What Milk to Add To Your Grocery List -Walnut Or Cashew?

Rohit Panwar

Be it out of curiosity or to seriously understand the benefits of walnut milk versus cashew milk, by being here, you’ve taken a conscious step towards a health-conscious lifestyle. 

With all the craze around these plant-based milks, the urge to try one is strong but choosing between two is equally difficult. As a passionate nutritionist, I will share all the amazing details and differences you need to know about these two wonderful beverages. 

Walnut milk versus Cashew Milk


| Walnut milk versus Almond Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

A Comparative Breakdown Of Walnut Milk Versus Cashew Milk 

In the table below I am analysing walnut milk and cashew milk under different criteria so you have the right information at hand to make a wise choice.

Walnut Milk

Soaked walnuts, water

Cashew Milk

Soaked cashews, water

Walnut Milk

Mildly sweet  jhjhj

Cashew Milk

Creamy sweet

Walnut Milk

1 cup

Cashew Milk

1 cup

Walnut Milk


Cashew Milk


Walnut Milk

3.5 g*

Cashew Milk

1 g*

Walnut Milk

1 g*

Cashew Milk

1.9 g*

Walnut Milk

24- 450 mg*

Cashew Milk

15- 451 mg*

Walnut Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Cashew Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Walnut Milk


Cashew Milk


Walnut Milk


Cashew Milk


Walnut Milk

Very good

Cashew Milk

Very good

Walnut Milk


Cashew Milk


Walnut Milk


Cashew Milk


Walnut Milk


Cashew Milk


Walnut Milk

Honey & flavors

Cashew Milk

Honey & flavors

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Hope the table provided answers to the questions you might have had about this milk including walnut milk vs cashew milk nutrition. 

Let me take you through each pointer to give you a detailed understanding of walnut milk and cashew milk.

Walnut milk Vs Cashew Milk: What Goes Into These Plant-Based Wonders?

Walnut milk is a newcomer and recent entry to the world of plant-based drinks. It is made by soaking walnuts for a day which helps it to soften. The soaked walnuts are then blended with sufficient water and strained to make walnut milk. 

Cashew milk is made from soaked cashews and water, the same way walnut milk is made. However, the soaking time of cashews is comparatively lesser than walnuts. Cashews are originally native to Brazil and later people in warm climates began to cultivate them like in India and Vietnam. 

Which is More Appetising: Walnut milk or Cashew milk?

Walnut milk has a silky texture and a mild sweet taste. It looks like chocolate milk with a slight brown color because of the walnuts. 

Cashew milk tastes delicious with a mild sweetness and creamy texture. It is one of the most sought-after milk in the plant-based market owing to the richness of flavor and texture.

How Much of Walnut Milk or Cashew Milk Should Be Consumed to Get Its Maximum Benefits?

A cup of walnut milk or cashew milk is adequate for a day. These drinks are rich in good fats, vitamins and minerals which contribute to the daily nutrition requirement of the body.

Since they are nut milks, too much consumption may cause digestion issues. Hence, 1 cup is recommended a day for both. 

Walnut milk or Cashew milk- Which Will Fit Your Calorie Requirements?

Walnut milk has higher calories in comparison with cashew milk. However, both walnut milk and cashew milk are credited with having a lower calorie count than many other milks in the market.

So, opt for a wholesome cup of walnut or cashew milk for a boost of fresh energy and to stay active without having to worry about putting on weight.

What’s Better: Fats In Walnut milk or Cashew milk?

Fats in nut milks especially those in walnuts and cashews are rich sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are considered good fats. Omega 3 fats are also called heart healthy fats or good cholesterol that helps in keeping the heart safe.

There is a misconception that cashew milk is heavy in fats and not an ideal drink for weight reduction. The fats in cashew milk help in weight loss as consuming cashew milk will keep you satiated and prevent cravings.

What is Suited Better for Your Protein Intake-  Walnut Milk and Cashew Milk?

Protein content in both walnut milk and cashew milk is comparatively lesser than that of diary-based foods. But, do you know, walnuts are a great source of vitamins such as folic acid which helps in protein synthesis. Regular consumption of walnut milk helps in strengthening the body.

As for cashew milk, the protein content in homemade cashew milk is higher than in store-bought milk. So making it at home gives you an extra advantage to consume more protein. On the whole, Cashew milk has more protein than walnut milk.

