A Rich and Creamy Comparison Between Sour Cream & Cream Cheese

Rohit Panwar

When two products have the same texture and color, people often get confused to pick the right one. Let’s clear all the doubts regarding sour cream vs cream cheese.

As a nutritionist, I will discuss here the differences between sour cream and cream cheese. This will help you to pick the better one for your needs. 

Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese: Are They Really the Same?

Here is a bird eye view of sour cream vs cream cheese nutrition:

Sour Cream

Cream & Culture

Cream Cheese

Milk, Cream & Lime juice

Sour Cream

Tangy & Tart

Cream Cheese

Salty and mild

Sour Cream

2 Tablespoons

Cream Cheese

1-2 Tablespoons 

Sour Cream


Cream Cheese


Sour Cream

3 g*

Cream Cheese

4.1 g*

Sour Cream

20 g*

Cream Cheese

34 g*

Sour Cream

2 g*

Cream Cheese

6 g*

Sour Cream

110 mg*

Cream Cheese

98 mg*

Sour Cream

Morning & Noon 

Cream Cheese


Sour Cream


Cream Cheese


Sour Cream


Cream Cheese


Sour Cream


Cream Cheese


Sour Cream


Cream Cheese


Sour Cream

Very Good

Cream Cheese


Sour Cream


Cream Cheese

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams, made using whole milk

What Goes in the Preparation of Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese?

For sour cream, a lactic acid bacteria culture is added to heavy cream. It is allowed to be fermented for a day.

Once you get the desired consistency, you can directly store it in the refrigerator. However, the market version of sour cream pasteurized after that to stop the further fermentation.

To make cream cheese, put the mixture of whole cream and milk on medium flame and curdle it by adding yogurt or culture or lime juice or vinegar.

Once the mixture curdles, strain and blend it to get smooth and silky cream cheese. A pinch of kosher salt is also added to the mixture. 

Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese Taste: How Does It Differ?

The texture and color of sour cream and cream cheese is similar. Both these milk based products have a creamy and soft texture. This makes them easy to spread on any kind of bread. However, cream cheese is much thicker.

However, they taste different. Like its name, sour cream is more tangy and tart than sour. On the other hand, cream cheese has a mild flavor with a pleasant sourness. It is also a bit more salty than sour cream. 

Difference in the Recommended Daily Intake of Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese

Sour cream and cream cheese are rich dairy products. It is important to limit their consumption within the recommended quantities. 

You can have up to 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1-2 tablespoons of cream cheese. These quantities are for a normal healthy adult.

Sour Cream or Cream Cheese Calories: Which Has More?

In terms of calories, cream cheese contains much more calories compared to sour cream. In both the higher calorie count is mainly attributed to their fat content. 

Although both the products are heavy cream based, the preparation creating this huge gap between calorie counts. 

Which Has Lower Carbs: Sour Cream or Cream Cheese?

Carbohydrates or carbs are macronutrients which are found in many foods and beverages. Some people believe that carbs are the main culprit for weight gain but actually our body requires carbs to stay active. 

Cream cheese contains a little more carbs compared to sour cream. Most of the carbs in both the products are in the form of sugar. 

Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese: Quantity and Quality of Fats

Just like calories and carbs, cheese cream also has more fats compared to sour cream. However, in both, majority of the fats (more than 60 percent) are in the form of saturated fat.

Too much saturated fat is attributed to many health issues like weight gain and heart disease, so moderation to consumption of both sour cream and cream cheese is the key. 

If someone has a doubt about “Is sour cream or cream cheese healthier” then this difference can clear their doubt. If you want to shed a few extra kilos then pick sour cream instead of cream cheese. 

Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese as a Protein Rich Source

Protein is another major difference between sour cream and cream cheese. Cream cheese is a far better source of protein in comparison to sour cream. 

If you are someone who wants to make muscles or if you are a sports person then go for cream cheese without any doubt. Although the small recommended serving size won’t give you enough protein, it is still better than sour cream. 

What to Choose for Higher Calcium Needs: Sour Cream or Cream Cheese?

Dairy products are usually known for their higher calcium content. In comparison to cream cheese, sour cream is better for calcium. 

If you have children aged 9 to 18 at home then opt for sour cream. This age group required more calcium than adults. Same goes with pregnant and post menopausal women. 

Best Time for Having Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese

You can add sour cream to your morning routine or in the afternoon with lunch. This will give your body ample time to break it down. 

Cream cheese has higher fats and calories than sour cream. It will be better to have it with your breakfast. It is a great spread for your breakfast toast. 

Sour Cream vs Cream Cheese: Which Can Be a Vegan Option?

Neither sour cream or cream cheese can be part of vegan lifestyle. These are made of milk and cream which are animal based products. 

Wondering, “sour cream vs cream cheese keto friendly” then I would like to say that both these dairy products can be added to keto diet. They contain low carbs and a good amount of fats, which is a major condition of keto. 

Which Is Better for the Planet: Sour Cream or Cream Cheese?

Both sour cream and cream cheese are dairy products which have a negative impact on the planet. 

Growing concerns for the environment raised many questions regarding dairy production’s sustainability. Modern dairy industry is using a big chunk of natural resources such as water and land. Besides that it has a higher carbon emission.

Unethical practices of animal exploitation are also concerning for many animal lovers. 

Better for Oral Health: Sour Cream or Cream Cheese

Sour cream and cream cheese both are dairy products and many mouth friendly minerals and vitamins such as calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin A and B. 

Both these products also contain good bacteria and probiotics which protect your mouth from infection. 

What to Opt For Strong Bones: Sour Cream or Cream Cheese?

For strong bones you require protein, calcium and vitamin D. As dairy products, sour cream and cream cheese are good sources of these nutrients.

However, cream cheese has more protein than sour cream. Hence, cream cheese will be a better choice for stronger bones. 

Sour Cream or Cream Cheese: Which One Is Easy to Digest?

Sour cream and cream cheese both have some probiotics or good bacteria which can help you to maintain healthy washroom habits. 

However, cream cheese contains lots of fats which can cause indigestion for some people. In that case sour cream is a better option for your gut health. 

Is Sour Cream and Cream Cheese, the Same Thing in Cooking?

Sour cream and cream cheese both are very versatile in use. You can have them directly with a slice of bread. Their soft texture makes them a great spread for toasts. 

If you want to compare sour cream vs cream cheese in baking then I will recommend sour cream. You can use it for making cookies, donuts and cakes. Sour cream enhances the softness of cakes and gives golden color from outside. 

Cream cheese is excellent for frosting the cakes and cupcakes. You can also use it in your breakfast as a bagel spread. Cream cheese is also a convenient way to make your pasta cream without making white sauce. 

In conclusion we can say that compared to cream cheese, sour cream may have advantages of being lower in calories and fats, but lags behind cream cheese in proteins. So, pick the option that suits your needs the best. 

Hope I was able to clear your doubts about sour cream vs cream cheese. If you have any other query regarding the subject, drop it in the comment section.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.