How Different Are Tempeh & TVP and Which One’s Better?

Rohit Panwar

Are you finding it difficult to pick the right plant-based meat alternative? Tempeh vs TVP is an example of such a choice for many vegans and vegetarians. 

As a nutritionist, I will assist to make a well-informed decision between tempeh and TVP. Go through to know more about both of these soy products. 

Tempeh vs TVP: Key Differences and Similarities

Before digging deep, let’s take a brief look at the different aspects of tempeh vs TVP: 


Soybeans & Tempeh Starter


Defatted Soy Flour                  


Mild, Nutty & Firm


Mild & Chewy


100 g


50 g






9.39 g*


33.92 g*


10.8 g*


1.2 g*


18.5 g*


51.46 g*


111 mg*


241 mg*


4.7 g*


17.5 g*




Very Good


Morning & Noon


Morning & Noon


Very Good








Very Good 




Very Good 


Very Good


2-3 Weeks


1 Year

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

How Is Tempeh vs TVP Prepared?

Tempeh is also called “Javanese Meat” because it originated from Java, Indonesia. It is a soy based fermented food. 

A fungus based starter is mixed with presoaked, dehulled and boiled soybeans to make tempeh. It comes in cake blocks. 

Textured Vegetable Protein is known as TVP. It is a byproduct of soy oil production. When the oil is extracted from soybeans there is a nutrient rich paste left: Which is used to make TVP. 

Tempeh or TVP: Which One Is More Delectable?

Since tempeh is a fermented food, it has a distinct earthy flavor. You need time to get adjusted with its unique taste. Its mild taste allows it to absorb the flavors. 

TVP has a neutral taste and just like tempeh it easily absorbs the flavor of the other ingredients, with which it is cooked. It is closest to meat in terms of texture and chewiness. 

What Is the Daily Recommendation of Tempeh vs TVP?

TVP is a highly processed soy product, therefore you must consume it in moderation. It is recommended to limit your TVP consumption 25-50 grams. 

Tempeh is a fermented soy product which can be added up to 100-200 grams to your regular diet. Both the foods are nutrient dense, to get maximum benefits it is crucial to stick with the recommended quantities. 

How Do Tempeh & TVP Fare Against Other Vegan Protein Sources?

| Tofu Vs TVP |

| Tempeh vs Seitan  |

How Much Calories Does Tempeh vs TVP Have?

If you are planning to cut down your daily calorie intake then opting for tempeh will be a better choice than TVP. 

Since TVP’s daily intake recommendation is much less than tempeh, you will get the same amount of calories if you stick to suggested per day quantities. 

Tempeh or TVP: Which Has Lower Carbs?

There is a substantial difference between the carbs of tempeh and TVP. Tempeh contains much less carbohydrates than TVP. 

TVP has more carbs but in terms of quality carbs it’s similar to tempeh. Most of the carbs in them come from fiber, which is considered as healthy complex carbohydrates

Suitable to Low Fat Diet: Tempeh or TVP

Tempeh and TVP, both are soybean products which are fat rich beans. However, TVP is prepared with defatted soy flour so it has notably less fat content than tempeh. 

However tempeh is a good source of omega 3 and omega 6 which are considered heart healthy fats. So, you can enjoy tempeh without worrying about its fat content. 

Tempeh vs TVP Protein: Compare the Quantitative and Quality Aspects

Protein is an essential macronutrient and it is critical that you get enough of it through your diet.  Tempeh and TVP both are considered as high protein plant based foods. 

Tempeh and TVP are made with soybeans which is considered as a complete protein source with all 9 essential amino acids. In terms of quantity TVP will provide more protein compared to the same amount of tempeh. 

Although, as I mentioned above a lesser daily intake of TVP is recommended which balances out this difference between tempeh and TVP. 

What Is the Difference Between Tempeh vs TVP Calcium Content?

Similar to protein, TVP contains noticeably more calcium than tempeh. If you have teenage children, menopausal or pregnant women in the house then adding TVP in their diet is suggested to fulfill their high needs of calcium. 

Although lower than TVP, tempeh still  is also a rich plant based source of calcium. I won’t encourage you to skip tempeh over TVP for calcium.  

