How is the Icelandic Skyr Different from Yogurt?

Rohit Panwar

Recently noticed skyr in your dairy aisle, and wondering if it is better than the good old yogurt? Let me take on this question by presenting to you a detailed analysis of skyr vs yogurt.   

As a nutritionist, I frequently get asked questions like which is healthier yogurt or skyr? This is why I decided to write this blog so that you can make an informed decision yourself. 

Skyr Vs yogurt


| Quark Versus Yogurt – Which One’s Better?

Skyr Vs Yogurt: Differences & Similarities Between These Fermented Dairy Products

Before I can get into the details like skyr vs yogurt probiotics, taste, calories, etc., let me give you a quick overview of the two. 


Milk, Skyr Culture & rennet


Milk & Yogurt Starter Culture


Mild & Sour


Sweet & Sour


100- 170 g


200-250 g






4 g*


5 g*


1 g*


3.5 g*


11 g*


 3.5 g*


133 mg*


132 mg*


Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon










Very Good


Very Good


Very good


Very good




Very Good


Brown Sugar or Herbs 


Fruits & Honey 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100g, made using whole milk. 

As is evident from the table above, skyr and yogurt have a lot in common but are also nutritionally different. Let us investigate the differences further.

Is Skyr the Same as Yogurt In Terms of Composition? 

While skyr and yogurt may seem like similar products, they do have constitutional differences. Skyr, a staple food from Iceland, is made using skim milk. The milk is warmed and skyr culture and rennet are added to it. Once the milk has thickened, it is strained to remove excess water or whey.  

Yogurt on the other hand is made with milk and yogurt culture. The milk can be whole milk, low fat milk or skim milk.  So, unlike skyr, yogurt does not have rennet and uses a different starter culture. 

Difference in Taste and Texture of Skyr and Yogurt

Skyr is much thicker when compared to yogurt. Its consistency is similar to cheese spreads. Taste wise, it is slightly tangy and very creamy. 

Yogurt on the other hand, has a distinct sour taste. In terms of texture, it is much less thicker than skyr and greek yogurt. This is because it contains a lot of water. 

Comparing the Ideal Intake for Skyr Vs Yogurt 

While in Iceland, skyr has been used for centuries, it is also becoming increasingly available around the rest of the world. This is because of its nutritional prowess. However, as is true for other foods, it must too be consumed in moderation. 

You can consume a maximum of 2/3rd cup of skyr  which is around 170 grams in a day. In comparison to this, you can consume a larger quantity – 1 cup – of yogurt a day. 

Skyr or Yogurt: Which Has More Calories 

Calories is the amount of energy that is present in food. We need a fixed amount of calories to carry out our daily activities. However, a high calorie intake can lead to problems including weight gain. 

Skyr and yogurt both have almost the same amount of calories if we compare equal quantities of these products. But, before picking one, remember to check the labels. The sweetened and flavoured versions are much higher in calories when compared to the plain versions. 

Which is Lower in Carbs: Skyr or Yogurt?

Carbohydrates, more commonly referred to as carbs are the sugar molecules present in the food we consume. 

Dairy products like skyr and yogurt are both moderately high in carbs. In limited quantities, they can be a part of a low-carb diet.

The Lower Fat Option: Skyr or Yogurt?

One of the reasons for the immense popularity of skyr is that it is very low in fat. Since, skyr is made using skim milk, the fat quantity is reduced substantially in the final product. 

Since traditionally yogurt is made using whole milk, it is higher in fats when compared to skyr. However, off late, you will find a number of low fat versions of yogurts in the market. 

Which Has a Higher Protein Content: Skyr or Yogurt?

Dairy products are usually high in protein content when compared to other vegetarian options. This makes skyr and yogurt both good sources of protein. 

Skyr is in comparison much higher in proteins when compared to yogurt. This is because skyr is a much thicker product and uses twice as much as milk when compared to yogurt. 

What to Choose for More Calcium: Skyr or Yogurt?

Being dairy products, skyr and yogurt, both are rich in  calcium. The amount of calcium in them is very similar. 

So, in case calcium is your priority, you can choose either one of them. 

When to Eat Skyr Vs Yogurt ?

Skyr and yogurt are both very nutritionally dense and therefore must be consumed in the evening so that the body has ample time to digest it. 

Skyr makes for a wonderful breakfast spread or a healthy evening snack. It keeps you full for a longer time, prevents cravings and thus also helps you control weight. Yogurt is best consumed in the afternoon and it also aids in weight loss. 

Which One’s the Vegan-Friendly Option: Skyr or Yogurt?

Yogurt and skyr are both dairy based products, which makes them unsuitable for vegan consumption. 

Having said that, plant based variations of yogurt and even of skyr can be found in a number of stores. But since they are nutritionally inferior to dairy based versions, they are mostly fortified. 

Skyr Vs Yogurt: Which Has a Lower Impact on the Environment?

Dairy-based products are considered to have a negative impact on the environment. The raising of cattle for milk is linked to several problems including like higher emission of greenhouse gasses, deforestation and soil erosion among other negative consequences. 

So, skyr and yogurt, both have a negative impact on the planet. In comparison to yogurt skyr would have a marginally higher negative impact because it uses more milk in comparison to yogurt. 

What is Better for Oral Health: Skyr or Yogurt?

Since skyr and yogurt are both made using milk, they are rich inessential minerals such as phosphorus and calcium. Both these minerals are very good for dental health. 

Apart from this, both skyr and quark are also rich in probiotics or good bacteria. These good bacteria prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth. 

Which One’s Better for Your Tummy: Skyr or Yogurt?

Yogurt and skyr are rich in probiotics. Probiotics are essentially good bacteria that support gut health and aid digestion.  

Because skyr and yogurt are made from milk, if you are allergic to milk or lactose intolerant, you should avoid these products or start by consuming very small amounts. 

What to Choose for A Hydration Effect: Quark or Yogurt 

Yogurt is better for bodily cooling and hydration. This is because it has a higher amount of water – around 85 percent.  Other than the water content it also contains minerals like calcium, potassium which are electrolytes and maintain the water level in the body. 

Skyr, although rich in electrolytes, contains very less water content. Therefore, its hydration and cooling effect is less compared to yogurt. 

What Goes Well With Skyr Vs Yogurt?

Skyr has a variety of uses. It can be eaten as such or made into sweet or savoury recipes. Add a few chopped or pureed fruits to it for a healthy snack or mix it with fresh herbs to transform it into a sip or a spread. 

Yogurt too is a very versatile food product.  Add some fresh fruits and natural sweetener to make a smoothie or use it as a base of curry or gravy recipes. 

So, it can be concluded that both yogurt and skyr are nutritionally very rich choices. Skyr, however, is comparatively low in fats, calories and carbs, yet high in vitamins, minerals and most importantly protein.

I hope you now have a better understanding of the two products. In case you have any doubts or more questions, feel free to ask me in the comment section. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.