The Better Choice Between Rosemary Oil & Argan Oil?

Rohit Panwar

Wondering how an essential oil fares against a regular one? Many people have such questions, which is why I bring you rosemary oil versus argan oil comparison. 

In this blog, I will be comparing the differences, uses and benefits of rosemary oil and argan oil. So, stay with me till the end to know which one’s more effective and the better choice for you. 

rosemary Oil versus argan Oil


Rosemary Oil Versus Coconut Oil – Which One’s Better? | 

Rosemary Oil Versus Argan Oil: Comparing Their Uses & Benefits 

Here’s a quick look at rosemary oil and argan oil differences based on several prominent metrics – 

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary leaves

Argan Oil

Argan nuts

Rosemary Oil

Essential Oil

Argan Oil

Carrier Oil

Rosemary Oil

Pine & Citrus- like

Argan Oil

Nutty & subtle

Rosemary Oil


Argan Oil


Rosemary Oil


Argan Oil


Rosemary Oil


Argan Oil


Rosemary Oil

1-5 drops

Argan Oil

Upto 1 tbsp

Rosemary Oil


Argan Oil

All ages

Rosemary Oil

Very Good

Argan Oil


Rosemary Oil


Argan Oil


Rosemary Oil

Very Good

Argan Oil


Rosemary Oil

Very Good

Argan Oil

Very Good

Rosemary Oil

Very Good

Argan Oil

Very Good

Rosemary Oil


Argan Oil

Very Good

Rosemary Oil

4 years

Argan Oil

2 years

Let me take you through each one these comparative attributes- 

How is Rosemary Oil Versus Argan Oil Made? 

Rosemary oil is extracted from the leaves of the rosemary herb.  The herb has been used extensively in cooking native in a number of cuisines including French, Spanish & Italian. 

Argan oil is obtained from the agran nuts or kernels. These nuts are first dried, roasted and then cold pressed to obtain the oil. 

Are Rosemary Oil and Argan Oil Essential Oils?

Rosemary oil is an essential oil. Essential oils are oils that easily diffuse at room temperature and carry the essence of the parent plant.  Essential oils are always mixed with other kinds of oils, called carrier oils before applying. 

Argan oil is not an essential oil, but a carrier oil. It can be used as such and does not need to be mixed with any other oils. It can also be used as a carrier or base oil to mix essential oils. 

The Better Smelling Oil – Rosemary or Argan Oil Oil?

Rosemary oil has a very soothing and refreshing smell. The smell is very similar to pine and slightly mint-like.  

Argan oil has a very slight nutty fragrance. This is one of the reasons why this makes for an excellent carrier oil.  

Which Oil is Best Suited for Aromatherapy – Rosemary or Onion Oil?

Rosemary oil is an excellent choice for aromatherapy. Just add a few drops in your diffuser and let the magic of rosemary take over you. However, be careful while using it around children under 6 years and pets as it can be harmful for them. 

Argan oil, although smells nice, is not suitable for aromatherapy. This is because carrier oils like argan oil will not diffuse into the air.    

Rosemary Vs Argan Oil: Which One Can You Consume?

Rosemary essential oil is not to be consumed orally. Some people do consume it, but as a nutritionist, I would not recommend that. This is because its safety is not adequately backed up by research. 

Argan oil on the other hand is edible. However, before consuming make sure you are using the food grade argan oil since many cosmetic variations are also available.

Which Oil Can be Applied Directly: Rosemary or Argan?

Essential oils are not not meant to be applied directly on the skin or hair. They must be mixed with a carrier oil before you put them on your skin. 

Argan oil is a carrier oil and can be directly applied on your skin. It is very mild and has a lot of positive impact on skin.   

How Much of Rosemary Oil Vs Coconut Oil Can be Used?

The amount of recommended use of rosemary or any essential oil is dependent on the age. The recommended quantity is 1-5 drops in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. For young children and adults use a very diluted quantity. 

Argan oil can be applied on skin and consumed safely. For consumption purposes 1 tablespoon a day is enough. 

Rosemary Oil Vs Argan Oil: Are They Suitable for All Age Groups?

Rosemary oil is not safe for people of all age groups. It can be safely used on or around children over the age of 6. 

Argan oil on the other hand is safe for use for all age groups. However, make sure that you are using pure, virgin and cold pressed argan oil on babies.

Which Has a More Positive Impact on Brain Health: Rosemary Oil or Argan Oil? 

Rosemary oil is known for its ability to reduce stress levels when it is inhaled. It is also said to improve concentration and memory. 

Argan oil massages are sometimes associated with reducing the body stress levels. It can help your body to relax. 

Rosemary or Argan Oil: Your Bath Time Buddy?

Essential oils can be added to bathing water as it helps to relax your body. Rosemary oil (diluted) can be added to bathing water for an aromatic refreshing bath. 

Argan oil too can be added to your bathtub or bathing water. Add a few drops into warm water. This way the body will be able to absorb the moisture and vitamins very well. 

Rosemary Oil Vs Argan Oil: The Better  Pain Reliever

Rosemary oil is quite effective and a popular remedy for dealing with pain. Mix a few drops with your favourite carrier oil and massage the painful areas,  It is especially helpful in reducing muscle and joint pains. 

Argan oil is not known for its pain relieving properties. However, applying argan oil does help in reducing the burning sensation caused by injuries or infections.

Better for Glowing Skin: Rosemary Oil Or Argan Oil?

Rosemary Oil is quite effective in maintaining glowing and healthy skin. It helps in hydrating your skin and also helps to battle dryness and irritation of skin. Mix it up with carrier oil and massage on the affected areas for excellent results. 

Argan oil also sometimes known as liquid gold is truly magical in boosting skin health. It protects the skin against damage, moisturises it and protects it against a number of skin conditions like acne, dryness, etc. 

Rosemary Oil Vs Argan for Hair Growth? 

Rosemary oil is very effective in maintaining hair health. Use of diluted rosemary oil helps in improving circulation in your head which helps hair growth. It can also be used to tackle dandruff. 

Argan oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which is important for maintaining healthy skin and hair. Argan oil can help in improving hair quality, hydrating scalp and reducing hair damage.

Which Is More Versatile –  Rosemary Oil or Argan Oil?

Rosemary oil has many uses. It can be used for aromatherapy, for pain relief, for use on skin and hair, etc. 

Argan oil being a carrier oil and an edible oil is much more versatile than rosemary oil. Consume it, apply it on skin and hair, or use it for pain relief, the choice is yours. 

Which Has a Longer Shelf Life – Rosemary Oil or Onion Oil? 

All essential oils must be used within the specified time period. After this they generally lose their effectiveness. Rosemary oil can generally be used for up to 4 years. Check the labels before purchasing, as it can vary between brands. 

Argan oil too should be used within its specified time limit. This is usually up to 2 years from the date of packaging.

Rosemary oil and Argan oil are both very different from each other and offer immense benefits. However, whenever you but it from a store, make sure you check the labels for the exact ingredients and select a quality product for maximum benefits. 

If you have any follow-up questions, I will be happy to help. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.