How Walnut & Hemp Milk Differ and Which One’s Better?

Rohit Panwar

Are you in a dilemma to deciding between Walnut milk Versus Hemp Milk? Believe me, you are not alone in your search. Many people who want to add these plant-based Omega-3-rich milks to their diet, often get stuck in the comparison. 

So here I am, with my new blog to clear all those confusions about Walnut milk and Hemp milk. I am sure by the end you will have absolute clarity about what to choose in your next supermarket visit.

Walnut milk versus hemp Milk


| Almond milk versus Cashew Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

A Quick Glance at the Difference Between Walnut Milk and Hemp Milk

To compare these two non-dairy milks, let me tell you the various differences between them through the table below. 

Walnut Milk

Walnuts & Water 

Hemp Milk

Hemp Seeds & Water

Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk

Seedy & Nutty

Walnut Milk

1 Cup

Hemp Milk

1 Cup

Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk

3.5 g*

Hemp Milk

4.51 g*

Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk

3 g*

Walnut Milk

10 – 450 mg*

Hemp Milk

26- 283 mg*

Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk


Hemp Milk


Walnut Milk

Honey, Cinnamon

Hemp Milk


*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

These are the basic differences between Walnut milk and Hemp milk. For a better understanding of all these components, let me elaborate on each point. 

The Method of Preparation of Walnut Milk Vs Hemp Milk

For both these milk, you will need just two ingredients. To make Walnut milk you need soaked walnuts and water. You can use raw walnuts, but soaking will make the blending easy. 

Hemp milk needs hulled Hemp seeds and water. To make Hemp milk you don’t have to soak the Hemp seeds. So, compared to Walnut milk, you need less water for preparing Hemp milk. 

Comparing Walnut Milk vs Hemp Milk Taste & Texture

A common fear before starting new milk is that its taste might not suit their taste buds. Walnut milk and Hemp milk both have the same nuttiness as Almond milk.

Hemp Milk is seedy and earthy, which gives it a unique flavor. Its texture is similar to Almond milk, it’s smooth and more liquid. Whereas, Walnut milk is nutty and subtle milk with a creamy texture.

How Much Walnut Milk or Hemp Milk Should one Drink? 

It is recommended to consume 1 cup of Walnut milk per day. The same is my suggestion for Hemp milk too. 1 Cup of milk contains approximately 240 ml of milk. 

You can alternatively add both these milks to your diet. Remember this quantity is for an adult. You can make half cups for children and the elderly. 

Walnut Milk Versus Hemp Milk- Difference in Calories

As you can see in the table above, Walnut milk has fewer calories than Hemp milk.  This makes Walnut milk an obvious choice for people who are very particular about their caloric intake.

However, since Hemp milk has more calories in it, you will feel full for a longer time. 

Comparing the Fat Content Between Walnut Milk and Hemp Milk

Walnut milk and Hemp milk both are high in fat content. Compared to Walnut milk, Hemp milk has more fat in it. But the fat in both these milks is considered good fat. Walnut and Hemp are one of the best plant-based foods which provide you with Omega-3.

Omega-3 Fatty acids confer many benefits to the human body.  It is essential for the health of the eyes, bones, eyes, heart, etc. can not be produced by the body itself. Besides Omega-3, Hemp seeds also provide Omega-6 fatty acid too which is also considered a good fat if taken in moderation. 

Walnut Milk Versus Hemp Milk- Which one is a Better Source of Protein?

Compared to Walnut milk, Hemp milk is a better source of protein. As a protein source, Hemp milk is one of the best plant milk. Unlike many other plant milk, Hemp milk has all kinds of amino acids (Protein is made of amino acids)  which makes hemp seeds a complete protein supplement

As a rich source of protein, Hemp milk is also considered a perfect post-workout drink. Next time keep your Hemp milk smoothie ready before leaving for an intense workout. 

How Much Calcium Do You Get from Walnut Milk Vs Hemp Milk?