Walnut Milk Or Cashew Milk, Which One Can Keep Up With Your Calcium Requirements?

Nutmilk is naturally lower in calcium when compared to dairy. This is why many brands add calcium to it to make it more competitive with dairy milk.

Apart from this, Walnut milk and cashew milk have good sources of manganese and magnesium, which are very vital for bone health. 

Dawn Or Dusk -Which Works Best For Walnut Milk Vs Cashew Milk Consumption?

Walnut milk and cashew milk both can be consumed during the daytime and at night. With similar properties, these drinks when consumed in the daytime helps to boost energy levels. 

Both walnut milk and cashew milk have sleep-inducing properties that help you sleep better.

Walnut milk and Cashew milk- Builders or Breakers Of The Ecosystem?

Walnut milk has a positive impact on the environment as it is plant-based and the water consumption of walnuts is less compared to other nuts like almonds. 

Cashew nuts have an average impact on the environment as they require huge amounts of water to grow and cultivate. 14218 litres of water is required to produce 1 kg of cashews. Because of cashews’ high water usage, their production is a cause of concern for the environment.

Does Walnut milk and Cashew milk Have The Vegan Stamp?

Both walnut milk and cashew milk are vegan foods. They are vegan friendly and are made from plant sources. 

Production and processing of these milks does not require any animal-based inputs and are great alternatives to dairy-based milks.

Better Drink For a Confident Smile- Walnut or Cashew?

One of the most prominent things about both walnut milk and cashew milk is that they are rich in minerals like potassium and phosphorus which are highly required for keeping the teeth healthy. Walnut milk has anti-inflammatory properties that help in preventing gum infections.

Cashew milk is rich in vitamin K which is very helpful in maintaining good oral health. It acts as a protective shield to the teeth and prevents them from external damage. Overall both walnut and cashew milk are very good for oral health. Other than this, their store-bought versions being high in Calcium are good for the teeth

What’s In Store For Tummy Health With Walnut Milk Vs Cashew Milk?

Walnut milk is a wonderful source of fiber. It also facilitates the growth of good bacteria for gut health. Consuming walnut milk on a regular basis benefits your tummy in the long run by easing digestion and preventing it from infections. 

Cashew milk is a good source of Zinc, a mineral that helps in healing. It plays an important role in your intestinal health. Besides this, both walnut milk and cashew milk are gluten-free and lactose-free. 

Will Walnut Milk Or Cashew Milk Cool Your Body Down?

Walnuts and cashews are typically warm foods and are consumed in winter to warm the body. They are not cooling foods and do not cool the body by themselves.

However, the water content in these milks can act as a coolant and help reduce body heat.

Walnut Milk or Cashew Milk – For Better Hydration?

Being known for their dry nature, walnuts and cashews are very low in moisture. They cannot help much as a hydrating agent to keep our body fluids balanced.

However, both these milks are rich in potassium, a key component in maintaining the water balance in the body. 

Enjoy The Best Of Walnut milk and Cashew milk With Healthy Additives

Walnut milk with its creamy texture is consumed as such with honey or maple syrup. It can be substituted for cow’s milk in coffee. Walnut milk can be added to cereals, and oats or can be consumed with flavors like vanilla or chocolate as smoothies. 

Cashew milk has a rich texture and flavor profile. It has been a part of Asian cuisines in curries and is used to make sauces in different parts of the world. Cashew milk tastes good as such or it can be consumed with honey or dates. Cashew milk is also blended with flavors like cocoa powder and vanilla. Being a good source of iron, cashew milk can be blended with vitamin C fruits like strawberries and oranges to help the absorption of iron. 

As we reach the end of the discussion, this might leave you with the question, which is better walnut milk or cashew milk? To answer this, in a nutshell, both the milks have innumerable benefits with similar nutrition values.

It is good to know that apart from all the benefits discussed above, cashew milk still has more to offer like eye health, skin health, etc while walnuts are rich in antioxidants that protect our body. Hence a balanced approach can be followed in choosing the milk that offers you more based on your needs.

Hope this blog equipped with all the required information so next time when you come across walnut milk vs cashew milk or someone who is struggling with the same query, you know what to do. I look forward to your questions in the comments section.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.