is a great milk to create foam on top of your coffee or tea latte. It will also give the light green color to your coffee. Pistachio milk ice cream is also widely known for its flavor. Add maple syrup or dates to give natural sweetness to it. Pistachio milk is also a good option for overnight oats. 

Hazelnut milk and cocoa is a combination made in heaven, that’s the reason Nutella is universally known for its taste. Hazelnut milk complements with all the milkshakes. You can add a few drops of vanilla essence for aroma. 

Through this detailed analysis, it is evident that both these milks are almost the same in nutrition and taste. Which one to choose totally depends on your own needs and personal choices. 

Hope this blog helped you to clear your  doubts regarding Pistachio milk vs Hazelnut milk. If you still have a few more questions then drop them in the comment section. I will revert back soon. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.