Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: Which is Better For You?

Rohit Panwar

The consumption of nuts is known for their numerous positive outcomes. However, how well do the commonly consumed nuts fare over one another when consumed as nut milks? Today we are discussing one such comparison of nuts-based- Pistachio milk versus cashew milk.

As a nutritionist, I am bringing to you all the essential information about pistachio milk and cashew milk so you can opt for the best one. 

Pistachio milk versus Cashew milk


| Pistachio milk versus Walnut Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Pistachio Milk Versus Cashew Milk: Nutrition & Benefits Analysis

The table below provides you all the basic details you must know about pistachio milk and cashew milk:

Pistachio milk

Pistachios & water

Cashew milk

Cashews & water

Pistachio milk

Sweet, nutty

Cashew milk

Creamy, sweet 

Pistachio milk

1 cup

Cashew milk

1 cup

Pistachio milk


Cashew milk


Pistachio milk

4.3 g*

Cashew milk

1 g*

Pistachio milk

2 g*

Cashew milk

1.9 g*

Pistachio milk

20-192 mg* 

Cashew milk

15-451 mg*

Pistachio milk


Cashew milk

Morning or bedtime

Pistachio milk


Cashew milk


Pistachio milk


Cashew milk


Pistachio milk


Cashew milk


Pistachio milk

Very Good

Cashew milk

Very Good

Pistachio milk


Cashew milk


Pistachio milk


Cashew milk


Pistachio milk

Coffee, vanilla

Cashew milk

Honey, vanilla

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

As you can see from the table, pistachio milk and cashew milk have many similarities and differences that have an impact on their outcomes. Let me elaborate each pointer in detail for a clear understanding.

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: How & With What Are They Made?

Pistachio milk is made by soaking pistachio nuts in water overnight. The soaked nuts are blended with adequate water and are strained to make pistachio milk. It has a pastel green color to it.

Cashew milk is made by soaking and grinding cashews with sufficient water. This is then strained to obtain cashew milk. Both cashew milk and pistachio milk can be made easily at home.

Which Has A Better Taste – Pistachio Milk Or Cashew Milk?

Pistachio milk has a nutty taste with mild sweet undertones and a smooth texture. It has a neutral flavor which makes it easy to be used in coffee and baking.

Cashew milk is one of the most loved plant milks due to its natural sweetness and silky creamy texture. It can be used in different ways in so many recipes. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: Quantity Limits For Best Results

It is ideal to keep the consumption of pistachio milk to 1 cup per day. Pistachio milk like pistachio nuts is known for its nourishing properties that helps in meeting everyday nutrient requirements like iron, phosphorus and potassium etc.

Cashew milk like cashew nuts is a great source of micronutrients like B vitamins, folate and magnesium which are required for an active wellbeing. Consuming 1 cup of cashew milk per day helps to enjoy its benefits. 

Which Is A Better Drink for the Calorie Conscious: Pistachio Or Cashew Milk?

Pistachio milk is high in calories compared to cashew milk. It is a good source of carbohydrates which helps one to stay active. The market bought versions of pistachio milk may have added sugars which can increase the calorie count. So, it is good to check the label before buying.

Cashew milk is one of the best plant based milks with very less calories. They are perfect for people watching their calorie count. A cup of cashew milk during a busy day is a great way to replenish oneself with energy.

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: How Does The Fat Content Affect The Body?

Pistachio milk is a good source of healthy fats which is very beneficial for heart health. In comparison to cashew milk, it is higher in fats.

Like cashews, cashew milk has good fats which helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels and protecting heart health. When it comes to pistachio milk vs cashew milk for weight loss, cashew milk can be a good option as it is low in fats. 

Which Is A Better Protein Source: Pistachio Milk & Cashew Milk?

Protein is a major growth requirement for people of all ages. Plant based milks by nature are low in protein compared to dairy. Pistachio milk and cashew milk offer almost the same protein levels. 

