Are Pumpkin Seeds Better Than Almonds?

Rohit Panwar

Pumpkin seeds vs almonds, which ones should you be consuming every day? If you’ve been pondering over this, you aren’t the only one. 

In helping clients choose the right foods for their well-being, such food comparisons often come up. So, let’s understand how pumpkin seeds and almonds differ so you can make a conscious choice.

Pumpkin Seeds vs Almonds: Nutrition Facts & Benefits

Let’s begin to understand the two with Pumpkin seeds vs almonds nutritional value and outcome comparison:

Pumpkin Seeds

Ripe Fruit



Pumpkin Seeds

Savory, Nutty & Chewy


Sweet, Nutty & Crunchy

Pumpkin Seeds




Pumpkin Seeds

¼ Cup


¼ Cup

Pumpkin Seeds




Pumpkin Seeds




Pumpkin Seeds

4.17 g*


6.12 g*

Pumpkin Seeds

13.9 g*


14.1 g*

Pumpkin Seeds

8.46 g*


6.01 g*

Pumpkin Seeds

1.84 mg*


3.54 mg*

Pumpkin Seeds

Very Good



Pumpkin Seeds

Very Good



Pumpkin Seeds

Very Good



Pumpkin Seeds

Very Good


Very Good 

Pumpkin Seeds




Pumpkin Seeds




Pumpkin Seeds

6 months


12 months

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 Ounce 

How Are Pumpkin Seeds & Almonds Obtained?

Almonds come from almond trees! They have shells wrapped up in green pods. Once mature, the almonds are removed from the shells. 

Pumpkin seeds reside in the stringy flesh of a mature pumpkin. The seeds are scooped out and washed.  They are generally removed from their white shells, dried and many times roasted for a delightful snack. 

Pumpkin Seeds Vs Almonds: Taste & Texture Differences

With a hint of earthiness, pumpkin seeds have a nutty base and can be slightly sweet. They are green in colour and chewy when unroasted. 

The crunchy dry almonds are sweet and rich to taste. Raw almonds, on the other hand are soft, chewy and creamy. Overall both almonds and pumpkin seeds have their unique taste profile and both are delicious. 

Also Read: 

| Pumpkin Seeds Vs Watermelon Seeds |

| Pumpkin Seeds Vs Sunflower Seeds |

Which Has More Uses: Pumpkin Seeds or Almonds? 

Pumpkin seeds are very versatile when it comes to usage. You can eat them as such as delicious snacks or use them in preparations like pestos, granolas, smoothies and more.  Their mild, nutty flavor makes them perfect for both sweet and savory dishes.  

Almonds are mostly eaten as a snack or used to make almond milk and almond butter. They can also be used in desserts and blended into gravies and curries to give them a rich and creamy flavor. 

Daily Recommended Intake of Pumpkin Seeds and Almonds

You can consume around ¼ cup or 30 grams of pumpkin seeds everyday. This serving provides a good source of nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, fiber, essential vitamins and minerals. 

For almonds around 1 ounce or 20 -23 almonds are more than enough for an active adult. 

Remember, the serving size should be adjusted keeping in mind your overall consumption. So, if you are including other seeds and nuts in your diet, 1/4th cup can be too much.    

When Should You Consume Pumpkin Seeds And Almonds?

Both pumpkin seeds and almonds are nutritious snacks, and generally there’s no bad time to enjoy them!  

Pumpkin seeds can be enjoyed in the morning on your oatmeal, smoothie or yogurt. They are also an excellent pre and post workout energy-boosting snack. 

Almonds are best consumed in the morning. Soak them overnight to improve their flavour and their digestibility. Almonds are easy to pack and provide a quick pick-me-up option as well.

Higher Calorie Count: Pumpkin Seeds or Almonds

Almonds have a slightly higher calorie count when compared to pumpkin seeds. This is because of the higher fat and carb in almonds when compared to Pumpkin seeds. 

However, they may vary slightly in terms of calories, overall they are both very nutritious options. So, it would be unfair to pick one over the other on the basis of calories alone.

Which One’s Better Suited for Low Carb Diet: Pumpkin Seeds or Almonds?

While both pumpkin seeds and almonds can fit into a  low-carb lifestyle, the green wonders have an edge. 

Pumpkin seeds not only contain lower carbs overall, but they also pack in more zinc, magnesium, and iron per serving – essential nutrients that can be harder to get on a low-carb diet.

Difference in The Quality & Quantity of Fats in Pumpkin Seeds and  Almonds?

