What’s the Better Choice – Coconut Milk Or Oat Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Want to include new forms of milk in your diet but perplexed as to what is the better choice – Coconut milk versus Oat milk? If this is the decision you are facing, this is the perfect place to find the answer.

Coconut milk and Oat milk differ in many aspects and you should know these prior to making the switch to these products. In this blog, I will address your doubts and queries regarding the two.

Coconut milk Versus Oat Milk


Coconut milk versus Almond Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Comparing Coconut Milk Versus Oat Milk On 15 Aspects To Help You Pick the Right One 

Here is a comparison table contrasting 15 metrics of Coconut milk and Oat milk, that will help you understand the differences between the two in one glance:

Coconut Milk

Coconut & Water

Oat Milk

Oats & Water

Coconut Milk

Sweet & Nutty

Oat Milk

Sweet & Creamy

Coconut Milk

1 cup

Oat Milk

1 cup

Coconut Milk


Oat Milk


Coconut Milk

57 g*

Oat Milk

5 g*

Coconut Milk

5 g*

Oat Milk

3 g*

Coconut Milk

38-470 mg*

Oat Milk

22-350 mg*

Coconut Milk


Oat Milk

Morning & Night

Coconut Milk


Oat Milk


Coconut Milk


Oat Milk


Coconut Milk


Oat Milk


Coconut Milk


Oat Milk

Very Good

Coconut Milk

Very Good

Oat Milk


Coconut Milk

Very Good

Oat Milk

Very Good

Coconut Milk

Tropical Fruits

Oat Milk

Cinnamon & Vanilla

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup,

I hope that the above table helped you get some clarity on the points of difference between Coconut milk and Oat milk. 

If not, then let me briefly explain all the similarities and differences between both the products.

How are Coconut Milk and Oat Milk Made?

As the name suggests, oat milk is made out of blending soaked rolled or whole oats in water and then straining milk out of it.

On the other hand, coconut milk is made by extracting coconut cream, grating it and then blending it with some water. The strained liquid is the delicious coconut milk.

Taste Differences Between Coconut milk and Oat milk

When it comes to the taste of coconut milk, it is sweet and nutty. This thick and viscous beverage tastes delicious. The thickness will depend on the quantity of water added to make the coconut milk.

On the other hand, the taste of Oat milk is thick, creamy and sweet. It is generally a little sweeter than Coconut milk and regular milk. Here again, the consistency will depend on the amount of water being added to it.

How Much Coconut Milk and Oat Milk Can Be Consumed in a Day?

Coconut milk and Oat milk both are very nutritious and beneficial plant-based milk forms. Hence, they can be easily included in your everyday diet, especially by people who have difficulty digesting regular milk.

Since coconut milk has more calories and fat, its intake should be limited, especially for people who have digestive problems. Oat Milk can be consumed on a daily basis but again, since it is high in fibre, its intake should be limited to the recommended quantity. 

Comparing Calories in Coconut Milk Versus of Oat milk

Many people are curious to know about Oat milk versus coconut milk calories. As is evident from the table above, Coconut milk has considerably more calories than Oat milk.

The amount of calories in one cup of Coconut milk in one cup is more than 4 times that in one cup of Oat milk. If you are interested in consuming coconut milk but are worried about the calories, I would suggest you add some water to dilute it.

Which has more Fat – Coconut Milk or Oat Milk?

If you are planning to shed extra kilos, you should prefer Oat milk over Coconut milk. This is because the fat content of Coconut Milk is way higher (almost 11 times) than that in Oat Milk.

Having said that, it definitely does not mean that coconut milk fat is all bad. In fact, it contains small quantities of good fat which can do you good if you consume it in limited quantities.

Coconut Milk and Oat Milk are Both Rich Sources of Protein

Both Coconut milk and Oat Milk are good sources of protein and therefore are a good addition to your everyday diet.

However, if we compare the two, then we find that the protein content of Coconut milk is a little more than Oat milk.  

Oat Milk Vs Coconut Milk: How Do They Fare On Calcium Content? 

Being plant-based, Oat milk and coconut milk are both naturally low in calcium. However, the market versions of these kinds of milk, especially oat milk have extra added Calcium. 

So, while homemade oat milk might have less than 20 mg of Calcium, the market versions can contain up to 15-20 times more than that.

When Should You Ideally Consume Coconut Milk & Oat milk?

Both coconut milk and oat milk are nutritious drinks and can be included in the diet regularly. Since Coconut milk has a higher calorie and fat content, it is recommended that it should be consumed in the morning. 

Oat milk can also be consumed at noon before lunch or in the morning. It is recommended for both to be consumed before meals on an empty stomach in the morning. 

How do Coconut Milk and Oat Milk Impact the Environment?

Since Oat milk and Coconut milk are plant-based, they have a relatively low environmental impact as compared to dairy products.

Additionally, they both do not harm any livestock as dairy milk products do. So, if you are environment-conscious and have ethical concerns, you can choose any one of these options. 

Are Coconut Milk and Oat Milk Both Vegan-Friendly?

Both Oat milk and Coconut milk are plant-based alternatives to whole milk. They are becoming very popular nowadays because of their countless benefits.

Due to their plant-based sources of origin, both Coconut milk and Oat milk are considered as vegan- friendly.

Get Enhanced Oral Health with Oat milk and Coconut milk

Since coconut milk is derived from coconut cream, its consumption on a regular basis within recommended limits could improve your oral or dental health

While homemade oat milk has very less calcium, it is not that great for dental health. Choose the market versions for higher levels of calcium and better support for your oral health. However, when buying the market versions of both these milk forms, make sure you buy unsweetened ones.

Get Improved Digestion with Oat milk and Coconut milk

Coconut milk and Oat milk both are very good options for your stomach if you have difficulty digesting milk products. Oat milk is good for digestion because of its high fibre content, lesser calories and has a low-fat content. 

Coconut milk is also good for the stomach since it contains many essential elements. However, some people just making a shift from normal to both kinds of milk may face some issues in the beginning, so make sure you start with small quantities. 

In Blazing Summers, Coconut milk or Oat milk Keeps the Body Cool

In blazing summers, if you too are wondering about the best alternative of dairy products that will provide your body with a cooling effect, then Coconut milk and Oat milk are what you need.

Gulping down a glass of Coconut milk or Oat milk will keep your body cool. They also help to regulate the body temperature.

Coconut Milk and Oat Milk: What They Do For Body Hydration?

If you too feel dehydrated, drowsed and parched, then the best remedy for it is drinking either coconut milk or oat milk.

Coconut milk and Oat milk both contain water, sodium, potassium and many other essential nutrients that maintain the water optimum level in our body.

Nourishing Additives Widely Used in Coconut Milk and Oat Milk

Coconut milk and Oat milk are being increasingly used instead of dairy milk. A lot of people ask, ‘Which one is better, oat milk versus coconut milk for coffee?’ I would say Oat milk due to its richness, thickness and creaminess. Apart from adding it to your drinks, shakes and smoothies, you can also gulp it down by adding honey, vanilla or cinnamon extract or a few dates or maple syrup.

Coconut milk lovers like to add honey and tropical fruits such as Mango, pineapple, berries or peaches to make it more nutritious. You can also add it to your curries, baking, soups, etc. for a rich creamy flavour. 

Additionally, people raise the query of, ‘Starbucks oat milk versus coconut milk, which is better? Well, it totally depends on your palette. If you like coconuts and a nutty, creamy drink go in for coconut milk, otherwise choose oat milk, as a low-calorie option. 

I believe that my blog addresses all your doubts and queries. If you want to ask or discuss something, then do let me know in the comments section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.