Are You Aware About the Key Differences Between Seitan and TVP?

Rohit Panwar

As a fitness enthusiast and nutritionist, I often get asked questions regarding vegan protein sources. Among these, there are many queries about seitan vs TVP being the better option. 

To choose between seitan and TVP you must understand all the basic aspects of them. Knowing this will help you make an informed decision about these vegan meat alternatives.   

A Comparative Analysis of Seitan vs TVP Nutrients & Benefits

Let’s get  clarity about tofu vs seitan by comparing them on various metrics:  


Wheat Gluten & Nutritional Yeast


Defatted Soy Flour                  


Mild, Soft & Chewy


Mild & Chewy


50-100 grams


25-50 grams






5.6 g*


33.92 g*


0.6 g*


1.2 g*


26.5 g*




53 mg*


241 mg*


0.3 g*


17.5 g*




Very Good


Morning & Noon


Morning & Noon






Very Good




Very Good




Very Good


Very Good


2-4 Weeks


1 Year

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

What Are the Base Ingredients of Seitan vs TVP?

TVP and Seitan are both rich sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians, however they are not the same. They are made of totally different ingredients.

Seitan is prepared with vital wheat gluten flour which is different from normal wheat flour.

Textured Vegetable Protein or TVP is made with defatted soy flour. It is a by-product of soy oil production. It is also known as soy chunks or soy granules. 

Is TVP the Same as Vital Wheat Gluten In Taste and Texture?

Seitan, also known as Vital Wheat Gluten, is mild in flavor. To enhance its flavor you can  add chickpea flour, soy flour and garlic powder while kneading the dough. 

Similar to seitan, TVP is also neutral in flavor. Both seitan and TVP have a soft and chewy texture which is quite similar to meat. 

Seitan vs TVP: How Much Is Sufficient In a Day?

Seitan and TVP are nutrient dense processed plant based meat alternatives. You can consume both of them in consideration. 50-100 grams of seitan is sufficient per day. In terms of TVP limit your consumption around 25-50 grams.  

This quantity depends on various aspects such as age, gender and activity level. If you are a fitness freak and have an active lifestyle then you can consume the upper limits of both these products.

How Do Seitan & TVP Fare Against Tofu?

| Tofu Vs Seitan |

| Tofu Vs TVP |

TVP vs Vital Wheat Gluten: Know the Caloric Difference 

Textured Vegetable Protein is a high calorie food and if you are looking for a low calorie vegan meat alternative than seitan is a better pick. 

However I won’t suggest avoiding TVP completely. Instead adjust the quantity according to your caloric needs. 

Which Has Lower Carbs: Seitan or TVP?

Carbs are one of the essential macronutrients which are made of sugar, starch and fiber. Carbs provide energy for bodily functions and physical activity. 

Seitan has significantly lower carbs compared to TVP, because most of the carbs is washed away during the making of wheat gluten. 

Carbs in TVP come from dietary fiber which is considered as complex healthy carbohydrates.  

Seitan or TVP: What to Pick As a Low Fat Option?

Seitan and TVP both are low fat foods. Even if TVP is a soy bean product, it has less fat content because it is prepared with defatted soy flour.  

However, if you want to pick a lower fat content food then seitan will be a better option. It has notably less fats than TVP.  

Which Is Better Between TVP vs Seitan Protein?

In terms of protein, not only the quantity but quality is also equally important. Seitan and TVP both are excellent plant based protein sources, though TVP contains a remarkably higher amount of protein than seitan. 

Besides that, it is a soybean product which contains all 9 amino acids required to make protein by the body. That means not only quantitative, Textured Vegetable Protein has a qualitative advantage too.

Seitan or TVP: A Better Source of Calcium? 

Calcium is a vital mineral for repairing and building the bones and for many other functions. Your calcium needs depend on many conditions such as age, gender etc. 

TVP contains more calcium than seitan. Opt TVP over seitan if you belong to the group which requires more calcium such as teenagers, pregnant or menopausal women. 

Fiber Content: Is TVP Better Than Seitan?

TVP is a rich source of dietary fiber hence it is a better choice than seitan for fiber. Dietary fiber is a kind of carbohydrate which passes through the body undigested. 

Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts are some of the excellent sources of fiber. The fiber in seitan is almost negligible whereas TVP is an exceptional source of dietary fiber. 

Seitan or TVP: Which One Is More Nutritionally Diverse?

On the basis of macronutrients such as carbs, fat, fiber and protein, it is difficult to find which is more nutritionally diverse. Let’s get clarity by comparing the minerals and vitamins which are known as micronutrients.  

Compared to seitan, TVP is a richer source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus etc. 

TVP also has niacin, iron, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and copper. This makes TVP more nutritionally diverse compared to seitan. 

Best Time of the Day to Have Seitan vs TVP

Seitan and TVP are  protein dense foods which take time to digest. Hence, breakfast or lunch is a better option to add them to your regular diet. 

Since, TVP is much higher in calories and carbs, it is not suggested to have it in the late night or just before sleeping. 

Seitan or TVP: A Better Pick for Gut Health

Healthy digestive system is critical to your overall health and develops your immunity. Seitan is not a gut friendly pick since it is a gluten based product. It does not have much dietary fiber also. 

On the other hand, TVP is a fiber rich food which promotes healthy digestion. However, if you are allergic to soybeans then it is better to avoid TVP.

Which One to Choose for Strong Teeth and Bones: Seitan or TVP?

Compared to seitan, TVP is a better option for maintaining the strength of bones and teeth. It has more protein and calcium than seitan.  

Besides that, TVP is also a valuable source of magnesium and copper which are crucial for bones and oral health.. All these micro and macro nutrients make TVP a better choice for strong teeth and bones. 

Seitan vs TVP Allergy: Which One Is More Common?

Seitan is made of wheat gluten and if you are gluten sensitive then avoid seitan completely. It can cause diarrhea, nausea, bloating, swelling and rashes on the skin.  

TVP can also cause allergies since it is made of soy flour. Many people are allergic to soybeans and its products. However, compared to wheat allergy, soy allergy is less common

How Differently Seitan vs TVP Can Be Used?

Seitan and TVP both are highly versatile plant based products. You need to cook seitan before using it for recipes. Similarly, TVP must be soaked in hot water before adding to dishes. Once ready, you can add them to pasta, rice, soup and stews. 

Put them in your sandwiches, salads, fajitas or tortillas to enhance the nutrient and the texture of your dish. They both can be marinated, sauteed, grilled, baked or stir fried. 

Seitan or Textured Vegetable Protein: Which Can Be Stored Long?

Seitan can sustain for 2-4 weeks in the fridge. You can store it for longer in the freezer. TVP can stay up to 1 year. Since it is in a dry state, you don’t have to keep it in the fridge. 

Packed versions of seitan and TVP have different expiry dates which you must check while buying. 

In conclusion, seitan and TVP both have their own properties and you can pick the one which suits you best. Remember, both are processed foods which are suitable for daily consumption.

I hope this gives you a clarity about seitan vs TVP and will guide you to pick the right plant based meat alternative for yourself. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.