Yogurt or Lassi, Which One Should You Consume?

Rohit Panwar

Yogurt versus lassi, which one should you consume? If you are finding answers to this or similar questions, you are at the right place. 

Yogurt and lassi are both very popular dairy products, but choosing between them can be confusing. As a nutritionist, I help you understand the differences and benefits that result from consuming the two. 

Yogurt versus Lassi


| Yogurt Versus Laban – Are They The Same? | 

Analysing the Similarities & Differences Between Yogurt Versus Lassi

I am going to delve into each and every aspect of both yogurt and lassi, but before that, let’s take a quick comparative overview of the two-


Milk & Culture


Curd & Water


Sweet & Sour




1 cup


1 cup






12 g*


11 g*


8 g*


10 g*


 8 g*


9 g*


300 mg*


270 g*


Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon










Very Good


Very Good


Very good


Very Good




Very good


Spices & herbs


Fruits & Honey

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup made using whole milk 

Now that you have some clarity regarding laban and yogurt, let me take you through these attributes one by one:

How is Yogurt Vs Lassi Made?

Yogurt is a fermented dairy product that is made by adding good bacteria to milk. The mixture is allowed to ferment for a few  hours. The good bacteria added to the milk is called starter culture and can be bought from the market. 

Lassi is a popular drink consumed in the Indian subcontinent and usually prepared by blending water with curd to get a smooth liquid. Many people ask – Can you make lassi with greek yogurt? Well, you can but traditionally curd is used. 

How Different are the Taste and Texture of Yogurt versus Lassi?

Yogurt is a thick milk product when compared in comparison to lassi. It has a slightly sour taste with a smooth and creamy texture. 

Unflavoured lassi is creamy and has a slightly sour taste. It can be both sweet and salty depending on your preferences. Consistency-wise it lies somewhere between milk and yogurt. 

How Much of Yogurt Vs Lassi Can Be Consumed Per Day? 

Yogurt and lassi are both nutritious fermented dairy products that are loaded with essential nutrients. These can be included in your everyday diet. 

You can consume up to one cup of both these drinks every day to reap their benefits. 

Which Has More Calories Yogurt or Lassi?

Most people nowadays seem to be very conscious about their calorie intake. While calories are needed by the body, excess calories can contribute to many issues including weight gain. 

Calorie-wise both lassi and yogurt are slightly high and have very similar calorie content. However, the products I have compared above are made from whole milk. Low fat milk yogurt and lassi will have lower calories.  

Higher Carb Content-  In Yogurt or Lassi?

Milk, although rich in nutrients, is also high in carbohydrates. So, for people following low-carb diets generally milk and milk products are generally not recommended. 

Since yogurt and lassi are dairy products they are moderately high in carbs. But you can find low carb versions in the market as well. Also, whenever buying it from a store, make sure you buy unsweetened variety as they are much lower in carbs. 

Comparing Fat Content in Yogurt & Lassi 

Since yogurt and lassi are both traditionally made from whole milk, they are high in their fat content. However, low-fat versions are increasingly becoming available across stores for those who are trying to watch their weight. 

If we compare the fat content of yogurt and lassi, it is evident that one cup of lassi has lesser fats in comparison to yogurt. So, you might want to consume low fat yogurt for weight loss if your target. 

Which One’s Better for Meeting Protein Requirements: Yogurt or Lassi?

Yogurt and lassi being dairy products are high in protein content. Both have almost the same amount of protein content. So, you can pick either one of them. 

Here, it is important to remember that the strained variety of yogurt- also popularly called greek yogurt has more proteins than normal yogurt.  

Yogurt Vs Lassi- Which Has More Calcium? 

Calcium is an important mineral that is needed by the body primarily for strengthening bones and teeth. Therefore,  its recommended quantity should be included in diet. 

Milk is one of the best sources of calcium. As a result, all milk products including yogurt and lassi are also high in calcium.

What’s the Best Time to Consume Laban Versus Yogurt?

Yogurt is best consumed in the morning or during the day. As per the Indian Medicine Science Ayurveda, fermented dairy products should not be consumed at night.  

Similarly, lassi is best consumed during the day or in the morning hours. Since both these products are nutrient-rich, they will keep you active throughout the day. 

Yogurt or Lassi: Which One’s Vegan- Friendly?

Both yogurt and lassi are not vegan-friendly since they are made using cow’s milk. However, vegan versions that use alt milks like soy, almond, coconut, etc. are increasingly being used to make these products.

One thing to keep in mind while an option for plant versions of these products is that by nature they are not as nutrient rich as milk. Therefore, you must choose fortified versions if you want the same level of nutrients as the dairy versions.

How do Yogurt and Lassi Impact the Environment?

Traditional versions or dairy-based versions of yogurt and lassi are bad for the planet. This is because dairy products impact the environment negatively.

Raising cows for milk production leads to an increase in grazing lands and cutting of trees. Increasing carbon dioxide releases another major concern associated with the industry. 

Yogurt or Lassi: Better Choice for Oral Health?

Being calcium rich. Yogurt and lassi are good for your dental health. Being fermented,  they also contain good bacteria that help in keeping the bad bacteria in the mouth at bay and promote good dental health.

However whenever buying these products from the market, make sure you buy the unsweetened versions. Avoid the sweet lassi or sugar-loaded fruit yogurts. 

Better For a Healthy Tummy: Yogurt or Lassi?

Yogurt and lassi are both probiotic foods. This means they are loaded with good bacteria. These bacteria help in keeping your gut healthy and aids digestion. In comparison to lassi, yogurt has an advantage as it contains two strains of tummy friendly bacteria. 

Fermented foods like yogurt and lassi are also low in lactose, which is a milk sugar that many people are intolerant to. Research suggests that these products can be safely taken in moderation by the lactose intolerant. 

Effective Remedy for Summers: Yogurt or Lassi?

Yogurt and lassi are both excellent options for the summers. They have a high level of water content that can keep you hydrated and also cool down your body. Try frozen yogurts or chilled lassi for an extra cooling effect. 

Apart from the water, yogurt and lassi are rich in minerals like potassium, sodium and calcium that act as electrolytes. These help in maintaining the water level of the body. 

What Goes Well With Yogurt Vs Lassi?

Yogurt is very versatile and goes well with both sweet and salty flavours. I love making smoothies using fresh fruits and honey for a creamy smoothie. If you like it salty, add some salt, pepper and mint into it.  

Lassi too can be consumed both salted and sweet. Traditionally it is served sweet and flavoured with fruit syrups. I personally add some honey and rose essence. It smells and tastes delicious, do give it a try.

So, we can conclude that both yogurt and lassi are pretty similar nutritionally. You can pick the one that suits your needs, taste and availability. 

Which one’s your favourite by the way- lassi or yogurt?

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.