Yogurt Or Fromage Frais, The More Nutritious Option? 

Rohit Panwar

Yogurt versus fromage frais, are these really different products? If that’s the question on your mind, you are at the right place.  

As a nutritionist, I am here to help you find the difference between yogurt and fromage frais based on several nutritional parameters. With this information as the base, you can make an informed choice. 

yogurt versus fromage frais


Yogurt Versus Curd – Are They Same? | 

Yogurt Versus Fromage Frais: Analysis Their Nutritional Differences  

Let’s take a quick comparative look at yogurt and fromage frais – 


Milk & Yogurt Culture

Fromage Frais

Milk & Cheese Culture


Sweet & Sour

Fromage Frais

Creamy & Tangy


200-250 g

Fromage Frais

100 g



Fromage Frais



5 g*

Fromage Frais

 4 g*


3.5 g*

Fromage Frais 

2 g*


 3.5 g*

Fromage Frais 

6 g*


132 mg*

Fromage Frais  

110 mg*


Morning or Noon

Fromage Frais  

Morning or Noon



Fromage Frais   




Fromage Frais  



Very Good

Fromage Frais  



Very good

Fromage Frais  



Fruits & Spices

Fromage Frais   

Fruits & Honey

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100g  

Now that we have clarity on their nutritional differences of yoghurt and fromage frais, let’s delve deeper into each one.

How Does the Preparation Method Vary for Yogurt Vs Fromage Frais? 

Yogurt is obtained by the process of fermentation. An active yogurt culture is added to milk and is allowed to ferment for a few hours. This culture is a mix of two good bacterial strains -Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.  

Fromage Frais is a French fresh cheese made using skim milk or whole milk along with cream. In warm milk a cheese culture (contains lactic acid bacteria) and a drop of rennet is added. This mixture is allowed to ferment for several hours. Once the milk sets, the liquid is separated using a cheesecloth resulting in the creamy fromage frais.  

Yogurt Vs Fromage Frais: Difference in Taste & Texture 

Yogurt is sour in taste and quite creamy. It has a thick consistency. 

Fromage frais in its original form is slightly tangy and creamy. Consistency wise it is similar to cream cheese – smooth and spreadable. 

How Much of Yogurt Vs Fromage Frais Can Be Consumed in a Day?

Yogurt is rich in a variety of nutrients including vitamins and minerals which makes it an excellent product to be consumed everyday. 1 cup or 240 grams of yogurt is the recommended daily amount. 

Fromage Frais, being a dairy product, is rich in nutrients as well. You can consume about 100 grams or half a cup of fromage frais everyday. 

Which has Lower Calories: Yogurt or Fromage Frais?

If we compare equal quantities of yogurt and fromage frais, we see that yogurt has more calories. I have compared the sugar-free options here and the amount of calories will depend on the kind of milk and additives added to the final product. 

However, both these products are available in low calorie versions. So, in case you are watching your calorie intake, opt for low calorie options. 

What to Pick for a Low- Carb Diet: Yogurt or Fromage Frais?

Yogurt and fromage frais are both derived from dairy products. This makes them moderately high in carbs. In comparison, yogurt may have more carbs than fromage frais.   

Therefore, if you are on a low- carb diet, you can pick the plain, lower-carb varieties of both these products and consume them in moderation.

Yogurt Vs Fromage Frais: Which is Lower in Fats? 

The amount of fat in fromage frais and yogurt will depend on the base ingredients. Using skim or low fat milk will result in low fat versions and using whole milk will result in a product high in fats.

In comparison to yogurt, commercially fromage frais is mostly available in low fat versions. So, whatever you pick, make sure you check the nutritional labels.

What is More Protein Rich: Yogurt Vs Fromage Frais?

Dairy products are rich in a variety of nutrients including proteins. Proteins are needed by the body to carry out their daily functions.  

If we compare the quantity of protein of yogurt and fromage frais, we find that fromage frais has a higher content. This is because fromage frais is a much denser product. 

Yogurt or Fromage Frais for More Calcium?

Another nutrient that is high in dairy products is calcium. Calcium is needed by the body for strong bones, muscles and teeth. 

Both yogurt and fromage frais have a good quantity of calcium in them. In comparison to fromage frais, yogurt has a slightly higher amount.  

Best Time to Consume Yogurt Vs Fromage Frais?

Yogurt should either be consumed in the morning or during the day time. Since yogurt is nutrient rich, eating it during the day gives your body enough time to digest and absorb the nutrients.  

Fromage frais is also best consumed with breakfast or lunch or as a snack. Like yogurt, fromage frais is a rich dairy product and should be avoided at night. 

Yogurt or Fromage Frais: The Vegan- Friendly Option?

Traditionally, both yogurt and curd are made with dairy milk. Therefore, vegans don’t consume both these products. However, vegan- friendly, plant based yogurts are becoming increasingly available in the market. 

Some versions of fromage frais use rennet- a substance which is derived from animals. These versions are unsuitable for both vegans and vegetarians. 

Yogurt Vs Fromage Frais: Better for the Planet?  

Dairy versions of  yogurt and fromage frais are not good for the planet. The dairy industry is associated with environmental degradation issues like deforestation, soil damage and higher release of greenhouse gases . 

The plant versions of yogurt and fromage frais are a more environmentally friendly option. However,  they may not be nutritionally equivalent to the dairy versions unless they are fortified. 

Yogurt or Fromage Frais for Oral Health

Both yogurt and fromage frais  are made using milk. This makes them a rich source of calcium which is essential for dental health. They also contain other essential nutrients like phosphorus and  vitamins that support overall better oral health. 

Apart from these nutrients yogurt and fromage frais both contain probiotics or good bacteria which help prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth. 

Is Fromage Frais Healthier than Yogurt for Tummy Health?

As I said earlier, yogurt and fromage frais both contain good bacteria. These good bacteria help in easing the digestion and keeping the tummy trouble-free. However, the amount and diverse nature of bacteria in yogurt make it more stomach friendly.

Apart from the probiotics, the added advantage of these products is that they are lower in lactose as compared to milk. This makes them easier to digest. But here too, yogurt has lower lactose than fromage frais and is more suitable for the lactose-intolerant. 

Yogurt Versus Fromage Frais – The More Versatile Dairy product

Yogurt can be used in a number of ways. It goes well with both sweet and salty flavours which makes them an excellent  base for many dishes and drinks. Make overnight oats, smoothies or use it to prepare dips.    

Fromage frais is also quite versatile when it comes to usage. It can be used to make sweet treats using or make delicious savoury dips using fresh spices and herbs. 

So, yogurt and fromage frais, both dairy products are quite different from each other. What you choose depends on the availability and your preferences. While yogurt is widely available across the globe, it is pretty hard to find fromage frais in regions outside France. 

In case you have any follow-up questions, I will be happy to assist.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.