Walnut milk and Hemp milk both are dairy alternatives and just like most dairy alternatives, they are also lacking in calcium. The store-bought versions are fortified with calcium to make them comparable to dairy milk. 

You won’t get enough calcium from homemade versions, so either you can add some sort of calcium supplement powder to it or choose market versions. With marked-based fortified milk, it is important to check the label for any added sugar.  

Best Time To Consume Walnut Milk Versus Hemp Milk

Both the milks are good to consume in the morning. It is always considered good to give a healthy start to your day. You can add these as milk substitutes to your cereals, smoothies, or in your coffee. 

One of the best things about Hemp milk is that it is also fine to mix in hot drinks so it can easily replace cow’s milk for a hot coffee or tea. 

 Is Hemp Milk Better than Walnut Milk for the Environment?

Walnut milk and Hemp milk both are plant-based milks that are considered much better choices for the environment compared to dairy milk. But if you compare Walnut milk and Hemp milk then Hemp milk is more environment friendly than any nut milk. 

Compared to walnuts, hemp seeds need less water to grow. Hemp plants absorb four times more carbon dioxide than trees. This makes Hemp milk more eco-friendly than Walnut milk. 

Can Walnut Milk and Hemp Milk be Part of a Vegan diet?

Because of the rapid growth observed in Veganism, vegan milk production also increased and many new versions of such milks are also available. 

A Vegan diet means a diet that includes only plant-based food. Walnut milk and Hemp milk are plant-based milks and can definitely be consumed by vegan people. 

Walnut milk Vs Hemp Milk’s Impact on Your Oral Health

Commercially available Walnut milk and Hemp milk are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, the two important components for healthy and strong teeth. Besides this, walnuts are considered one of the best foods for your oral health. 

Hemp seeds have a lot of zinc in them which is known for its contribution to a healthy mouth.  Zinc is also helpful in teeth formation. 

Walnut Milk Versus Hemp milk- Which One is a Good Choice for the Stomach?

According to Monash University’s Fodmap counts, all plant-based milks are stomach-friendly. This makes Walnut milk and Hemp milk, both a good choice for your tummy.

Walnut milk and Hemp milk both are good sources of dietary fiber too, which is helpful to your digestive system. Dietary fiber helps to maintain a healthy bowel movement.  

Do Walnut Milk or Hemp Milk Help You Cool Down?

One of the key ingredients to prepare Walnut milk and Hemp milk is water. This preparation enhances the cooling impact of both these milks. 

Water mixed with other beneficial nutrition controls the body heat and gives you immediate relief from hot weather. 

Walnut Milk Versus Hemp Milk- The Better Hydrating Milk

Walnut milk and Hemp milk are considered good to keep you hydrated. The body needs water to function well, but we can drink water in the form of other healthy beverages too.

Apart from the water, both these milks contain minerals like magnesium, potassium and sodium known as electrolytes. These help in maintaining the water balance in the body.

Recommended Additives to Enhance the flavor of Walnut Milk and Hemp Milk

Before gulping down your Walnut milk and Hemp milk, don’t forget to add some nutritional additives to these alt-milks. Honey and cinnamon complement Walnut milk very well. It enhances the aroma and flavor of the milk. 

For Hemp milk, vanilla essence and maple syrup are my favorite choices. You can also add cocoa powder, which gives a chocolaty flavor to the milk. 

I hope this blog provided you with all essential information regarding Walnut milk versus Hemp milk. I specifically want to mention here that the nutritional values mentioned in the blog are of fortified versions. Homemade versions are lacking many minerals and vitamins such as calcium, vitamin D, etc. 

As hemp seeds plant and Marijuana belong to the same plant family, many people have doubts if they can be High after consuming it. No, you won’t, both the plants are different, and you can add Hemp milk to your diet without thinking about it. 

Thanks for stopping by 🙂

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.