Which Milk Form is More Suitable For You: Walnut or Buffalo?

Rohit Panwar

I have seen a lot of people struggle with choosing between dairy and non-dairy milk forms and their nutritional levels. One such common dilemma they face is, Walnut milk versus Buffalo milk, which one is the best?

If you too are seeking an answer to this tricky question, then you have come to the right place. In this blog, I will address all your doubts related to these beverages, so read it till the end.

Walnut milk versus Buffalo Milk


| Walnut milk versus Cashew Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Decoding Benefits & Differences Between Walnut Milk Versus Buffalo Milk 

So, let’s start with a comparison table on 15 aspects focussing on Walnut milk and Buffalo milk:

Walnut Milk

Walnuts & Water

Buffalo Milk

Milk from Buffaloes

Walnut Milk

Creamy & Nutty

Buffalo Milk

Sweet & Creamy

Walnut Milk

1 cup

Buffalo Milk

1 cup

Walnut Milk


Buffalo Milk


Walnut Milk

3.5 g*

Buffalo Milk

16.8 g*

Walnut Milk

1 g*

Buffalo Milk

9.15 g*

Walnut Milk

24- 450 mg*

Buffalo Milk

412 mg*

Walnut Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Buffalo Milk


Walnut Milk


Buffalo Milk


Walnut Milk


Buffalo Milk


Walnut Milk


Buffalo Milk

Very Good

Walnut Milk

Very Good

Buffalo Milk


Walnut Milk


Buffalo Milk


Walnut Milk


Buffalo Milk


Walnut Milk

Maple syrup, Vanilla

Buffalo Milk

Honey, Vanilla

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope that this comparison table above addressed your basic doubts and concerns related to these drinks.

Let me elaborate more on each point for both walnut milk and buffalo milk for a better and in-depth understanding.

Comparing the Constituents of Walnut Milk and Buffalo Milk

Walnut milk is an amazing plant-based product that is made by using soaked walnuts. These are blended with water and are then strained to remove the undissolved solids. This leftover walnut pulp can be added to smoothies, granola, or muffins. The filtrate obtained is the delicious Walnut milk.

Buffalo milk is a dairy product form that is the world’s second most consumed milk after cow’s milk. It is derived from buffaloes and then filtered to strain away the impurities.

Difference Between the Taste of Walnut Milk and Buffalo Milk

If you are wondering, is walnut milk better than buffalo milk in terms of taste, then the answer depends on your preference.  Being derived from different sources, both have quite different tastes and textures. 

Walnut milk tastes slightly creamy, smooth, and nutty. Its consistency is thick or thin depending on the amount of water added. Talking about buffalo milk, it has a slightly sweet taste and a very creamy and thick consistency.

How Much Walnut Milk or Buffalo Milk Should be Consumed Daily?

Both walnut milk and buffalo milk are wonderful beverages that offer numerous benefits and can thus be consumed daily. However, this must be done within the recommended limits.

Walnut milk as it is a nondairy product, can be consumed upto a maximum of 2 cups. Buffalo milk is a dairy product and very nutrient-dense which is why it is hard to digest especially for children and older people. Therefore, only 1 cup for adults is recommended for daily intake.

Calorific Content of Walnut Milk Versus Buffalo Milk

The comparison of calorie content in walnut milk and buffalo milk yields that the calorific content in buffalo milk is nearly 6 times that of walnut milk.

Therefore, walnut milk is the best option for those people who want to consume less or moderate calorie-containing foods.

 Walnut Milk vs Buffalo Milk for Weight Loss

We already know that buffalo milk has higher calories than walnut milk. But how about the fat content?  When the total fats are compared for 1 cup standards, then it is found that the fats in the buffalo milk are way more than that of walnut milk. So, if you are planning to control your weight, then walnut milk is surely a better option than buffalo milk.

Both the milks contain higher quantities of Omega fatty acids that may benefit heart health and the immune system.

Analysing the Protein Content of Walnut Milk Vs Buffalo Milk

Being a certified dietician, I have been questioned a thousand times about walnut milk vs buffalo milk nutrition and more specifically proteins. 

When compared to walnut milk, buffalo milk is not only high in calorie levels and total fats, but in protein levels as well. Hence, to meet the daily requirements of proteins, you can opt for buffalo milk or you can have walnut milk along with high protein foods.