Pumpkin Seeds primarily contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are considered “healthy fats“. They also contain Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in small amounts. 

Almonds have a slightly higher amount of fats when compared to pumpkin seeds but they also contain good fats. Pumpkin seeds have significantly more omega-6 fatty acids. 

Which Has Better Quality & Quality of Protein: Pumpkin Seeds Or Almonds?

In terms of protein, pumpkin seeds are superior to almonds. This is because they not only contain a higher amount of protein per serving but they also have better quality protein. 

When compared to almonds, pumpkin seeds are nearly a complete protein source. They contain all nine essential amino acids your body cannot produce on its own.

Pumpkin Seeds Vs Almonds: Better Source of Fiber 

The amount of fiber in pumpkin seeds varies with its form. While the unshelled ones contain high fiber, once the white shell is removed, the fiber content decreases to almost one fourth.

Almonds are also a good source of fiber. Both contain soluble and insoluble fiber which help in digestion. Unshelled pumpkin seeds contain a high amount of insoluble fiber when compared to shelled seeds or almonds. 

More Nutritionally Diverse and Rich: Comparing Micronutrients in Pumpkin Seeds and Almonds

Pumpkin seeds have an advantage over almonds when it comes to overall nutritional diversity and richness, especially in terms of micronutrients. 

  • Pumpkin seeds are almost twice as rich in magnesium when compared to almonds. Magnesium is vital for many bodily functions. 
  • Pumpkin seeds contain higher amounts of zinc. It is a crucial mineral for immune function, wound healing, and overall development. 
  • Pumpkin seeds contain double the amount of iron. Iron is essential for oxygen transport in the body. 
  • Pumpkin seeds also offer a wider range of other micronutrients, including copper, manganese, vitamin K, and phosphorus—all in greater quantities than almonds.

Almonds, however, are still a nutritional powerhouse. They are particularly rich in vitamin E, calcium, and riboflavin.

Pumpkin Seeds Vs Almonds: Your Aide in Maintaining Ideal Body Weight 

Both pumpkin seeds and almonds can help you manage weight.  Their high fiber and protein content help you feel full and satisfied for longer. This helps control cravings and overall calorie intake.

However, remember to eat them in recommended servings because they are very calorie-dense. Snacking mindlessly is only going to contribute to an increased calorie intake. 

Pumpkin Seeds or Almonds: What’s Better for Stronger Bones

Both pumpkin seeds and almonds contribute to bone health, but pumpkin seeds have a little advantage. 

Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium and zinc, both of which are minerals required for maintaining bone health. They also contain phosphorus and copper, which play supporting roles.

Almonds on the other hand are good sources of calcium, the primary mineral in bones. They also contain some magnesium and phosphorus. 

Pumpkin Seeds vs Almonds: Better For A Healthy Heart

Both pumpkin seeds and almonds are excellent choices for promoting heart health. 

Pumpkin seeds contain a wider range of heart-healthy fats, including polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. They are also richer in magnesium, which helps regulate blood pressure. 

While almonds don’t have the same range of healthy fats as pumpkin seeds, they are still a good source of monounsaturated fats. Almonds are a good source of fiber, which can help lower LDL cholesterol, and vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects against heart disease.

Which is More Easily Digested: Pumpkin Seeds or Almonds?

Pumpkin seeds (without shells) are generally easier to digest than almonds. Soaking almonds overnight can improve their digestibility by softening them and breaking down certain enzyme inhibitors. 

Even if you’ve had trouble digesting almonds, you might tolerate them better if they have been soaked, sprouted, or if you choose almond butter.

More Allergy Friendly: Pumpkin Seeds or Almonds?

Pumpkin seed allergies are very rare compared to tree nut allergies.

Almonds being a tree nut is one of the common food allergens. Tree nut allergies can cause severe reactions in some people, so exercise caution.

Pumpkin Seeds or Almonds: Storage & Shelf Life Comparison

Both pumpkin seeds and almonds can last quite a while when stored properly. Shelled pumpkin seeds tend to outperform almonds slightly in terms of shelf life. 

Refrigeration can significantly extend the lifespan of both, pushing pumpkin seeds up to a year and almonds even longer. Makes sure to always check for signs of spoilage (off odor, mold,  rancid taste) before consuming.

Bottomline: I would say that pumpkin seeds and almonds are both nutritious, but pumpkin seeds offer a slight edge in nutritional diversity and versatility.  However, the best choice depends on your taste preferences and dietary needs!

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.