What To Include In Your Diet: Walnut Milk or Soy Milk?

Rohit Panwar

What will you do if you have to choose something between two almost equally healthy alternative milk options? Here the choice is between Walnut Milk and Soy milk.  I can totally understand if you can’t come up with a clear answer. 

In this blog, I will talk about many features of Walnut milk and Soy milk. This will help you to choose between the recently introduced Walnut milk and centuries-old Soy milk.

Walnut milk versus Soy Milk


| Walnut milk versus Cashew Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Walnut Milk Versus Soy Milk: Find Out The Basic Differences Between Walnut Milk and Soy Milk 

The table below will tell you the differences between these two plant-based milk on the basis of various aspects.

Walnut Milk

Walnuts & Water

Soy Milk

Soybeans & water

Walnut Milk


Soy Milk
Walnut Milk

1 Cup

Soy Milk

1 Cup

Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk

3.5 g*

Soy Milk

4.3 g*

Walnut Milk

1 g*

Soy Milk

8 g*

Walnut Milk

10- 450 mg*

Soy Milk

13 – 61 mg*

Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk


Soy Milk


Walnut Milk

Honey, Cinnamon

Soy Milk

Vanilla, Banana

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

The table above briefed you about the basic differences between these two plant-based milk alternatives. Now, to enhance your understanding I will talk about each point in detail. 

Key Ingredients for Walnut Milk Vs Soy Milk

Walnut Milk is made of soaked walnuts and water. If you are making it at home instead of soaking, you can also boil the walnuts. 3-4 hours of soaking is enough to activate the walnuts. 

To prepare Soy milk overnight soaked soybeans are used. Commercial Soymilk is boiled after grinding and then comes filtering. If you are preparing at home then you can directly filter after grinding the soybeans.

Walnut Milk Versus Soy Milk- Differences Between Taste and Texture

Walnut milk is a tree nut milk alternative and it has a creamy and smooth texture. Taste-wise it is strong and nutty.  

On the other hand, Soy milk has a slightly bean-like taste and you can feel this beany taste in each sip. Soy Milk is rich and creamy in texture. 

What Quantity of Walnut Milk and Soy Milk Should You Consume?

It is recommended to consume 1 cup per day, whether it is Walnut milk or Soy milk. Remember if you are using sweetened versions then you must cut your 1 cup to half cup only. 

Keep your intake under the suggested quantity to get the maximum benefit of these two vegan milks.

Which One Has More Calories- Walnut Milk or Soy MIlk?

As you can see in the table above, soy milk has more calories than walnut milk. That difference is because of their key ingredients. Soybeans are high-calorie beans compared to Walnuts. 

If you are looking for low-calorie milk then definitely walnut milk is a better choice for you, compared to soy milk.

Walnut Milk and Soy Milk – How Much Fat Content Do They Have?

In the category of tree nut milks Walnut milk has high-fat content. Soy milk is also on a higher side in terms of fat content. But the fat in these milks is considered good for your health. 

The fat in walnut milk and soy milk provides you with Omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 is important for your heart health and the only practical way to give Omega-3 to your body is through food. Soy milk and Walnuts milk are considered excellent sources of this healthy fatty acid. 

Walnut Milk Versus Soy Milk: Which One Is a Better Source of Protein? 

The most noticeable difference between Walnut milk and Soy milk is the protein content. Soy milk has a quite high protein content compared to Walnut milk. 

Soybeans are a rich source of protein, this makes Soy milk one of the best plant-based milk in terms of protein content. Soy milk can be a great choice for you to consume after an intense workout. 

Do Walnut Milk and Soy Milk Have Enough Calcium to Your Requirement?

Commercial packaged Walnut milk and Soy milk, both are fortified with calcium. Homemade versions of these milk have very little calcium, almost negligible. 

The amount of calcium in packed versions of Walnut milk and Soy milk may vary from brand to brand. I will suggest checking the nutritional values before buying the market versions of these milks.  

Which Time of the Day Is Considered Good to Consume Walnut Milk Vs Soy Milk?

Morning is the best recommended time to add these clear milks to your daily routine. You can use these for overnight soaked oats, add in your granola, or make a smoothie. There are many other interesting ways to consume these milks. 

Some people prefer to have warm Soy milk at night, but it is high-calorie milk, so I will suggest having it in the morning.  

Walnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: The More Sustainable Drink?

Walnut milk and Soy milk both are plant-based milks and substitute for cow’s milk. Because of the less carbon footprint, these are undoubtedly environmentally friendly options. 

But, in recent years demand for Vegan milks is increasing and farmers are cutting the jungles to plant these need-based plants. This can be the next concerning issue for the environment. 

Walnut Milk and Soy Milk- Are These Milks Vegan Friendly?  

Vegan diet means you don’t consume any animal products which includes not only meat but dairy, poultry and honey as well. Both, Walnut milk and Soy milk are made of plants so these can be added to a vegan diet for sure. 

In recent years many people have shifted to vegan diets, either due to health issues or because of environmental awareness. This increasing demand is helping the vegan milk market to grow rapidly.

Oral Health and Impact of Walnut Milk and Soy milk

Soy milk can produce bacteria in the mouth which can be harmful to your oral health. Brushing and rinsing your mouth after gulping soy milk can be a good solution to this problem. 

Walnut milk and Soy milk are good sources of calcium which is considered a good mineral for strong teeth. 

Walnut Milk Versus Soy Milk- Which One Is Better for Stomach?

Walnut milk has a lot of dietary fiber, which is responsible for maintaining a healthy gut. Dietary fiber helps to pass the stool easily. 

Soy milk is also a good source of dietary fiber but Soy allergy is one of the most common allergies in the world, especially in children. This allergy can cause severe nausea, bloating, and stomach pain. I will suggest monitoring your condition once you start consuming Soy milk. 

Walnut Milk Vs Soy Milk’s Impact on Body Cooling

To prepare Walnut milk and Soy milk, water is one of the base ingredients. The high quantity of water in these milks makes them good cooling beverages. 

Water helps to reduce the heat in the body and keeps you energized for a longer period of time. So this summer try these milks to beat the heat. 

Do Walnut Milk and Soy Milk Help You to Be Hydrated?

Because of the high water ratio in Walnut milk and Soy milk, they both are good to hydrate you. Electrolytes are responsible for keeping you hydrated. Basically, electrolytes are the essential minerals that you can get from food and drinks. 

Nuts and legumes are considered good sources of electrolytes. So both Walnut milk and Soy milk are helpful to keep you hydrated.  

Nutritional Additives for Walnut Milk and Soy Milk

It is not easy to become accustomed to the natural tastes of plant-based milk such as Walnut milk and Soy milk. To add some flavors and aroma to these milks you can mix many other nutritional additives e.g. vanilla essence, cinnamon powder, or cocoa powder. 

Try to avoid adding any other form of sugar except natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. Bananas also go very well with Soy milk and try blueberries with Walnut milk next time. You can also use walnut milk in preparations just like other plant based milks.

I hope this blog helped you clear all your doubts regarding Walnut milk versus Soy milk. Both the milks have their own pros and cons. If you don’t have a Soy allergy, then I will recommend adding both the milks to your routine in moderate quantities. 

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Thank you!

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.