Comparing The Calcium Levels of Walnut Milk and Buffalo Milk

We all know the universal fact that calcium is an essential nutrient needed by the body to strengthen our bones and muscles. Hence, its requirements must be fulfilled for a healthy lifestyle, which can be done by consuming the right amount of calcium-containing foods.

It must be noted that homemade unsweetened walnut milk contains very little calcium. But, its marketed versions are power-packed with essential nutrients including calcium that make it comparable to dairy. Hence, you can pick any of these for a higher calcium intake in your body.

What Is The Right Time for Consumption of Walnut Milk and Buffalo Milk?

Are you pondering about the best time of consumption of walnut milk and buffalo milk? Well, let me give you a precise answer for both these products.

While walnut milk is beneficial for everyone, Buffalo milk is more suitable for adults than kids.  So, you can consume walnut milk in the morning or before bedtime. For buffalo milk, I would suggest you consume it in the morning for easier digestion.

Eco-Friendliness of Walnut Milk versus Buffalo Milk

Walnut milk is produced using walnuts, hence it’s a plant-based product and hence its effect is positive on the environment.

On the other hand, buffalo milk is produced by buffaloes. Buffalo rearing requires a large portion of land area resulting in deforestation and water depletion. It also causes an increase in greenhouse gas emissions which means that dairy affects the environment negatively. 

Vegan- Friendliness of Walnut Milk Versus Buffalo Milk

Walnut milk is a non-dairy milk form derived from a plant source. It is thus a vegan-friendly product. Also, since it is lactose-free and gluten-free, it works phenomenally for people that suffer from dairy allergies or lactose intolerance, or gluten allergies. 

On the contrary, buffalo milk is derived from animal sources i.e. buffalo. Hence it is not considered a vegan-friendly product.

Walnut Milk or Buffalo Milk, Better Drink for Healthy Teeth?

Walnut milk is a nutritious non- dairy beverage that provides countless benefits to our body. It contains many essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals like magnesium, iron, etc. Also, if you are buying the commercial versions, they contain fortified calcium that is essential for strengthening teeth and jaw bones.

Likewise, buffalo milk is also rich in essential minerals, proteins and nutrients like magnesium, vitamin A, phosphorus, and calcium. Together, these ingredients make buffalo milk a great product for good oral health.

Is Walnut Milk Better than Buffalo Milk for Your Tummy Health?

Walnut milk is rich in many essential nutrients including antioxidants. These antioxidants assist in many bodily functions including helping digestion. Additionally, it contains fiber that reabsorbs the water from the intestines. All in all, it’s an important drink for a healthy digestive system that you must try.

Buffalo milk contains a high amount of calories and fats hence, older people and children find it hard to digest but you can surely consume it within the limited quantities. However, if you have lactose intolerance or dairy allergies, then you should avoid buffalo milk.

Are Walnut Milk and Buffalo Milk Really Helpful in Cooling The Body?

Walnut milk contains 70 to 80% of water as its key ingredient. Therefore it works well in cooling down the body. In summers you can use it in preparation for healthy smoothies and shakes.

Likewise, buffalo milk also soothes our bodies. You can drink a glass of plain cold milk or have cold coffee, latte, smoothie, or milkshake with some ice cubes that will provide you with a supercooling effect.

Do Walnut Milk and Buffalo Milk Help to Keep The Body Hydrated?

When it comes to body hydration, then both buffalo milk and walnut milk work well in maintaining the water optimum levels. 

Along with large quantities of water, it also contains essential minerals that help to maintain the electrolyte balance in the human body.  Buffalo milk also  contains around 83% water and is rich in minerals that maintains the optimum level of hydration. 

What are the Additives that Enhance the Nutrition of Walnut Milk and Buffalo Milk?

Walnut milk is versatile and nourishing drink and can be ingested as such. However, we can add some additives to enhance its flavor and nutritional levels and taste such as maple syrup, honey, vanilla extract, chocolate syrup, etc.

Buffalo milk can be consumed without sugar or with some natural sweeteners like honey in warm milk and flavoring agents that not only enhance its taste but will add on to its nutrition. These are vanilla extract, cocoa or turmeric powder. Additionally, tropical fruits such as mango and strawberry can be used for making milkshakes.

This leads to the conclusion that walnut milk and buffalo milk both are amazing products for consumption. You can choose any of these drinks based on your choice and requirements. However, walnut milk is surely a go to have beverage for lactose intolerant and people having dairy allergies.

I hope that my blog directs all your uncertainty regarding these two milk forms. If you still have some queries, then you can reach out to me in the comments section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.