Tempeh or TVP: Which Is Better Source of Fiber?

For a smooth and healthy bowel movement, dietary fiber rich foods are highly recommended. Fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and grains are excellent sources of fiber. 

Both tempeh and TVP are impressive sources of fiber. However, compared to tempeh, TVP contains a higher amount of fiber. 

Is Tempeh More Nutrient Rich Than TVP? 

We have already compared the macro nutrients of tempeh and TVP which includes calories, fats, carbs and protein. Now let’s talk about their micronutrients known as vitamins and minerals

Tempeh and TVP both are exceptional sources of many minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, etc. TVP has more copper, folate and thiamine than tempeh. It is also a great source of vitamin B6 and B12. This makes TVP a more nutrient dense product than tempeh.  

Tempeh is a fermented food and a rich source of friendly bacteria whereas TVP is highly processed food. This gives tempeh a great advantage even if it is a little less nutritionally diverse than TVP. 

Optimal Time of the Day to Consume Tempeh vs TVP

You can have tempeh any time in a day. Though I will recommend you to have it either with breakfast or with an afternoon meal. It is also a healthy option to have as an evening snack to crunch your hunger at the end of the day. 

TVP is a high calorie soy product, hence having it in the morning or in the afternoon will be better to keep you full for longer. Try to avoid high calorie food at night, you might have some digestion issues.

Tempeh vs TVP for Better Digestion

Tempeh and TVP are fiber rich foods which promote your gut health. However, the main difference between TVP and tempeh digestion comes with the fact that  tempeh is a fermented food and contains probiotics. It is certainly better for digestion compared to TVP. 

Remember, tempeh and TVP are soy products, if you are allergic to soybeans and then you might face digestive issues after consuming them. 

How Tempeh vs TVP Affects Your Oral Health?

Calcium, protein and vitamin D are the three major requirements of nutrients for healthy teeth. Tempeh has more protein and calcium compared to edamame so it is a better option for your oral health. 

Tempeh again gets advantage due to its probiotic properties, which helps to keep your mouth infection free and reduces bad bacteria.  

Tempeh or TVP: Which Will Strengthen Your Bones? 

Tempeh and TVP are exceptional plant based sources of protein and calcium. Therefore, both the products are highly beneficial for strong bones. 

Besides that, they contain magnesium and copper which play an important role for bones.  Here tempeh again gets advantage due to its probiotic properties which are considered beneficial for bones

Tempeh vs TVP: Which Is More Allergic?

Soy allergy is a type of food allergy which can affect any age group, though it is mostly observed in infants. Stomach problems, itching and coughing are a few common symptoms of soy allergy. 

In case you are allergic to soy beans then you must stop eating any soy product like tofu, tempeh and TVP. In such cases both tempeh and TVP are equally harmful for you. 

Tempeh or TVP: Which One Has More Uses In the Kitchen?

You must cook tempeh before using it for any recipe. Tempeh is an excellent soy product for grilling, marinating and crumbling. Its chewy texture makes it a perfect meat substitute in the dishes like sandwiches, stir fried rice and noodles etc.

It can be sliced, diced, crumbled, grated or cubed, according to the requirement of the dish.  

You need to soak TVP in hot water before adding them to the dish. TVP comes in many different shapes in sizes from chunks to flakes. You must remember that after rehydration it doubles in volume. It is a perfect mimic of meat products.

Shelf Life of Tempeh vs TVP

Compared to tempeh, TVP has a longer shelf life. Tempeh can be stored for 2-4 weeks in the refrigerator. You can keep it in the freezer for a longer sustainability. If you find some yellowish fungus on the tempeh then avoid using it.

TVP can stay for 1 year. Since it is in a dry state, it doesn’t need a fridge to store. However keep it in a clean airtight jar to protect it from moisture. 

In conclusion I would like to say that in the confusion of tempeh vs TVP, choose the one considering your allergies and preferences. 

TVP is a cheap plant based protein which is affordable to everyone, whereas tempeh is still an expensive soy product. However, since TVP is a processed meat alternative, its regular consumption is not recommended.  

I believe that tempeh and TVP both have their own benefits and instead of choosing one, you can add both of them to your diet. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.