Which Fits Better to a Balanced Diet: Flax Milk or Hazelnut Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Choosing between the lesser known plant milks can be tricky. In such cases comparing  their nutrient helps, which is what I am going to do for flax milk vs hazelnut milk.  

As a fitness enthusiast and nutritionist, let me help you make a pick by analysing flax milk vs hazelnut milk benefits and nutritional differences. 

Flax Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: Differences & Similarities Compared

We will delve into a comparison of flax milk vs hazelnut milk benefits and nutrition based on the metrics below –  

Flax Milk

Flax seeds & Water

Hazelnut Milk

Hazelnuts & Water

Flax Milk

Earthy & Seed-like

Hazelnut Milk

Nutty & Sweet

Flax Milk

1 Cup

Hazelnut Milk

1 Cup

Flax Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Flax Milk

4 g*

Hazelnut Milk

 1 g*

Flax Milk

3.25 g*

Hazelnut Milk

9 g*

Flax Milk

2.2 g*

Hazelnut Milk

2 g*

Flax Milk

24 – 450 mg*

Hazelnut Milk

24 – 240 mg*

Flax Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Hazelnut Milk

Morning, Night

Flax Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Flax Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Flax Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Flax Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Hazelnut Milk

Very Good 

Flax Milk


Hazelnut Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Hazelnut Milk

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Making Process and Key Ingredients of Flax Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk

To make flax milk you will need flax seeds and water. Soak a cup of seeds overnight and put in the blender with 3-4 cups. Strain the liquid through a milk bag or strainer with cheesecloth. 

To prepare hazelnut milk deshell the nuts and soaked overnight. Once soft enough, blend the nuts with water in a high speed blender. Strain it and store it preferably in a glass container. 

How Do Flax Milk & Hazelnut Milk Differ in Taste and Texture?

Flax milk feels earthy and seed-like to your taste buds. It is gelatinous and creamy in texture. You must shake it well before pouring it into your cup. 

Hazelnut milk is widely known for its sweet and nutty flavor. Its silky texture has made it popular among coffee lovers. 

Per Day Recommended Quantity of Flax Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk

Tiny flax seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients and so is flax milk. Same way due to the healthful hazelnuts, hazelnut milk is also very beneficial. 

You can add up to 1 cup of these milks to your daily routine. It is important to take recommended quantities on a regular basis to drive maximum benefits. 

Flax Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: Which Has More Calories?

Compared to flax milk, hazelnut milk consists of more calories. Although calories provide you energy to do your day to day work, it is important to limit your calories intake to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Those who are working towards weight control, for them flax milk is a better option. 

Which Is Better for a Low-Carbs Diet: Flax Milk or Hazelnut Milk?

There are two kinds of carbs- complex and simple carbs. Plant based products are an excellent source of complex carbs which are considered healthy carbs for the body

If you are looking for a low carbs plant based milk then hazelnut milk is a better option compared to flax milk. 

Flax Milk vs Hazelnut Milk: Which Contains More Beneficial Fats?

In terms of fat content, hazelnut milk contains much more fats than flax milk. The main reason for this difference is the base products of these milks. Hazelnuts are a rich source of fat compared to flax seeds. 

However, the fats in hazelnut milk are considered healthy fats for you and your heart. Research showed that hazelnut consumption aids in reducing cholesterol in the body. 

Which to Choose for Higher Protein Intake: Flax or Hazelnut Milk?

In the context of protein, most of the plant based milks are way behind dairy milk. So, you cannot count on alt milks, for your daily protein requirements. 

Flax milk and hazelnut milk have almost the same amount of protein. However, many brands these days are adding pea milk protein to overcome this shortcoming of alt milks. 

Flax Milk vs Hazelnut Milk: Comparing the Calcium Content

Although DIY flax milk and hazelnut milk don’t have much calcium, commercially packed milks are a good source of calcium. 

Calcium is an important mineral for young ones’ growth. If you have children at home, you can opt for unsweetened packed versions of these alt milks. Alternatively, you can add calcium powders to your home made alt milks. 

Right Time to Consume Flax Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk to Get Maximum Benefits

Flax milk can be consumed in the morning or at bed time. It is a rich source of fibre which gives you a healthy start of the day. Flax milk is also good to have at bedtime because it contains tryptophan which is helpful to sleep better.

On the other hand, Hazelnut milk is a better choice for your breakfast. It is a rich milk and keeps you full for a longer time. 

Which One Is More Sustainable: Flax Milk or Hazelnut Milk?

Flax milk and hazelnut milk, both are sustainable plant based milk options. Production of flax seeds and hazelnuts consumes less water and can be grown on dry lands. 

They have very less carbon emission which is an important requirement for sustainability. Try to buy locally produced products to further its sustainability. 

Do Flax Milk and Hazelnut Milk Belong on a Vegan Plate?

Veganism is a growing trend of recent times. Some people follow it due to health reasons and few others due to their environment awareness. 

Vegan diet includes only plant based foods and beverages. Flax milk and hazelnut milk are completely vegan friendly and can be added to the vegan palate.  

Flax Milk or Hazelnut Milk: Which Will Brighten Up Your Smile?

Packed flax milk contains more calcium than hazelnut milk, which makes it a better choice for strong teeth. 

However hazelnut milk has vitamin E and magnesium, which boost your overall oral health including teeth and gums. 

How Efficacious Are Flax Vs Hazelnut Milk for Bone Health?

Fortified flax and hazelnut milks are good sources of calcium and vitamin D. Along with this, these milks are excellent sources of other essential nutrients for strong bones i.e. magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. 

Flax milk and hazelnut milk don’t contain enough protein to build bones, so you can add natural protein powder such as pea or soy powder to make them a perfect choice for bones. 

Compare Flax Milk and Hazelnut Milk Benefits for Digestion?

Flax milk and hazelnut milk are tummy friendly plant based milks. These milks are free from gluten, lactose allergies. Rich fibre contents make them easy to digest. 

Besides that, hazelnut milk is also an excellent source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help to grow good gut bacteria. 

Flax Milk vs Hazelnut Milk: Which One to Keep Yourself Hydrated?

Flax and hazelnut milks are good sources of hydration. Both tare water based as plenty of water is added while blending. Actually both these milks are delicious ways to provide you with more fluid. 

Both these milks contain electrolytes i.e. potassium and phosphorus which maintain the water level in the body.

How Differently Can You Use Flax Milk and Hazelnut Milk?

Creamy texture and sweet taste of hazelnut milk enhances its versatility. You can add it to your coffee, make a delicious smoothie or replace the dairy for baking. 

Similarly it is easy to flax milk to adapt different recipes because it has a neutral taste. Its gelling texture is good to give thickness to your soups.  

Here our discussion about flax milk vs hazelnut milk comes to an end. Hope the information provided above will help you to choose a perfect milk according to your needs and preferences. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.