However, pistachio milk and cashew milk are good sources of amino acids, the building blocks of our body. These essential amino acids help in the growth of cells, strengthen muscles and the body. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: For Better Bone Health

Calcium is a vital mineral for bone health and other body functions. Pistachio milk and cashew milk both are low in calcium but the market versions of these milks are fortified with calcium. This helps in keeping the bones strong.

Besides calcium, cashew milk is also a good source of minerals like magnesium and manganese which helps in strengthening bone density. 

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: When To Consume For Best  Results?

Pistachio milk, like pistachio nuts, is very nutrient dense with various health benefits including heart health, sugar control etc. that makes it a perfect morning drink. Consuming a glass of pistachio milk as a part of your breakfast sets you up for a great energetic day.

Cashew milk can be consumed both in the morning and night. When consumed in the morning, it acts as a great energy booster with minerals like iron, filling the body with required nourishment for the day. Consuming cashew milk at bedtime helps you sleep well. 

Which Is An Earth Friendly Option, Pistachio Or Cashew Milk?

One of the major reasons why people are moving towards plant based milk is sustainability. They are more environmentally friendly than dairy based milks. Pistachio milk too is sustainable and has a positive impact on the environment. It consumes less water and does not damage the soil. 

Cashew milk is moderately sustainable because of its excess water consumption. The amount of water required for growing cashews is higher than that of pistachios.

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: Are They A Part Of Vegan Menu?

Vegan foods are plant based foods that do not include any animal based foods. Both pistachio milk and cashew milk are completely vegan as they are made from plants.

When opting for any of the milk it’s good to ensure a balanced diet that helps in meeting the nutrient requirements. Also check for the local availability of the product as some plant based milks are native to particular regions. 

Which Supports Oral Health Better- Pistachio Milk Or Cashew Milk?

Oral health is an indicator of overall health hence ensuring foods which have a positive impact on oral health is essential. The market versions of pistachio milk and cashew milk are fortified with calcium that helps in strengthening the teeth. 

When opting for a market version look out for the sugar content as excess sugar damages the teeth. Besides calcium, both pistachio milk and cashew milk are wonderful sources of minerals and vitamins like phosphorus and K vitamin that protects the teeth and gums.

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: Which Is More Tummy Friendly?

Pistachio milk is very good for the tummy. It is lactose free, gluten free and is a rich source of fibre. It is loaded with B vitamins and essential antioxidants that are very beneficial for the growth of good bacteria in the gut.  

Cashew milk is opted by so many people as it is a fiber rich, lactose and gluten free milk. It is a rich source of zinc, a mineral that helps in healing and promotes intestinal health

Which Can Be A Better Cooling Agent Between Pistachio & Cashew Milk?

Pistachio milk and cashew milk are warm in nature. They are winter foods that can heat the body and keep it warm. 

However since pistachio milk and cashew milk are soaked and made with adequate amounts of water they help in keeping the body cool. A chilled glass of pistachio milk or cashew milk is a good way to beat the heat.

Pistachio Milk Vs Cashew Milk: Which Works Best For Body Hydration?

Pistachio milk is a rich source of potassium, a key electrolyte that helps in maintaining the fluid levels of the body. Besides this, pistachio milk is also a wonderful source of copper that promotes healthy skin.

Cashew milk is good for hydration. It has decent levels of electrolytes like potassium that helps to maintain water balance. Like pistachio milk, cashew milk is also a good source of copper which is great for healthy skin. 

Which Is More Versatile With Flavors –  Pistachio Milk Or Cashew Milk?

Pistachio milk being new to the market is already enjoyed as dairy replacements in coffee. It also goes well with honey and flavours like vanilla. Pistachio milk can also be used in baking for a nice flavour.

Cashew milk has very interesting ways of usage. They are used both in savory and sweet recipes. Cashew milk is used in soups and curries to give it a rich flavour. They are consumed as smoothies and shakes blended with fruits and flavors like vanilla and cocoa.

This brings us to the end of this blog. To sum up, when you come across the question, pistachio milk vs cashew milk which is better, it would be meaningful to go through your requirements list to choose the right one because both are excellent plant based drinks.

I hope this blog acts as your guide in choosing the best milk that helps in a robust lifestyle.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.