Kombucha or Yakult- Which One Will Offer You Most Benefits?

Rohit Panwar

Kombucha vs yakult is another example of a confusing situation to pick between popular probiotic options. As a nutritionist, I’m here to explain all the pros and cons of both beverages. 

Kombucha is an age-old fermented tea whereas Yakult is a drink filled with good bacteria. By comparing their probiotics and other nutrients, you can pick the right one for yourself. 

Kombucha vs Yakult: Exploring the Benefits and Difference

Let’s start by a brief look at the various aspects of kombucha vs yakult:


Black/ Green Tea, Sugar & SCOBY


Skimmed Milk & Shirota Strain


Sweet & Tart


Sweet & Sour


1-2 Cups


1-2 Bottles






3 g*


15 g*


4 mg*


15 mg*


Very Good






Morning or Noon


Very Good


Very Good


















4-6 Weeks


4-6 months

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Key Ingredients and the Making Process of Kombucha vs Yakult

Kombucha originated in China and has recently become a popular drink throughout the world. To prepare kombucha, sugar and SCOBY are added to the green or black tea. Here SCOBY stands for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. 

Yakult is a probiotic which originated in Japan in 1935. It is a mix of skimmed milk, sugar, water and a bacterial strain called ‘Shirota’. This is Yakult’s exclusive probiotic strain. This mixture is then fermented to make Yakult. 

Is Kombucha Better Than Yakult in Terms of Taste?

Kombucha has a sweet and tart flavor. Since tea is one of the main ingredients, you can get a hint of its bitterness. Homemade kombucha is usually orange-brown in color, though packed ones have many other hues too.  

Yakult is a sweet probiotic with a hint of sourness. You can find two variations of it, Yakult Original or Yakult Light. Compared to Yakult Original, Yakult light is much less sugary. Throughout the world Yakult has the same flavor, however only in Singapore you can get it in 3 different flavors. 

How Much of Kombucha vs Yakult Will Be Sufficient a Day?

You can have up to 1-2 cups or 240-450 ml of kombucha a day. I will suggest starting with less quantity, if you are consuming it for the first time. Let your stomach get adjusted to new friendly bacteria. 

Yakult comes in three different sizes 65 ml, 80 ml and 100 ml, however the most common size is 80 ml. In some countries you can find all these sizes.

You can consume a maximum of 2 bottles of Yakult. Remember yakult is high in sugar so going above is not suggested. 

How Does Yogurt Fate Against Yakult & Kombucha?

| Yogurt Vs Yakult |

| Yogurt Vs Kombucha |

Kombucha or Yakult, for the Calorie Conscious?

Calories are the unit of energy which a food or drink provides us. Body needs this energy to move, work, stay warm, think and play.

People who want to lose some weight, often avoid calorie dense foods. In such a case, kombucha will be a better choice compared to yakult. However, calories in market versions of kombucha can vary so check before you pick any. 

Compare the Carbs in Kombucha vs Yakult

Carbohydrates or carbs are the main fuel source for the body. These are macronutrients made of sugar, starch and fiber. 

Fiber rich carbs are considered healthy carbs compared to sugar or starch rich. Hence it is important to be mindful while choosing your carbs. 

Yakult has more carbs compared to kombucha. Most of the carbs in yakult come from the sugar used in it.

Kombucha or Yakult, Which Has More Sodium?

It is recommend restricting the sodium intake within the range of 2300-1500 mg per day to avoid hypertension and other heart related problems. 

Talking of sodium or salt, yakult has more of it compared to kombucha. Remember sodium is an important electrolyte and totally avoiding it can be fatal. Hence, learn to add balance of salt in your daily life. 

Kombucha vs Yakult Nutrition: How Diverse Are They?

Nutrients can be divided into 2 groups called macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients consist of carbs, protein, fat and dietary fiber; whereas vitamins and minerals are the part of micronutrients. 

Kombucha and yakult, both are probiotics drinks which contain different strains of bacteria. Comparing their nutrient profiles then yakult has some amount of protein and calcium since it is a milk based product. 

Kombucha doesn’ have protein or calcium but it has antioxidant properties which boost your immunity. Yakult has vitamin D & E, sodium and potassium.

Kombucha contains types of vitamin B complex such as thiamin and niacin. Kombucha provides you with the benefits of tea. 

Right Time to Have Kombucha or Yakult for Wholesome Benefits

You can have kombucha anytime in the day, though I will suggest adding it to your afternoon routine to get the maximum benefits. It will help to digest your lunch quickly and you will be more active during the day. 

Yakult can be consumed either in the morning or in the afternoon. This tiny bottle of probiotics will give your day a healthy start. If you have it after lunch, it will help to digest the food easily. Avoid having yakult in the evening or night since it is high on sugar. 

Which Is Better for Digestion: Kombucha or Yakult?

“Is kombucha better than yakult for digestion?” People often ask me this question. I will say they both are equally good but kombucha have a slight advantage over yakult. 

Both these probiotics are loaded with gut friendly bacteria and enhance your digestive health. Since kombucha is a water based tea, and can be consumed more than yakult, I will recommend opting kombucha for your gut flora. 

Kombucha vs Yakult: Impact on Teeth and Bones

As fermented beverages, both Kombucha and yakult are helpful to keep bad bacteria away from the mouth and improve the overall oral health. However, speaking of teeth and bones, the first nutrients which come to my mind are protein and calcium.

Yakult is a dairy based product, hence it has some amount of protein and calcium which makes it a better option for teeth and bones. Though, the high sugar content is a concerning thing related to it. 

What to Pick for Hydration, Kombucha or Yakult?

Both kombucha and yakult have few essential electrolytes like sodium and potassium. These electrolytes give faster relief during dehydration. 

I will prefer kombucha over yakult to hydrate myself since it is a water based drink. However, neither of them can be the substitutes of water. 

Kombucha or Yakult: Better for Mother Earth

Besides being a dairy based product, the single use plastic bottle of yakult makes it a bad choice for the environment. 

Kombucha is not a dairy product and commercial versions come in glass bottles. These two qualities make kombucha a better product for mother earth. 

Which Is an Ally of Vegans: Kombucha or Yakult?

Veganism doesn’t include any animal based products including meat, dairy and poultry. Since yakult is made of skimmed milk, it is not a vegan friendly drink. 

On the contrary, there is no animal based product used while preparing kombucha. This makes it a perfect ally of vegans. 

How Long Can Kombucha vs Yakult Stay Fresh?

Once fermented, kombucha can be stored for up to 4-6 weeks. Either it is homemade or packed, you must store it in the refrigerator only. 

Yakult can stay for 4-6 months in the refrigerator. One of the main reasons for small bottles of yakult is that once opened you must consume it immediately to get maximum benefits from the good bacteria.

Between  kombucha and yakult, choose the one suits your needs, preferences and concerns.  

Even if yakut have few health benefits, it contains a lot of sugar. Therefore, I will recommend to opt for traditional fermented tea kombucha over yakult which is a comparatively new probiotic in the market. 

Thanks for dropping by.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.